July | 2019
See Daily Dose January – April 2019
28 July 2019 | Sunday
Adding a dose glass reference to BBs2.
Dose glass
O 52.5 OLD VETERAN BITTERS CO / CHICAGO, Etched lettering on colorless glass, 2 ½ x 1 7/8 top x 1 5/16 base
The Old Veteran Bitters Co., Patent No. 85,610, Feb 27 – Commissioner of Patents Annual Report, 1913
Old Veteran’s Bitters Co., Chicago, Ill., Veteran Kidney and Liver Bitters, 20.41 alcohol by volume – Congressional Record, 1917
See sC 99.5 L . . . Celebrated Old Veteran Kidney and Stomach Bitters
28 July 2019 | Sunday
Starting into the “O” review of unlisted bitters for inclusion into Bitters bottles Supplement 2. Here first, is a business card from Joe Gourd for O’Leary’s 20th Century Stomach Bitters. Stomach does not appear in existing Bitters Bottles book listings for the bottles.
Business card
O 56.7 O’LEARY’S 20th CENTURY STOMACH BITTERS, Illustration of labeled bottle, The J. A. Leary Co., Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Cordials, No. 3 Orange Place, Newark, N. J., E. A. Bloxsom, President, A. Hecker, Secretary. Reverse: A Few of our own Specialties in Cordials – Liver and Kidney Bitters, Stomach Bitters, Per Case. See O 54, O 55, O 56.
27 July 2019 | Saturday
Trying to straighten out some very early Boston listings for Old Doctor William Abbott’s Bitters, Dr. Abbott’s Bitters, Abbott’s Bitters and C. A. Richards’ Abbott Bitters. Here is what we have so far for Bitters Bottles Supplement 2.
Read: An unlisted Dr. Abbott’s Bitters by C. A. Richards
A 3.4 L … Dr. Abbott’s Bitters, (Portrait Dr. Abbott in oval), For the Cure of Indigestion, C. A. Richards, Sole Proprietor, 89 State Street, Boston, signature C. A. Richards
11 ½ x 3
Round, Black green, DC, Applied mouth
Bottle found in Sacramento, California
Newspaper Advertisement
A 3.7 ABBOTT’S BITTERS, Or, Health Restorative, a superior Medicine where a good stomachic is required. Prepared by Smith & Abbott, Boston, The Camden Weekly Journal (South Carolina), January 2, 1855
See s2 A 3.4, s2 O 26.5
Newspaper Advertisement
A 3.8 DR. ABBOTT’S BITTERS, Botanic Store Established in 1815, Dr. Abbott’s Bitters, Dr. Elias Smith’s Cholera, Herbs, Powders, &c., wholesale and retail, By J. & B. F. Abbott, 140 Hanover-st., Boston, The Brattleboro Eagle (Vermont), April 29, 1850.
Predecessor to Old Doctor William Abbott’s Bitters and C. A. Richards’ Abbott Bitters. See s2 A 3.4, s2O 26.5
J. & B. F. Abbott (Benjamin), Botanic and Thomsonian Medicine, 140 Hanover, house do., The Boston Directory, Sampson & Murdock Company, 1848
Newspaper Advertisement
O 26.5 OLD DOCTOR WILLIAM ABBOTT’S BITTERS, The Great Race!! 5000 Bottles Sold in 30 Days!!, Old Dr. Wm. Abbott Ahead, Druggists and Grocers who wish for this article, will please address themselves to the Proprietor, C. A. Richards, 89 State Street, Boston, July 19, 1855, The Vermont Patriot and State Gazette, September 21, 1855
Predecessor to Dr. Abbott’s Bitters and C. A. Richards’ Abbott Bitters. See s2 A 3.4
26 July 2019 | Friday
Drakes Military Parade…
The Druggist HandBook of Private Formulas by John N. Nelson, Cleveland, Ohio, 1878 references a few bitters formulas. Look at the alcohol content!
Here is a booklet that references an unlisted bitters. Now added to BBs2.
