Daily Dose | August 2019

August | 2019

See Daily Dose January – April 2019

See Daily Dose May 2019

See Daily Dose June 2019

See Daily Dose July 2019

31 August 2019 | Saturday

OK, let’s close out the month on this Labor Day weekend with the latest new additions to Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. The first here is a Schmidt’s China and Sarsaparilla Bitters trade card from Joe Gourd. Had to do some German translations here.

Trade card
S 56.5 SCHMIDT’S CHINA RINDE AND SARSAPARILLA BITTERS, Flowers and winter ice skating on pond. In German, Go to Schmidt’s Apothecary, Biveite Avenue and Pennsylvania Street. Reverse: Portrait of Schmidt brothers. In German, Schmidt’s China und Sarsaparilla Bitters. Schmidt Brothers, Biveite Avenue and Pennsylvania Street, Evansville, Indiana (in German).
Schmidt Brothers (Flor. Chas. and Flor. Joseph), Prescription Druggists. Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles; also Russian and Turkish Baths s e corner 2d av and Pennsylvania, Evansville, Indiana City Directory, 1888.

Here is a catalog from Joe Gourd that was briefly listed in Bitters Bottles. We’ll put it in BBs2 with more information.

S 42 DR. SAWYER’S MORNING, NOON AND EVENING BITTERS, Cover: Dr. A. P. Sawyer’s Remedies, Logos and typography for Dr. A.P. Sawyer’s Family Cure, Sun Rise Cough Balsam, Morning, Noon and Evening Bitters, Uterine Pastille, Eclipse Sarsaparilla, Soothing Syrup etc., Dr. A.P. Sawyer Med Co. Manufacturing Pharmacist’s, Chicago, Ills., Back Cover: Triangle set in wreath. Dr. A.P. Sawyer Medicine Co. Chicago, Quality, Accuracy. Trade Mark.
Drug Catalog: 1896-7 and 1902-2 JP&K Co. See S 42 in Bitters Bottles.

We’re finally going to give Saxlehner’s Hunyadi János Bitterquelle a number in BBs2.

Andreas Saxlehner, Budapest, London, New York
9 1/4 x 3 1/8 (6 1/4)
Round, Green, LTC,Common
Copyright 14,251 filed Nov. 12, 1886 for Janos
Copyright 14,252 filed for “Hunyadi” both in use since Nov. 15, 1863.
Bitterquelle means spring water containing magnesium sulphate.
Hunyadi Janos is a national hero oof Hungary 1385-1456

We will also list the Hunyadi bitter brands as we come across them. Here are two from Joe Gourd.

Trade Card
H 220.3 HUNYADI JÁNOS SAXLEHNERS NATÜRLICHES BITTERWASSER, Photograph Hotel St. Paul, Cöln Unter Fettenhennen No. 19. Reverse: Mild abführende Wirkung. Vorzüglich gegen Constipation, gestörte Verdauung, Congestionen, etc. (Mild laxative effect. Excellent against constipation and disturbed digestion) See s2S 39.5 and s2H 220.6
Postal Card
H 220.6 HUNYADI MATYAS BITTERWATER, Postmarked June 24, 1894, New York. Reverse: Ask for ”Hunyadi Matyas” The “Seal Brand.” Red seal Warranted Genuine by Eisner & Mendelson Co. Sole Agents, New York. The Hunyadi Matyas Water received the Highest Award at the World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893.
Hunyadi Matyas was the King of Hungary (1443–6 to April 1490). See s2S 39.5 and s2H 220.3


Here is a trade card from Joe Gourd directly related to the well-known Brown’s Sarsaparilla and Tomato Bitters.

Trade card
S 36.5 SARSAPARILLA AND TOMATO BITTERS, Paintings of water fowl. Reverse: Sarsaparilla and Tomato Bitters (A Purely Vegetable Compound) Prepared by J. P. T. Percival, 35 School Street, Boston
In 1867, Capt. John P. T. Percival, on the death of Frederick Brown, who was at that time in the druggist business at the corner of Washington and State streets, bought out that business which included Brown’s Sarsaparilla and Tomato Bitters. See S 36 in Bitters Bitters.

