2012 Houston Antique Bottle Show – Rain or Shine!
15 July 2012
Well I missed the Friday ‘early bird’ set-up because my flight from the East Coast was 8 hours late and our airports were shut down for a good while backing all air traffic up. Seems like Houston had 10+ inches of rain and major flooding. Last year this time we had the driest year on record and were begging for rain. Hey I’m not complaining, when it rains it pours around here.
This did not stop a record turnout for the smaller Houston show that seems to get more exciting each year with new dealers. Anchored by the likes of Dan Cowman and his ‘off the chart’ three tables of Bitters and paper ephemera, we also had David Cole (Texas bottle legend), Brad Seigler (largest collection of Texas patent medicines) and our own celebrity author, Jim Schmidt of Civil War Medicines (and Writing). I also brought along a few of my Drakes (See: I brought a few of my Drakes to the Houston Show) to stir things up!
You see, I use my table as a trap for the FOHBC and boy were the folks I talked to excited to see the latest issue of Bottles of Extras. I must of signed up 10 new members!
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the show…

I used my table display and the front area of the Drakes light table to display the FOHBC ‘Join Now’ poster and copies of the latest issue of our stellar magazine Bottles and Extras. I was able to sign up 7 members on the spot with promises of others to join.

David Cole is the granddaddy of Texas Bottles. Here is is explaining the Benicia effect on local found glass. David has a major collection of Texas Hutches, blobs, crown tops, bitters and go-withs.

Some of Dan Cowman’s DRAKES PLANTATION BITTERS he brought for sale. Must have been a dozen or so great colors. Dan is a dominant player with paper medicine ephemera. His three tables alone were reason enough to visit the show!

Table center-piece display for Jim Schmidt of Civil War Medicine (and Writing). This was Jim’s first time to display at a bottle show. Jim has been instrumental in providing depth and research for obscure bottles in my collection.

Just a small sampling of the great displays of Texas patent and drugstore medicine bottles on the Brad Seigler table. Brad probably has the dominant collection of Texas patent medicine bottles along with David Cole.

Our dearest friends, Tom and Alicia Booth take a break before show start-up to cathch up on the news. We meet the Booths at our first Houston show in 2003 and have been friends since. The Booths will be joining us at the FOHBC Manchester, NH National in 2013 as Manchester is Tom’s home town.

One of the great advertising pieces on Dan Cowman’s table. I love the illustrations for the “Three Days of Cure for Men” with Gonorrhoea.

Legendary DEWEY’S MANILLA BITTERS pitcher on Dan Cowman’s table. The pitcher used to be in the collection of the Booths.
“Jim has been instrumental in providing depth and research for obscure bottles in my collection.”
Ferd – I can’t imagine a nicer compliment. Thanks for that. And thanks especially for all of the encouragement, advice, and support you have provided me in my own collecting and writing efforts.