M 51.1 MAXHAM’S HAPPY HOME BITTERS, Maxham’s Little Hand-Book of Useful Information. Trade Mark. Published by Ed. A. Maxham, Bethel, Vermont. Large notice on page within: Maxham’s Happy Home Bitters description and testimonials, Sold at 50 Cents per Bottle. Dec. 30, 1875. Back page: All orders and communications should be addressed to Ed. A. Maxham, Pharmacist, Bethel, Windsor County, Vermont. P.O. Box, 110.
Bill of Lading
I 27.5 IRON BITTERS, Received of M. W. Marshall, Manufacturers of and Dealer in Patent Medicines, No. 14 Oak Street, Fond du Lac, Wis., … doz. Iron Bitters, 8.00 …, June 8, 1888
M. W. Marshall, Patent Medicines, 14-16 Oak, res 9 Oak, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, City Directory, 1897
25 July 2019 | Thursday
Hard to believe that this time next week we will be at Mike & Julie Newmans Open House. Wow, time is flying by. Squeezing in some Bitters Bottles Supplement 2 (BBs2) work each day.
These two gentleman seem pretty excited with being offered a beautiful bottle of National Stomach Bitters with two servings of their favorite drink. Unlisted trade card from Joe Gourd.
Trade card
N 11.5 NATIONAL STOMACH BITTERS, Illustration of two seated gentleman being served a tray with a bottle of National Stomach Bitters and two glasses by a beautiful woman. Drink National Stomach Bitters. I. Michelson & Bros., Cincinnati, O. Reverse blank.
I. Michelson & Bros. (Morris Michelson), Cincinnati, Ohio. 1896-1918
Odd reference to Nevada Valley Tonic Bitters.
Printers proof
N 19.5 NEVADA VALLEY TONIC BITTERS, Trade Mark. Incomplete printers proof as centered circle has no graphics.
Here is a trade card from Joe Gourd for an unlisted bitters. Working in ‘M’s” today.
Trade card
M 61.5 McMURTRY’S TONIC AND STRENGTHENING BITTERS Illustration young girl bathing a boy in a tub. Manufactured at Conneautville, Pa. 50 Cents a Bottle
William T. McMurtry was a druggist and physician in Conneautville, Pa. according to 1870 and 1880 United Stated Federal Census reports. He later practiced and died in Eugene, Oregon.
24 July 2019 | Wednesday
An aqua corn stands proud in the field.
An interesting label proof for National Stomach Bitters by Kurtz Medical Co. in Pittsburgh. What is interesting here, is that the label can now be matched up with the elusive embossed bottle and a trade card previously listed in the Bitters Bottles books. Card from Joe Gourd. Bottle from Glass Works Auctions.
Label Proof
N 11 NATIONAL STOMACH BITTERS, Illustration of perched eagle, An Alterative Anti-Bilious and Tonic Preparation, A Certain and Speedy Cure for all forms of Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Biliousness …, Directions – A small wine-glassful three times a day, before meals. Manufactured by Kurtz Medical Co., Sole Proprietors, Pittsburgh, PA.
Kurtz Medical Co., Bitters, 134 Water St., Room 15, 1890 Pittsburgh City Directory, See embossed bottle N 11, Trade card BBs.
23 July 2019 | Tuesday
Summertime is for corn.
Three of my Normandy Herb & Root Stomach Bitters paired with a Joe Gourd trade card that I have not seen before.
Here is an advertising piece for National Botanic Bitters I have not seen before from Joe Gourd.
N 10.5 NATIONAL BOTANIC BITTERS, Illustration showing a woman in fancy period dress and hat holding an umbrella. The Latest and Best Purifier, Tonic, Alterative and Digestive. Manufactured by the (looks to be printing error with missing copy)
Alex Horlick, George Horlick and William Carre organized the Horlick Medicine Co. with capital stock of $5,000, the object being to manufacture Carre’s National Botanic Bitters, Racine, Journal, January 30, 1889.
22 July 2019 |Monday
A couple of more “M’s” from Joe Gourd.