Here is a trade card from Joe Gourd that was previously listed in Bitters Bottles under “C” as Celebrated Sangamo Stomach Bitters. The listing was sparse so we updated it in BBs2.

Trade card
S 25.5 CELEBRATED SANGAMO STOMACH BITTERS, These Celebrated Bitters, prepared from and old and popular formula, are invaluable to indigestion. Certain Preventative for Fever and Ague. Prepared only by the Sangamo Medicine Co., Springfield, Ill. Reverse: The Great National Puzzle. The forty-two squares represent our forty-two States. Try to solve this puzzle… Copyright 1890. Sold by all Druggist

Here is an interesting billhead from Joe Gourd that ties a father and son together.

S 28.5 SANBORN’S JAUNDICE BITTERS, Bought of E. P. Sanborn & Co. Proprietors of Sanborn’s Celebrated Croup Syrup, Wine Restorative, Jaundice Bitters, Patent Composition, Rheumatic Drops, Etc., South Berwick, Me., Feb 6th, 1885.
Dr. Caleb Sanborn (1814-1871), was a well-known Thomsonian botanic physician who practiced in South Berwick, Maine. His son Edward would sell his medicines. See sp212

30 August 2019 | Friday

Very nice art on this sheet music cover. E. T. Paull. Circa 1900. Dawn of the Century. March & Two Step. Listen

Here is reference to a Royal Windsor Bitters. I have never seen a bottle before. Would it not be too cool if it was royal or Windsor blue in glass color? This brand is attributed to Charles Lediard in New York around 1860. Read: Charles Lediard and his Liquor Products

29 August 2019 | Thursday

Been working on “R & S” unlisted bitters material from Joe Gourd. Here are a few of my favorites.

Trade card
S 17.5 SAINT PATRICK’S DRY BITTERS, Color illustration of Saint Patrick. Saint Patrick’s Salve. Marvelous! Try it. Use It. All Druggists have it, or it will be sent on receipt of 25 cents. E. P. Furlong, 92 Fulton St., New York, U.S.A. Reverse: Saint Patrick’s Salve. Directions in English, German and French. E. P. Furlong. General Manager for Saint Patrick’s Dry Bitters.
Edward P. Furlong, drugs, 92 Fulton, New York, New York, City Directory, 1883

Trade card
S 6.5 SAGINAW BITTERS, Illustration men on horse’s chasing ostriches. Reverse: Use Dixon’s Pectoral Syrup For Coughs and Colds. Canada Liniment, For Neuralgia and Rheumatism. And Saginaw Bitters, For Bilious Diseases. For Sale By Jay Smith, Druggist, Saginaw City, Mich.
Jay Smith & Son (Jay and Fletcher Smith), Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 417 Court, w s, tel 872, Saginaw, Michigan, City Directory, 1891

Here are some Joe Gourd trade cards that were originally draft filed under “S.” We’ve given it an “A” listing in Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. I found some newspaper ads that support the Agaric Bitters name.

Trade cards
A 18.5 AGARIC BITTERS, Sachs-Prudens “A.T.8” or “Elixir” Agaric. The Great Tonic and Stimulant. Illustrations of lively dressed women. A set of 10 of these photos can be obtained six 2c. stamps by addressing Sachs-Pruden & Co. Dayton, O. Reverse: Agaric – Is a Great Tonic – and Bitters. Sold by Druggists, Hotels, Sample Rooms and Restaurants.

Trade card
R 131.2 RUSSELL’S TONIC HERB BITTERS, Illustration of a young girl at waterside with dog. Russell’s Tonic Herb Bitters and other medicines listed on reverse. All of the above for sale, Wholesale and Retail, by W. B. Russell, Druggist, Mt. Vernon, O.

Trade cards
R 127.9 RUSSELL’S ALTERNATIVE AND TONIC BITTERS, E. S. Russell, Druggist and Apothecary, 69 Main Street, Nashua, N.H. Reverse: For Sale By E. S. Russell, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Also Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of Russell’s Alterative and Tonic Bitters.
Elias Smith Russell was an Apothecary and Druggist at various address locations in Nashua, New Hampshire from around 1845 until after the turn of the century.

