I am working on a feature article in the next FOHBC Bottles and Extras for the recent Baltimore Bottle Show and was remembering the really cool tattoo that Nic Queen had on his leg. He even had it on the cover of a local newspaper to promote the show! Nic was kind enough to let me reprint the story.

Some of the Baltimore boys hamming it up at the Appraisal Table at the Baltimore Bottle Show this past March. That is Nic Queen, club President holding up a local paper promoting the show with his leg and a milk bottle bottle tattoo honoring his father! (left to right - Paul Fite, club VP, Greg Franklin, Dave Mathews and Nic Queen)
Well it all started with the 20 questions on “what made you start collecting” etc.
I had been playing with the idea for sometime, really ‘cause’ I just did not know what to get. I wanted something different, something that said it was something that came from the twisted mind of Nic Queen. I just didn’t want to end up with a “tatt” of an average ‘run of the mill’ Bromo-seltzer or a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer bottle. That did not work for me at all.
Well after many long hours of thought, discarded designs, and thinking of something that was really true to me, I came up with an idea which really spoke to me. I figured I wanted to honor my father who passed a few years back at a ripe old age, a tribute of my love of collecting milk bottles, and my love of Maryland.
And now where to get it, my upper arms are about full for my liking, my fore-arms are out for my mind-set, I work in an office setting and well frankly “people” will then know for sure I come from “Glen-tucky” and have a car or 2 in the yard”. And my chest?, Well OUCH!! Well not for me, and my back is getting full and I can’t see it. I finalized on the left outside calf.
Now for the design, I arrived with something which incorporated it all! I came up with a fictitious dairy. My little brain brewed up Double “O” Dairy from Indian Head MD. This way I honor my father, knowing his call sign was “Double “O” during his deer hunting days. Not because he used double “O” buck shot but because when he brought liquor to the hunting lodge, it was always 100 proof or better!! Indian Head Maryland was where he grew up. And well my love of milk bottles. So I endured the pain even, had the guy add a bit of a purple tinge to the glass and a few bubbles too! I am very happy with it and now, how do I give “props” to my love of drinking beer, chasing women, digging bottles, and my beloved Harley motorcycles???
Read More: Tattoo Work Inspired by Glass