Not to be Undone..
I recently did a post on some killer unembossed colored squares from the Mike McKillop (Roseville, California) collection. Read: I happen to collect unembossed applied top squares. Embedded in the post was a cryptic.”Tom Doligale..are you looking?” message. Well, Tom Doligale (Louisville, Kentucky) was looking and not to be undone, and as I expected, has reacted to Mike’s squares and sent some pictures from his own collection. I love it when collectors show their passion and competitiveness in a responsible way.
“Tom Doligale..are you looking?”
It wasn’t too long ago that Tom put out an ‘All Points Bulletin” announcing that he was looking for unembossed colored squares. You see, Tom has cornered the market with Udolpho Wolfe’s Aromatic Schnapps (read: Tom Doligale and his Udolpho Wolfe’s Aromatic Schnapps) so I remember thinking, this is going to be good when Tom is ready to send in some pictures. Well, here they are, some magnificent colored squares from the Tom Doligale collection.

Tom Doligale posing with his Udolpho Wolfe’s Aromatic Schnapp’s collection – picture from Antique Bottle and Glass Collector
Hi Ferd, can you please share these pictures with that Mike fella who has his colored squares. Or you can post them on that page as the Tom Doligale collection or however you do it. Thanks buddy,
I thought I would also add this fun comment that Tom left over at Mike’s posting.
Mike, great looking squares. I kinda freaked-out for a second thinking they were Ferdinands squares and said,”why that little”..! But saw it was a readers
bottles. I will agree Mike, colored squares like that are very tough to find. nobody is selling them and you don’t see them at shows. I was lucky to find some of mine, (I have about 30) on eBay before people saw how sweet they are and bought a small collection from a guy who contacted me. Also picked up a couple from friends on facebook. Great looking bottles Mike!! Least I’ll know who’s outbidding me on eBay when one comes up!! 🙂
Tom Doligale
“TOUCH’E” Tom, I don’t like them,… I LOVE THEM! Great squares. Thats what makes this hobby so much fun. Collectors coming together with the same passion. I know of a few more western collectors rounding-up unembossed squares. The playing field isn’t as small as you think. GOOD LUCK HUNTING! Mike