28 August 2019 | Wednesday

Trying to straighten out the various brands associated with this base label.

A 26 L … All Laxative Stomach Bitters, Dunlavey Bros. Distributors, Olean, N. Y.
10 7/8 x 2 5/8 (8 3/4)
Square, Amber, LTC
The label was mass produced for different over-printed business names. Front label: Illustration man wearing pork-pie hat holding dose goblet in right hand. 1 Pt. – 3 Fl. Oz. Alcohol 20%, Laxative Stomach Bitters is Compounded with the Extracts of Roots & Herbs & Also Contains Cascara Segrada Recognized as one of the Best Known Laxatives, Reverse label red diamond: Laxative Stomach Bitters…, Neck seal. See A 26 in Bitters Bottles, s2P 43 and s2R 18
P 43 L … Pepper’s Laxative Stomach Bitters, Thomas Pepper’s Sons, Distributors, Ashland, Pa.
10 7/8 x 2 5/8 (8 3/4)
Square, Amber, LTC
The label was mass produced for different over-printed business names. Front label: Illustration man wearing pork-pie hat holding dose goblet in right hand. 1 Pt. – 3 Fl. Oz. Alcohol 21%, Laxative Stomach Bitters is Compounded with the Extracts of Roots & Herbs & Also Contains Cascara Segrada Recognized as one of the Best Known Laxatives, Reverse label red diamond: Laxative Stomach Bitters…, Neck seal. See P 43 in Bitters Bottles. See s2A 26 and s2R 18
R 18 L … Red Cross Laxative Stomach Bitters, Chas. Leuthner & Son, Peoria, Ill.
10 7/8 x 2 5/8 (8 3/4)
Square, Amber, LTC
The label was mass produced for different over-printed business names. Front label: Illustration man wearing pork-pie hat holding dose goblet in right hand. 1 Pt. – 3 Fl. Oz. Alcohol 20%, Laxative Stomach Bitters is Compounded with the Extracts of Roots & Herbs & Also Contains Cascara Segrada Recognized as one of the Best Known Laxatives, Reverse label red diamond: Laxative Stomach Bitters…, Neck seal. See R 18 in Bitters Bottles. See s2A 26 and s2P 43

Here is a variation of the Red Cross Laxative Bitters. Notice the slight differences with the label above and below.

R 18.1 L … Red Cross Laxative Bitters, C. C. Koska, East St. Louis, Ill.
10 ¾ x 2 ½ (8 1/2)
Square, Amber, LTC
Front label: Image red cross Trade Mark. Contains 10% Alcohol By Volume. Manufactured for and distributed by C.C. Koska. Is Compounded with Cascara Segrada which is Pronounced by The Medical Profession to be the Best and Most Effective Laxative Remedy in Use. None Genuine without facsimile Signature. See R 18 in Bitters Bottles. See s2R 18

27 August 2019 | Tuesday

The following unlisted bitters references have been submitted by Joe Gourd from the Kit Barry collection. They have been processed, written-up and forwarded to Bill Ham for confirmation and inclusion in Bitters Bottles Supplement 2.

Advertising Envelope and Letterhead
C 255.4 CUBAN STOMACH AND LIVER BITTERS, Envelope: Portrait of Dr. Harry W. St. Leon, Lecturer and Specialist. Postmarked May 2, 1894 Argyle, Wis. Letterhead: Cuban Medicine Company, St. Leon & Raycraft, Dr. H. W. St. Leon. Dr. Wm. Raycraft Proprietors. Main Office and Laboratory, Argyle, Wis. List of Remedies manufactured by the Cuban Medicine Company. Twelve Specific Remedies. Purely Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless. Sold by All Druggists.