Packaging Print Advertisement
M 53.3 DR. McCRAITH’S TONIC CATHARTIC BITTERS, Dr. McCraith would respectfully offer this Medicine to his friends and the public, for the relief and cure of Dyspepsia, all kinds of Liver Complaints…, He has used it for many years with great success among his patients in Central New York. Prepared by Mrs. McCraith, under the Dr.’s supervision. It can be procured at No. 200 Genesee Street, Utica, N.Y. Also from F. M. Smith, Fort Plain, Price $1.00 per bottle. Directions with each bottle.
Patrick McCraith, M.D. office 200 Genesee, h same, Utica, New York, City Directory, 1863
M 51.7 McBRADY’S STIMULATING BITTERS, For Men, Women and Children, Builds Up Weak Tired Systems, Harmless but 100%Good, 12 Fluid Ounces, Only $1:00, Manufactured and Guaranteed By J. E. McBrady & Co., Manufacturers and Chemists, Chicago, Ill. Over 40 Years In Business.
John Emmett McBrady, pres. J. E. McBrady & Co.; mfrs. of toilet goods, since July 1, 1904, 1045 – 1049 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, The Book of Chicagoans: A Biographical Dictionary of Leading Living Men of the City of Chicago, A.N. Marquis, 1911
21 July 2019 | Sunday
Pretty cool broadside submitted by Joe Gourd for Brama-Taffel-Bitter from Copenhagen. Actually was able to find online, an image of a labeled bottle.
B 199.5 L … Brama-Taffel-Bitter, Mansfeld-Bullner & Lassen, Kiobenhavn (Copenhagen), 1871 Jubilæum 1896, illustration awards, medallions and crest.
Clear oval flask
B 199.5 BRAMA-TAFFEL-BITTER, Mansfeld-Bûllners, Sudhets-Taffel-Bitter. Pris pr. Flaska 1 Kr. 50 öre, illustration awards and medallions, text in Dutch, Dr. Hess, Berlin
Here are a few more as we finish the “M” material from Joe Gourd for Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. We’re going to file the Cinderella stamp under “R.”
Cinderella Stamp
R 29.6 REGENSBURGER MAGENBITTER, Illustration of labeled bottle in yellow cameo. Likörfabrik A. Hönigsberg & Sohn (son), Regensburg
Regensburg is a city in southeast Germany, at the confluence of the Danube, Naab and Regen rivers.
Trade card
M 161.5 MUSCLE-INE BITTERS Pictures a young woman’s back-of-head portrait. Find my Wife and my Mother-in-Law. Muscle-in Bitters. Reverse: Use Muscle-ine Bitters for all Complaints of the Stomach… Van Bokkelen, Lawson Co. Chicago. For Sale by all Druggists.
Trade card
M 133.3 MORNING GLORY WINE BITTERS, Illustration horse shoe, Good Luck, Frank E. Doremus, 119 to 123 Water St., Paterson, N.J. Reverse: Doremus’ List of Great Remedies. Dysentery & Cholera Drops, Hydrophobia Remedies, Morning Glory Wine Bitters… Pure Herbs For Medicinal Use, Also, Eradicator for cleaning Clothing.
Frank E. Doremus, Patent Medicine, 123 Water Street, Paterson, New Jersey, 1892, 1893 New Jersey Directory
20 July 2019 | Saturday
Working on some unlisted “M” material from Joe Gourd for Bitters Bottle Supplement 2. Here is a super booklet listing a Montserrat Lime-Juice Bitters. The term Limey is thought to have originated in the 1850s as lime-juicer, later shortened to “limey”, and originally used as a derogatory word for sailors in the British Royal Navy. Since the beginning of the 19th century it had been the practice of the Royal Navy to add lime juice to the sailors’ daily ration of grog. British ships full of Limes would leave the West Indies destined for shipping ports around world.
