Round 1 Favored Logo Concept
2016 Sacramento National Antique Bottle Convention Logo Designs | Part 2
05 October 2014
The concept of using a Sacramento sculpture to anchor the design is the theme here. Here are some new, rough, low-res, round 2 logo concepts for the 2016 Sacramento National Antique Bottle Convention. These concepts revolve around a well-known Sacramento Pony Express sculpture. The last stop for the Pony Express was Sacramento. See Part 1 Logo Concepts. Let me know what you think. fmeyer@fohbc.org

There was a suggestion to use the famous kneeling Gold Miner sculpture in Auburn as a reference (see upper left). The 49er Historical Bottle Club is very effectively using the gold miner concept (Upper right) and actually won First Place at the 2013 Lexington National for their show flyer with this image. Let us let them have this glory and not try to use the same idea, not to mention, let’s try to use a sculpture from Sacramento.

Concept A – Pony Express

Concept B – Pony Express

Concept C – Pony Express

Concept D – Pony Express
About Ferdinand Meyer V
Ferdinand Meyer V is a native of Baltimore, Maryland and has a BFA in Fine Art and Graphic Design from the Kansas City Art Institute and School of Design. Ferdinand is the founding Principal of FMG Design, a nationally recognized design consultation firm. Ferdinand is a passionate collector of American historical glass specializing in bitters bottles, color runs and related classic figural bottles. He is married to Elizabeth Jane Meyer and lives in Houston, Texas with their daughter and three wonderful grandchildren. The Meyers are also very involved in Quarter Horses, antiques and early United States postage stamps. Ferdinand is the past 6-year President of the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors and is one of the founding members of the FOHBC Virtual Museum.
I like both concept A and D. The sculpture gives “the trail ends here” kind of a theme.
Yes! Action; makes me want to jump on my horse for Sac right now. Sorry if feedback on 1st proposal was too candid; just returned in the wee hours from Canyonville weekend….yawn:)
Hi Ferdinand, I vote for concept C, Pony Express…really like that one. Dwayne (Anthony)
Jeffrey Burkhardt – Yes! Action; makes me want to jump on my horse for Sac right now.
Dale Santos – I like the ” A ” concept the best