Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part III
PART III of a Series – Ketcham Drinking Gallery
23 August 2012
With record speed I am opening the third gallery of vintage drinking pictures from up North as new material has come in from Steve Ketcham. This is a continuation of Photographs of People Drinking – Part I and Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part II. If you have any candidates for inclusion in future galleries, please forward. Thanks.

Steve Ketcham accepting an award at the FOHBC Reno Expo Banquet
Hi Ferdinand, I have been busy scanning my bottle-related photos, and will send along more in the near future. For now, I felt it imperative to send along these images of groups of young gents drinking because methinks it only proper that the young ladies in the Phi-Drinka-Dogma image you posted be accompanied as they drink. It appears that one fellow, standing in front of John Woratschka’s Saloon (New Ulm, Minnesota), was doing a bit of cross-dressing. Oh, the folly to which drinking may lead! Thanks for all the Peachridge Glass fun! Steve Ketcham
Visit Steve’s great web site Antique Bottle Depot
Ketcham Drinking Gallery

The bottles all carry Grain Belt (Minneapolis Brewing Company) labels.

Look at the size of the pot-bellied stove and the whiskey bottles. No getting cold here!

Equally spaced spittoons at the long bar.

Not a frown among them. Three in the group appear to be holding enameled cups bearing the image of the Kaiser.

Diggin’ those boots the guy on the right is wearing.

Wife helping out. Like that risque nude picture behind her. No Playboy yet.

That fellow up front appears to be a bit underage!

They are drinking Hamm’s Beer, a St. Paul, Minnesota product.

Enjoying a Grain Belt (Minneapolis Brewing Company).

I like all the hanging towels on these bar pictures. Wipe that spittle and froth away.

Washburn, Wisconsin pose. What are they drinking?

The stenciled jug at right is from Wm. Steinmeyer, a Milwaukee liquor dealer.

Judging from the labels and signs, this one was in St. Paul.

Lots of spittoons here.

Local NRA meeting? (not meant to offend NRA members – I took my rifle safety training from this organization at a very young age!)

Posing in front of a Milwaukee bar

Lots of missed shots at the spittoons.

Notice the Lash’s Bitters sign at upper left.

The dog on the bar is in charge of filling growlers.

Two views of a Minneapolis bar.

A group seeking to stay warm in the snows around New Ulm, Minnesota.

Schmidt’s Beer get prominent space above this pose.

A Milwaukee saloon gathering.

Not as early as the other photos, but a fun photo of what appears to be a post WWII St. Paul or Minneapolis bar.

Strange as it may seem, I have the three decanters just to the right of the lady behind the bar in my collection: Minnesota Club, Old Blue Ribbon, and Pickwick Rye. Those last two brands were sold by George Benz of Appetine bitters fame. Labeled bottles of several other local brands can be identified here as well. – Steve Ketcham

Note the glass label decanters on the bar.

St. Paul, Minnesota bar pose. Got to be winter time.

Looks like the Fourth of July.

A serious game of Old Maid? Young gents from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin

Both proud and toasting their new haircuts.

Four young gents with a Pike’s Peak Flask – photo provided by Mark Vuono
Photographs of People Drinking – Part I
Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part II
Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part III
Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part IV (Brewing)
Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part V
Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part VI
Possibly the Earliest Photograph of People Drinking Beer – Part VII
About Ferdinand Meyer V
Ferdinand Meyer V is a native of Baltimore, Maryland and has a BFA in Fine Art and Graphic Design from the Kansas City Art Institute and School of Design. Ferdinand is the founding Principal of FMG Design, a nationally recognized design consultation firm. Ferdinand is a passionate collector of American historical glass specializing in bitters bottles, color runs and related classic figural bottles. He is married to Elizabeth Jane Meyer and lives in Houston, Texas with their daughter and three wonderful grandchildren. The Meyers are also very involved in Quarter Horses, antiques and early United States postage stamps. Ferdinand is the past 6-year President of the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors and is one of the founding members of the FOHBC Virtual Museum.
Great pics Steve! This is how our Mn. & Wi. forefathers kept warm in the Winter. As to your “crossdresser”, could it have been a woman in partial disguise, preparing to head in where ladies weren’t allowed?
so thats where the term Growler comes from! In the first picture in the group the young lad to the far left appears to be drinking out of his ear! I also have to wonder in the pic entitle NRA meeting, (in which it looks as if they are really boozing it up), the gentlemen standing on the left appears to be taking a swig while holding a pistol to his temple? Great photos