C. T. Hughes & Co. Sauce Bottle
Where is it from?
13 September 2013
The other day we read about the dig with all of the pontiled bottles. Read: The One We Have Waited For, Privy Heaven!!!! The bottle that really caught my attention, not only because it was a nice photograph, was the C. T. HUGHES & CO. What a great shape for a sauce bottle. It reminded me of the Wells, Miller & Provost cathedral sauce bottles.
The information with the Privy Heaven post did not list a locale, city or even the diggers names. I can understand that. After looking at the pictures, I started blowing up the logos on the shirts and hats, looking at street signs and other clues that might give me some support info to aid in a search. Just searching C. T. Hughes & Co. was pulling up no leads. I started guessing Charleston, Memphis, Philadelphia and some of the other usual suspects. When I asked about information on the bottle on facebook I got a few hits:
“I had one of the Hughes like this that was embossed Cincinnati”- Joe Hardin
“That C.T. HUGHES peppersauce is probably the rarest bottle those guys dug, unlisted and I have never seen or heard of this one! I do have a C.T. HUGHES large cylinder pickle (missing top) that is also unlisted” – Dennis Rogers
“My understanding is that this was dug in Indiana and the food bottle may be from Cincinnatti, Ohio” – Andy Goldfrank
Andy even provided a link for the following listing:
Once getting the Cincinnati information, the rest came together in rather short order. It looks as though Charles T. Hughes was only in business for one or two years after coming from a family grocery business.
Hughes & Glenn, grocers, s. s. 5th, b. Vine and Race, Cincinnati Directory 1849-50
Hughes Charles T. clk. e.s. Plum b. 4th and 5th, Cincinnati Directory 1849-50
Hughes Wm. P. (H. & Glenn) e.s. Plum b. 4th and 5th, Cincinnati Directory 1849-50, 1850-51
Glenn John G. (Huges & G), n. s. 4th. b. Lawrence and Pike, also 128 e. 4th, Cincinnati Directory 1849-50, 1850-51
C. T. Hughes, & Co. 1 Hopple’s Alley, put up pickles, preserves, sauces, catsups, and hermetically sealed articles, warranted to keep in all climates. Their customers are in every part of the south and south-west, Sketches and Statistics of Cincinnati in 1851
Pickles, Vinegar Maufacturers, Hughes Charles T. 1 and 4 Hopple’s alley, Cincinnati Directory 1851-52
HUGHES CHARLES T, manuf. pickles, catsups, sauces, &c. 1 & 4 Hopples alley, h.e.s. Plum b. 4th & 5th, , Cincinnati Directory 1851-52
Hughes, C T, 166 Plum, Cincinnati Directory 1853

C. T. Hughes advertisement, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealer in Pickles, Preserves, Pepper Sauce, Catsups, Pure Cider, Vinegar, &c. – Cincinnati Directory, 1851-52
Hi Ferdinand, just wanted to drop a line or two and say thanks for the information on the C. T. Hughes and Co. pepper sauce. I have been searching for where this bottle was produced and I believe you nailed it. Or your viewers have at least. I am the hand that is in the picture of the bottle and the guy who dug it. I have no reason to hide where I found it. It was in Notre Dame Country here in South Bend Indiana. The pit and area where we dug is now a gigantic parking lot. As for the rarity of the bottle it sounds like a good one. I’m sure it will be on the market soon as I don’t really collect pepper sauce bottles. Just getting it cleaned up a bit. It is a real nice light teal/blue color. It was a fun pit to dig that’s for sure. Thanks again for the information. Thanks again. Jim Wolff