M 123.7 MONTSARRAT LIME-FRUIT BITTERS, Cover: The Island of Montserrat, Its History & Development, Chiefly as Regards to its Lime Tree Plantations with a short description of Lime Fruit Juice & its use as a Medicinal Agent & as a Beverage. Inside advertisement: Montserrat Lime-Fruit Bitters. Prepared with the Fruit of the Lime Tree grown on the Olveston Plantation of the Montserrat Company Limited, in the Island of Montsarrat, West Indies. Sole Consignees – Evans, Sons & Co., Liverpool, Evans, Lescher & Webb, London, H. Sugden Evans & Co., Montreal (Canada), and Rouse’s Point, New York
Newspaper Advertisement
M 123.7 MONTSARRAT LIME-FRUIT BITTERS made from Lime Fruit. Sole Consignees – Evans, Sons & Co., Liverpool, Special Agents – Evans, Lescher & Webb, London; and Crosse and Blackwell, London, The Freeman’s Journal (Dublin, Ireland), September 14, 1881
Here is a piece for Monarch Stomach Bitters which I’ve mentioned before. Read: Cincinnati Bitters Spotting A cross reference of directories.
M 119.4 MONARCH STOMACH BITTERS, Illustration Trade Mark Stags Head, Monarch Stomach Bitters, A Rapid and Permanent cure for Dispepsia, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, … Williams & Co., Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, 295 Cutter Street., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1882
Williams, Brodie & Co., (Harry W., F. E. B. & Thos. J. Hawkins), Manufacturers Monarch Stomach Bitters, 295 Cutter, 1879 Williams Cincinnati Ohio Directory
Trade cards
M 117.5 MOHAWK STOMACH BITTERS, Is a remarkable Alterative and Tonic, a sure cure for all diseases of Stomach, Liver Kidneys and Skin…etc. 50cts, and $1 a bottle, All druggists, John Bagshaw, Agent, Riverhead, L.I., N.Y., Reverse blank
Trade card
M 77.9 MEXICAN CACTUS BITTERS, Try Mexican Cactus Bitters, “The Most Popular Remedy.” Reverse: Prof. Juan Rodriguez Celebrated Mexican Cactus Bitters. For Fifty Years past, these Bitters have been the popular Household Remedy of the Mexican people… Meyerfeld & Mitchell, 312 Front Street, S.F., Sole Agents for the United States.
Trade card
M 5.5 MADILL’S TONIC BITTERS, Illustration man making chicken shadow on wall, The Chicken, I want 20,000 people to come to my store and examine my stock and get prices. I manufacture Madill’s Tonic Bitters, the best in the world. Thomas Madill, Druggist, 303 Hamilton Street, Saginaw City, Mich.
Thomas H. Madill, Druggist, w s Hamilton bet Court and Franklin, bds Maria M Andrus, S C., Polk’s Saginaw Michigan City Directory, 1881
M 46.5 L … Masquelet’s Aromatic Stomach Bitters, One wineglassful taken three times a day before meals will be certain Cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and Every Species of Indigestion. Prepared by F. Masquelet & Bro. Chicago, Ill.
Frank and John Masquelet, Druggists, 3452 S. Halsted St., Chicago, 1886 Handy Business Directory of Chicago
Tag Card
M 6.5 MAGADORA BITTER TONIC, TM (Trade mark illustration plate, ribbon, grapes, bears head and roses), Use Magadora The Great Bitter Tonic, reverse blank
M 27.5 L . . . Mandrakoe Blood and Liver Bitters, For Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, etc. to be taken immediately after meals. Directions. Adults, 1 to 2 teaspoonsfuls; for children under 12 years
Bill of Lading
M 104.5 DR. MITCHELL’S JAUNDICE BITTERS, Received of Geo. C. Goodwin at the hands of J. M. Carleton 6 Bottles Indian Vegetable and Sarsaparilla Bitters, at 50 cts. per Bottle, Papers Dr. Mitchell’s Jaundice Bitters, at 25 cts, per Paper, To sell on Commission of 33 1/3 per cent, or return when called for. Dated 1847. See BB I 25
19 July 2019 | Friday
This advertisement submitted by Joe Gourd contained two unlisted bitters! Daily Double!
