S.O. Dunbar & his Tomato (ya ya ya) Bitters
23 November 2014 (R•112514) (R•060219) (R•082519)
Bitters ephemera authority Joe Gourd, sent me the above handbill from the druggist, S. O. Dunbar from Taunton, Massachusetts. The Tomato, Sarsaparilla, Blackberry, Dandelion and Wild Cherry, Vegetable Compound Life Renovating Bitters has to be the longest name for a bitters product ever. Samuel Oliver Dunbar pretty much spent his whole life in Taunton. We have heard from Mr. Dunbar before.

“S.O. Dunbar / Taunton Mass” Ink Bottle, America, 1840-1860. Twelve sided, bright blue green, sheared mouth – pontil scar, ht. 2 1/4 inches; (shallow 1/8 inch flake from base edge). C #520 Interesting 1/4 inch piece of glass adhered to side. Rare in this color. Strong embossing. Ex Roger Long collection. – Heckler Auctions
I didn’t have to look far for good information as Ed and Lucy Faulkner, from up Virginia way, had done a nice article in the FOHBC Bottles and Extras back in 2010. Makes sense, as Ed and Lucy are ink bottle authorities and Samuel O. Dunbar sold some neat inks. Read article.
These two trade cards from Joe Gourd for S. O. Dunbar started a chain reaction making us change the T 35 designation in Bitters Bottles to “L” listings in Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. The bottle image is from GreatAntiqueBottles.com
Trade cards
L 90.5 LIFE BITTERS, Illustration roses and flowers. S.O. Dunbar, Merry Christmas or Happy New Year, Basement Post Office, Reverse: Manufacturer of Fluid Magnesia, Writing, Stencil & Dotting Ink, Swan’s Cherry Syrup, Shepard’s Condition Powders, Life Bitters…Taunton, Mass. See s2L 90.5
L 91.5 L … Tomato, Sarsaparilla, Blackberry, Dandelion and Wild Cherry, Vegetable Compound Life Renovating Bitters
S. O. DUNBAR / TAUNTON / MASS. // c //
7 1/4 x 3 1/4 (4 1/2)
Round, Aqua, LTC, Rough pontil mark S. O. Dunbar, Sole Agent, Bank Row, Taunton, Mass.
S. O. Dunbar (Samuel Oliver Dunbar), apothecary and books, 9 and 10 Bank Row, Taunton. Taunton, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1859
BAR p40, UMB 519, WAT L45 Previously T 35 in Bitters Bottles. See s2L 91.7
L 91.7 LIFE RENOVATING BITTERS, The Cheapest and Best Bitters to be had, Tomato, Sarsaparilla, Blackberry, Dandelion and Wild Cherry, Vegetable Compound Life Renovating Bitters. Prepared and sold by S. O. Dunbar, Taunton, Mass.

The bottle shown above is one of the 1850 age bottles known from the S. O. Dunbar Company in Taunton. This bottle was thought to have contained ink but this specimen, with the original label shows it to be a medicine. It is likely that he used this container for both ink and medicine. – Bottle Books

“S.O. DUNBAR – TAUNTON – MASS.”, (Faulkner pg. 61), Massachusetts, ca. 1840 – 1840, aqua, 10-sided, 4 1/8”h, open pontil, thin tooled flared out lip. Perfect condition, highly whittled glass, rarely seen size and form. Ex. Bob Mebane Collection #128. – Glass Works Auctions