1857 Bird’s Eye View of Philadelphia. Depicts view of city looking from west of Schuylkill toward the Delaware. John Bachman Lithographer), Printer: P.S. Duval & Son – Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Singing along at Dyottville Glass Works
08 May 2013
For a number of reasons I have been searching through old Philadelphia directories searching for information. I couldn’t help but to get side tracked on Dyottville Glass Works again and in particular on a series of ‘rosy’ comments that paint a clean and joyful experience for the young men and primarily ‘boys’ working in these glass factories and furnaces (see 1834 clipping below). You will also see a series of retail listings at the bottom of this post for T. W. Dyott and Dyottville Glass Works.

Three Colorful Washington/Taylor Quarts made at Dyottville Glass Works . Photo submitted by club member Eric Schmetterling – New Jersey Antique Bottle Club
Singing along at Dyottville Glass Works
“Almost all learn to sing, and you may hear the various companies of laborers-singing most delightedly, while busy at their work, sometimes twenty of thirty times a day.”
“Of the 300 laborers, 225 are boys, some of whom are not more than eight years of age.”
“They are industrious, orderly and apparently happy.”
“They are taught every evening the branches of a plain, practical education. They have also a library.”
To me, this is incredible. It looks like some executives, church going, God fearing wife wrote this to feel better about making these children work such long horrendous hours under such harsh conditions. I really like the glossing over the children working long shifts and night shifts by saying they are taught every evening and are singing throughout their shift!

Glass bottle production. Historical artwork of children working alongside adults in a glass bottle factory.
Read More: Glass Works and Glass Factories – Hell on Earth?
Read More: Boys in Glass Houses – Taking on the Mannerisms of Men
“Employees were urged to spend at the company stores in the Dyottville community rather than redeem the Labor Bank Note.”

Example of a 1836 Dyottville $10 promissory note issued by Dr Dyott’s Manual Labor Bank. Employees were urged to spend at the company stores in the Dyottville community rather than redeem the Labor Bank Note. – submitted by Paul Joseph Goodwin
T. W. Dyott and Dyottville Glass Works Directory Listings

1836 portrait of Thomas W. Dyott used on the above bank note. He was 56 at the time. – submitted by Eric Richter
Important Read: A brief history of the Philadelphia Glass Works (Later Called Kensington Glass Works) by Kevin A. Sives

1821 exterior image of Dr. T. W. Dyott’s office in Fishtown/Kensington neighborhood. Advertisement reads: “Approved Family Medicines, which are celebrated for the cure of most diseases which the human body is liable: prepared only by the sole proprietor, T. W. Dyott, M. D. Grandson of the late celebrated Dr. Robertson of Edinburgh – Historical Society of Pennsylvania
A portion of an article from my book EARLY GLASSWORKS OF CALIFORNIA also mentions the lively amusement often heard from the workers at the glass factory. This excerpt comes from an 1867 article on the workings of the Pacific Glass Works.
“A remarkable feature in the workshop is the cheerfulness that obtains among the men and boys. The employment is seemingly more an amusement than labor. Singing and lively conversation were genearal, and even occasionally a number joined in some popular ditty, a key note having been struck by one acquainted with the musical taste of the light hearted blowers.”