Directory Advertisement, 1867
M 76.5 METROPOLITAN COCKTAIL BITTERS, Dr. D. S. Perry, Proprietor and Sole Manufacturer of Vegetable Tonic Bitters! and Metropolitan Cocktail Bitters; Wild Cherry and Raspberry Brandies… &c., Depot, 46 Bayard Street, Near Bowery, New York. See s2V 12.5
Directory Advertisement, 1867
V 12.5 VEGETABLE TONIC BITTERS, Dr. D. S. Perry, Proprietor and Sole Manufacturer of Vegetable Tonic Bitters! and Metropolitan Cocktail Bitters; Wild Cherry and Raspberry Brandies… &c., Depot, 46 Bayard Street, Near Bowery, New York. See s2M 76.5
18 July 2019 | Thursday
In 1891, The Cook & Bernheimer Co. published a catalog of all their imported fine goods under the brand “Maure Frères” and American brands using their trade mark “Gold Lion.” This included Dr. Reutlinger’s Krauter Bitters, Gaulois Bitters, Gold Lion Celery Bitters, Granada Bitters, Dr. Van Petersen’s Orange Bitters, Stoughton Bitters, Stomach Bitters and Boonekamp Bitters. These all were listed in Bitters Bottles Supplement 2 with the exception of Gold Lion Celery Bitters which had been previously listed.
B 147 L … Boonekamp Bitters, T. Eberfeld & Straubacher, Eindhoven, Province of North Brabant, Holland, label signed T. Eberfeld & Straubacher. From an 1891 Maure Frères Fine Liqueurs catalog. Illustration showing Boonekamp Bitters, Quarts and Pints. Lady’s leg, See s2G 122, M 49.5 and R 40.3
G 7.5 L … Gaulois Bitters, Amer Gaulois, Maure Frères, Bordeaux & New York, The finest French drinking bitters made. Illustration of award medallions on label.
1891 Maure Frères Fine Liqueurs catalog illustration showing Gaulois Bitters, Lady’s leg, Amber
See s2G 122 and R 40.3
G 86.7 L … Amargo de Granada, Granada Bitters, From an 1891 Maure Frères Fine Liqueurs catalog. Illustration showing Granada Bitters, Similar in flavor to Angostura. The best cocktail bitter extant. Packed in cases of one and two dozen each, See s2G 122, M 49.5 and R 40.3
M 49.5 L … Maure’s Aromatic Bitters, signed Maure Frères, Bordeaux & New York
1891 Maure Frères Fine Liqueurs catalog illustration showing Maure’s Aromatic Bitters
See s2G 122 and R 40.3. The Cook & Bernheimer Co. published a catalog of all their imported fine goods under the brand “Maure Freres” and American brands using their trade mark “Gold Lion.” This included Dr. Reutlinger’s Krauter Bitters, Gaulois Bitters, Gold Lion Celery Bitters, Granada Bitters, Dr. Van Petersen’s Orange Bitters, Stoughton Bitters, Stomach Bitters and Boonekamp Bitters.
R 40.3 L …. Dr. Reutlinger’s Krauter Bitter, Dagmersellen, signature Dr. Reutlinger, Crest and shield, illustration of cabin and seaside port with town, mountains and train.
Maure Freres Fine Liqueurs catalog illustration Krauter’s Bitters, Lady’s Leg, Amber
Dagmersellen is a municipality in the district of Willisau in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland.
A Swiss bitters, See s2G 122
V 9.5 L . . . Doctor Van Petersen’s Orange Bitter, Petersen’s name in script. From an 1891 Maure Frères Fine Liqueurs catalog. Illustration showing Dr. Van Petersen’s Orange Bitter, Lady’s leg, A fine drinking Bitter: the very best article to use with Sherry. It is largely used in England. See s2G 122, M 49.5 and R 40.3
13 July 2019 | Saturday
Still working through Joe Gourd’s “K” unlisted bitters material for BBs2. Here are a few more.
