Advertisement for Dr. Nauman’s German Army Bitters and B 148.1 Herman Wolfgang’s Boonekamp Bitters – Daily Alta, California, Volume 24, Number 8196, 4 September 1872
G. A. B. – Dr. Nauman’s German Army Bitters
San Francisco
“Lightning Strikes Twice”
30 August 2013 | Ferdinand Meyer V
If you read below, I’m going to repeat a phrase I used yesterday to describe the situation when I came across two unlisted bitters with the same name on the same day. There is not much information on this brand with the exception of a few advertisements and San Francisco directory listings. I would like to thank Bill Ham and Brian Wolff for research assistance.
It is not often nowadays to come across an unlisted bitters. It does happen and it is somewhat akin, I suppose, to finding a new species in the deep Amazon jungle or an unknown blind fish in the Mariana Trench. Well, you can imagine my surprise when I got an email from Gary Beatty about his new find, that being a German Army Bitters from Ironton, Ohio. While researching this brand I also came across another unlisted Dr. Nauman’s Celebrated German Army Bitters from San Francisco, California. Huh. Does lightning strike twice in the same place?
Read: The unlisted German Army Bitters – Ironton, Ohio
They were used in the Sanitary Department of the German army in the late war, and highly recommended as a tonic and also for their anti-dyspeptic qualities.
I am also hoping that Warren Friedrich can chime in on this brand. Obviously this is a German product made for the American western market. Where was the concoction made and bottled? Note that Walter (in various advertisements and listings) is noted as a Sole Agent, Importer, Distiller of Bitters and Wholesale Liquor Dealer for the Pacific Coast.
Where was the concoction made and bottled? Note that Walter (in various advertisements and listings) is noted as a Sole Agent, Importer, Distiller of Bitters and Wholesale Liquor Dealer for the Pacific Coast.
Bill Ham has provided the following number and listing for the Dr. Nauman’s advertisement find. The material will be added to the forthcoming Bitters Bottles Supplement 2.
Advertisement (see top of post)
N 15.3 Dr. Nauman’s Celebrated German Army Bitters
Daily Alta, Volume 24, Number 8196, September 4, 1872
Walter & Marcuse, Importers. No. 414 Sacramento Street, Between Sansome and Battery, San Francisco

The same advertisement for Dr. Nauman’s German Army Bitters with a ‘German’ influence and market projection – 1872 – California Journal und Sonntags-Gast – San Francisco, California

Advertisement for Dr. Nauman’s German Army Bitters – Daily Alta California, Volume 24, Number 8198, 6 September 1872

Listing for Walter & Marcuse (Max Walter), agents German Army Bitters, 414 Sacramento – San Francisco Directory 1874

Listing for Walter & Lieber (Max Walter and Leopold Lieber), agents German Army Bitters, 621 Sansome – San Francisco Directory 1878