Where is the Bitter Puyastier from?
21 June 2014 (R•042919)
David Jackson sent me a picture of him holding a Bitter Puyastier and said, “Hi Ferdinand, Do you have any info on this bottle? I have one in amber and have seen it in green. Not much info on the web. Best Regards and will see you in Lexington, David Jackson”. David has a collection of really great seal bottles so I can see why this bottle might interest him. Read: David Jackson and his Applied Seal Bottles
At first, some indications pointed to a French bitters by Barthelemy Puyastier later sold in Montevideo, Uruguay and Buenos Aires, Argentina as I find some patents and listings in various periodicals from the 1878 to 1910. The 1878 registration for Bitter Puyastier by Mateo Petit was at the Paris Universal Exposition.
The bitters is not listed in Ring and Ham and probably should be included in Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. Kind of ironic to be looking at France, Uruguay and Argentina as I watch the first round of the FIFA World Cup from Brazil.
Here is an advertisement submitted by Paul Sebastian Palmer. Bernasconi & Co. in Buenos Aires is referenced as one of the agents. The second is Serè & Cia,, Montevideo.
The new listing for the forthcoming Bitters Bottles Supplement 2:
12 1/4
Round with applied seal, amber, Applied ring mouth
A group of these old bottles was found at an old factory site in Uruguay. Manufacture style and the bottles found with it at the location suggest turn of the century or later time period. Neck is somewhat of a short lady’s leg shape.
Probably from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Select Timeline:
1878: Bitter Puyastier registration by Mateo Petit – Paris Universal Exposition of 1878
1885: French patents for Bitter Puyastier

Photgraph of a drawing at an open exhibition in Prado, Montevideo, Uruguay – 1880 – 1905 period estimate

1878 Mateo Petit Bitter Puyastier listing – (Uruguay) Apuntes estadísticos: (población, comercio, hacienda) para la Exposición Universal de París

1885 French Patents for Bitter Puyastier – Bulletin officiel de la propriété industrielle et commerciale