K 22.3 L … Kelly’s Superior Aromatic Bitters, Registered Red Ribbon Brand Trade Mark, A specially prepared bitters containing Angostura Bark Cinnamon and other Tonic Herbs. Prepared and Bottled by The Kingston Liquor Stores Ltd. 92 Harbour St.
12 July 2019 | Friday
New listings for Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. Bitters previously unlisted. Examples from Joe Gourd.
Cinderella Stamp
K 86.5 KYSELAK FEINSTER MAGENBITTER, Illustration of mountain climber painting Kyselak Feinster Magenbitter on rock. Kyselak Fabrik (Factory) Hamburg. Barmbeckerstr. 28.
Josef Kyselak (9 March 1798 – 17 September 1831) was an Austrian civil servant, mountaineer and travel writer. He became famous for his habit to tag his name onto prominent places during his hikes across the Austrian Empire.
Business Card
K 58.5 KIOWA INDIAN FOREST BITTTERS, D. K. Wertman, Manufacturer of Pure Corn Malt Vinegar, Kiowa Indian Forest Bitters, Fancy Syrups, Cordials, &c., &c., Centralia, Columbia County, Penn., reverse blank
Daniel K. Wertman, Liquor Merchant, age 36, Centralia, Columbia, Pennsylvania, 1870 United States Federal Census
Trade cards
K 85.5 E. F. KUNKEL’S BITTER WINE OF IRON, Illustrations of playing children, Will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia… Price per Bottle $1.00 or 6 Bottles for $5.00. Advice at Office & Store, free, 259 N. Ninth Street, Philad’a Penna. Go and see the Doctor. See page 336 in Bitters Bottles.
Edward F. Kunkel, patent medicines, 259 N. 9th, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1883
09 July 2019 | Tuesday
King B Bitters trade card from Joe Gourd.
Trade card
K 46.5 KING B BITTERS, Illustration of large bee on bald headed gentleman, King (bee) Bitters, reverse: For Bright Eyes, Fair Complexion and Good Digestion use King B Bitters
08 July 2019 | Monday
Some really cool material from Joe Gourd, indexed and prepped for Bitters Bottles Supplement 2.
Cinderella Stamps
B 43.5 BECHER BITTER, Gentleman with tray, glasses and a bottle of Becher Bitter, Original Becher Bitter, Seit 1807 bekannt!, Mein Retter 1840, ein schöner Traum 1880, 1900, Auch was für mich! 1913
Karlsbader Becherbitter is a herbal bitters often drunk as a digestive aid. It was invented by Josef Vitus Becher in 1807 in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.
Advertising Post Card
B 43.5 BECHER BITTER, Illustrated black man instructing a monkey to jump down from the neck of a bottle of Original Becher Karlsbader Bitter, Becherbitter, Gegr. 1807
Trade cards
L 122.4 DR. LORINGS WILD CHERRY BITTERS, Classical paintings of women bathing or swimming nude, reverse: Ask for Kalamazoo Celery-Pepsin Bitters… Dr. Loring’s Wild Cherry Bitters Are a splendid stimulant and light tonic. Try them. Manufactured By The P. L. Abbey Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. See K 6 Kalamazoo Celery-Pepsin Bitters.
The P. L. Abbey Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., Kalamazoo Celery Nerve and Blood Tonic. Loring’s Liver Pills, Loring’s Cough Tablets., Annual Report, Volume 15, Proprietary Association 1897 – Patent medicines
Major Perley L. Abbey, proprietor, The P. L. Abbey Co. mnfg. pharmacists; celery preparations, 501 Walbridge, Kalamazoo, Michigan, City Directory, 1899
07 July 2019 | Sunday
Facsimile banknote now listed in BBs2. From Joe Gourd.
Facsimile Banknote
L 84.5 LEWIS’ VEGETABLE STOMACH BITTERS, Frank Lewis, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, Notions, Stationery, Tobacco and Cigars. No. 9 Main St. Warsaw, N.Y. Manufacturer of Lewis’ Vegetable Stomach Bitters, the Best in the World. 3 D, Act of May 10, 1869. Reverse: This bill is good for Five Per Cent in payment for all Cash Purchases…January 1st, 1876
06 July 2019 | Saturday
Added this cool trade card in the form of a diecut fan in Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. Piece from Joe Gourd. Related to Pawnee Long Life Bitters.
