Now here’s something none of you have – For Xmas my wife to be commissioned a special, one of a kind birdhouse by HVBC (Hudson Valley Bottle Club) Club Treasurer Art Church, a friend of ours. Art builds birdhouses sort of as a hobby and to sell them, one of kind folk-art. Peg co-conspired w/Art without me knowing it to custom make this birdhouse for me. There are a lot of themes going on around it, including stuff Peg & I have done, places we like to go, etc….overall just a great effort and I just loved it. Thought you’d all like to see. Mike Stephano
“The birds will have to figure out someplace else to live ’cause I’m not putting it outside!”

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About Ferdinand Meyer V
Ferdinand Meyer V is a native of Baltimore, Maryland and has a BFA in Fine Art and Graphic Design from the Kansas City Art Institute and School of Design. Ferdinand is the founding Principal of FMG Design, a nationally recognized design consultation firm. Ferdinand is a passionate collector of American historical glass specializing in bitters bottles, color runs and related classic figural bottles. He is married to Elizabeth Jane Meyer and lives in Houston, Texas with their daughter and three wonderful grandchildren. The Meyers are also very involved in Quarter Horses, antiques and early United States postage stamps. Ferdinand is the past 6-year President of the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors and is one of the founding members of the FOHBC Virtual Museum.