I just wanted to take a moment to post some neat insulators shots I found trolling through the insulator facebook pages. It is fun to watch the incoming images from these folks. See more pictures these groups and others… Telegraph & Telephone Poles carrying some Beautiful Glass or Insulator Hunters
Insulator Hunters
Glass Insulators – Buy/Sell/Trade
Insulator Collectors
Collecting Insulators

Just a old power line, but here in 2012 insulators are still used, i just wish they still used glass! – Jimmy Zagorski – Insulator Collectors

The light was hitting the shelves just right … had to take this picture before the light was gone! – Collecting Insulators

Yellow Olive Green CD 101 Brookfield. This is in the sun, but obviously is darker when not. – Larry Baumann – Insulator Collectors

My CD 128 Hemingray experimental Insulator came today! For my Non Hemingray collectors its the 4 dots on the bottom that make this special. Hard one to get! [045] (F-Skirt) HEMINGRAY/[Numbers and dots] (R-Skirt) C.S.A. {Base has four indentations; experimental piece} – Shaun Kotlarsky

I have a nice Hemi No 40 that is green/blue mix with nice ambering. – Chris McClelland – Glass Insulators

My only Patent Dec 19 1871 piece, I think it’s ice green? Part of my shelf’s diverity collection (Non-NEGM things) alas my window shelf only fits 98 pieces and I’m at 97… now what? – Roadwood Luges – Insulator Collectors

My newest addition knowles cable in yellow green, pat June 17 1890 – Doug Rusher – Insulator Collectors

esterday I found two M-3070 limas and an original 1908 crossarm up near Stevens pass in Washington state… WOHOO the goodies are still out there folks! – Michael W Spadafora – Insulator Hunters

I collect a lot of insulators & hardwhare; displaying some of them at my deer hunting place on a old tree stump. – Jimmy Zagorski – Insulator Collectors

This is for Michael and Shaun I thought you’d get a kick out of this one. I held this in my hands(praying all the while not to drop it =p) Not sure where it is now but man is it nice. Very light Lilac – Patrick Moylan – Insulator Collectors

It’s only an H.G.Co, but still a neat picture. I left it sitting there waiting for someone else to find it 🙂 – Anthony Eiting – Insulator Hunters