Advertising Fan
L 118.7 LONG LIFE BITTERS, Die-cut fan, front: two children playing game on wall, reverse: G. Rottanzi, Dealer in Pure California and Foreign Wines and Liquors. Manufacturer of Champagne Cider, Sarsaparilla Beer, Raspberry Champagne, and the Celebrated “Long Life Bitters” 1027 Market St. & 1012 Valencia St. San Francisco.
Charles Albert Burgess (C. A. Burgess & Co.) buys the business of Giesue Rottanzi in 1890, who produced Long Life Bitters and other patent medicines. Their new product was called Pawnee Long Life Bitters, See P 35
05 July 2019 | Friday
Three unlisted bitters gleaned from these two trade cards from Joe Gourd. New BBs2 listings.
Trade card
L 4.5 LAGONI’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, front showing flag of Denmark, another of the United States flag. Reverse Price-List. Lagoni’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters and Lagoni’s Cough and Cold Cordial. The two best Family Medicines known. 1 Full size Bottle $1.00, 1 Half size Bottle 50 cents. Agents wanted on this medicine only. Peter Madsen Lagoni, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 690 W. North Ave. Cor. Western Ave. Chicago, Ill.
L 4.8 LAGONI’S PURE AQUAVIT or OLD COUNTRY BITTERS, How to Retain Your Health. Each meal take a small glass. Peter Madsen Lagoni, 690 W. North Ave. Cor. Western Ave., History of Chicago and Souvenir of the Liquor Interest: The Nation’s Choice for the Great Columbian Exposition, 1893, Belgravia Publishing Company, 1891. Aquavit derives from the Latin aqua vitae, “water of life.”
Trade card
M 21.5 MALURT BITTERS, front showing flag of Denmark, another of the United States flag. Reverse Price-List. Malurt Bitters. Gallon 2 .75, Case 12 Full Quarts 9.00, Bottle 85. Peter Madsen Lagoni, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 690 W. North Ave. Cor. Western Ave. Chicago, Ill. Malurt is Norwegian for Wormwood. See s2L 4.5 and s2L 4.8
Another unlisted bitters from Joe.
Business Card
L 28.5 DR. LA ROCHE’S CELEBRATED STOMACHIC BITTERS, Thompson and Warner, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in W. I. Goods, Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Cigars, Tobaccoes, &c., No. 13 India Street, opposite New Custom House,) J. Thompson, B. F. Warner, } Boston. Sole Agents for Dr. La Roche’s Celebrated Stomachic Bitters., Boston. Probably Dr. Rene La Roche, who was born in Philadelphia in 1795 and died in 1872.
04 July 2019 | Thursday
03 July 2019 | Wednesday
New additions from Joe Gourd to Bitters Bottles Supplement 2.
L 111 DR. LOEW’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS AND NERVE TONIC, The Loew & Sons Co., Growers of California Wines & Brandies. Importers & Wholesale Liquor Dealers. Sole Proprietors, Dr. Loew’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters and Nerve Tonic, Established 1873, John A. Loew, Pres’t, Dan Loew, Vice Pres’t, Chas H. Loew, Sec’y, 392, 394, 396 & 398 Erie St., Cleveland, O., Sept. 12, 1896
Post Cards
L 111 DR. LOEW’S STOMACH BITTERS, Our Mr. E. Bergman (fill in blank) will take pleasure in calling on you in a few days. The Loew & Sons Co., Cleveland, O. Sole Proprietors Dr. Loew’s Stomach Bitters, Feb 6, 1909. Reverse: Various scenic Cleveland color illustrations such as Central Viaduct (2 examples), Public Square, Gen. Moses Cleveland Monument, Spring Freshet – Rocky River and University Circle.
01 July 2019 | Monday
New addition to Bitters Bottles Supplement 2.