“Cures Malaria and Indigestion”
15 December 2012 (R•101813)
“This Regulator Clock is Presented by The Geo. W. M. Reed Bitter Co. of New Haven, Conn. thru their Wholesale Agents, as a gift to our patrons, and is intended to attract attention to the merits of, “REED’S GILT EDGE TONIC”

While putting together the post on the Reed’s Bitters the other day I came across some really cool advertising clocks put out by The George W. M. Reed Bitter Company in New Haven, Connecticut. Read: A mysterious little Reeds Bitters Vial. I have always really liked chiming pendulum clocks. I can remember at my grandparents house as a child, hearing all of the clocks chiming at slightly different times on the hour and half hour. Some even chimed on the quarter hour. To this day, as I type this post now at 3:28 am, I await four chimes in about two minutes here at Peach Ridge. Every once in a blue moon, the four clocks chime at exactly the same moment. I enjoyed reading about these clocks. What a great way to advertise your product. I would love to see an old drugstore or saloon photograph with one of these on a counter or hanging on a wall.
Read More: Reed’s Bitters – A mysterious little Reed’s Bitters Vial

A beautiful maple Reed’s Gilt Edge Tonic clock cabinet. – icollector.com

Detail of the clock face for a Sessions Reed’s Gilt Edge Tonic Advertising Clock. Quarter store size, oak case with 12″ dial time.

Sessions Reed’s Tonic regulator clock, oak case with advertising glass & dial, “Reed’s Gilt-Edge Tonic-Cures Malaria & Indigestion”, complete w/pendulum, 37″H x 16″W. – Live Auctioneers

Detail of color graphics reading “REED’S GILT EDGE TONIC”. – Live Auctioneers

Sessions Reed’s Tonic regulator clock glass window graphics detail – Live Auctioneers

Advertising clock, ca 1865. The label inside the door reads, “This Regulator Clock is Presented by The Geo. W. M. Reed Bitter Co. of New Haven, Conn. thru their Wholesale Agents, as a gift to our patrons, and is intended to attract attention to the merits of, “REED’S GILT EDGE TONIC”. The label also says the clock was made in their own factory. This open swingcase style is very rare, yet the top is identical to the more common boxcase style. The ebony painted wood case is 27″ tall, has an original brass pendulum rod and bob, and a heavy beveled glass over the dial. The movementis signed “L. Hubbell”, is time only, and runs 8 days. – Antique Clocks Price Guide

Interior label within a Sessions Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic Advertising Clock. – Live Auctioneers

Reeds Tonic Advertising Clock: The blackened wood case has floral and line engravings. Below the dial are 2 behind glass notices of Reed’s Tonic (Gilt Edge) cure Malaria and Indigestion. 24″ tall. – Live Auctioneers

Detail clock face – Reeds Tonic Advertising Clock: The blackened wood case has floral and line engravings. Below the dial are 2 behind glass notices of Reed’s Tonic (Gilt Edge) cure Malaria and Indigestion. 24″ tall. – Live Auctioneers

Detail graphics on a Reed’s Tonic Advertising Clock: The blackened wood case has floral and line engravings. – Live Auctioneers

Detail interior label on a Reed’s Tonic Advertising Clock – Live Auctioneers
2 ft tall Reed’s Gilt Edge Tonic grandfather advertising clock with Cures Malaria and Indigestion slogan – Norman C. Heckler & Company
About Ferdinand Meyer V
Ferdinand Meyer V is a native of Baltimore, Maryland and has a BFA in Fine Art and Graphic Design from the Kansas City Art Institute and School of Design. Ferdinand is the founding Principal of FMG Design, a nationally recognized design consultation firm. Ferdinand is a passionate collector of American historical glass specializing in bitters bottles, color runs and related classic figural bottles. He is married to Elizabeth Jane Meyer and lives in Houston, Texas with their daughter and three wonderful grandchildren. The Meyers are also very involved in Quarter Horses, antiques and early United States postage stamps. Ferdinand is the past 6-year President of the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors and is one of the founding members of the FOHBC Virtual Museum.