F 6.2 FEKE’S DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, Bought of Caswell, Mack & Co. (Mack crossed out and Hazard handwritten over), Late Hazard & Caswell,) Family and Dispensing Chemists. Manufacturers of Feke’s Dyspepsia Bitters, Fifth Avenue, corner of 24th Street, New-York. 132 Thames Street, Newport, R. I., May 3, 1867

Business Card
F 49.7 FISKE’S ALTERATIVE BITTERS, Allen Fiske, Proprietor of Fiske’s Alterative Bitters, Anodyne Liniment, Universal Salve, Catarrh Snuff, Deahoarah Cordial, and Tape-Worm Extinguisher, New England House, Boston, Mass. Reverse: Allen Fiske, Proprietor of Fiske’s Family Medicines and Inventor and Proprietor of Fiske’s Ice and Water Filter.
Allen Fiske, botanic physician, 228 Pleasant, Boston, Massachusetts City Directory, 1889

J 45.5 JOHNSON’S HEALTH BITTERS, Bought of Johnson Brothers, Druggists and Pharmacists, and Dealers in Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. Proprietors of Johnson’s Health Bitters, Cor. Underwood and Tarrier Sts. Zanesville, O., April 20th 1882

Trade card
L 120.5 LONGWORTH’S CELEBRATED CATAWBA BITTERS, Humorous illustration of cock chasing cock tail. After a Cocktail. No. 178 State Street. Reverse: Geo. W. Pomroy, Sole Agent for Longworth’s Celebrated Catawba Bitters, which are made from the Pure Catawba Brandy. 178 State Street. Hartford, Conn.
Nicholas Longworth was an influential figure in the early history of American wine, producing sparkling Catawba wine from grapes grown in his Ohio River Valley vineyard on hills north of Cincinnati. He was also responsible for Catawba Wine Bitters, and the bottles embossed with the cluster of grapes. See s2C 85.

26 August 2019 | Monday

Working through more unlisted “R” bitters today in BBS2 with Bill Ham and Joe Gourd.

Store card
R 81.7 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BITTERS, Illustration of pack mule team on trail and native Indians harvesting set against mountains. Prepared by Professor A.B. Spinney.
R 81.7 DR. SPINNEY’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN BITTERS. The best Tonic Appetizer and alterative ever offered to the public, for sale by Druggists and Grocers generally. Barnes, Henry & Co., No. 515, St. Paul St., Montreal, Wholesale Agents for the Canadas., Almanac of British North America, 1866
Professor A. B. Spinney, Proprietor and Examining Physician, Electro Medical Institute, No. 131 Great St. James St. Montreal, Almanac of British North America, 1866

Trade cards
R 83 ROGER’S SPECIFIC BITTERS, Try Rogers’ Specific Bitters. If you are Miserable from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Want of Appetite, Loss of Appetite &c. Manufactured by T. R. Rogers & Sons, Moundsville, W. Va., For sale by J. T. Rogers & Co. Waynesburg, Pa. See R 83 in Bitters Bottles.
T.R. Roger’s & Sons (T.R., T.B., and J.W.), druggists, 311 7th, Wheeling, West Virginia, City Directory, 1896

Folding Trade card
R 90.95 Rosador Bitters, (Risque Dancer) “Hully Gee” Inside: Rosador Bitters, It’s Delicious, Cures Stomach Kidney and Liver Troubles. Superior Tonic, Cathartic and Blood Purifier. At Druggists, Bars and Cafes. See s2M 6.4

25 August 2019 | Sunday

Working through unlisted “R” bitters today for BBS2. Actually written about Rees’ Orange Tonica before. All listings for Reed’s Bitters have also been updated to include Reed’s Aromatic Stomach Bitters and Reed’s Cocktail Bitters.

Trade card
R 29.3 REES’ ORANGE TONICA, The Best Bitters in the World. Illustration of round, lady’s leg bottle embossed Orange Tonica on shoulder. Label reading Rees’ Orange Tonica is Purely Vegetable. Neck label reading Caution, Only Genuine When Each Capsule Bears Our Signature, Risley & Co., Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, New York. Risley & Co. 151 Chambers Street, New York. Presented By _, Reverse: 1882 Calendar and Interest Table.
This bitters was put out by Charles F. Risley & Co. in New York City. Charles was the son of nationally known druggist, Hubbell W. Risley.
Trade cards
R 10.5 BOTANIC BITTER BLOOD AND LIVER CURE, Illustration kittens and birds. Use L. W. Ranney’s Remedies, Botanic Bitter Blood and Liver Cure (Botanic Bitters.) Kidney Compound, Diarrhoea Cordial, Worm Syrup, Herb Liniment, Mandrake Pills, Sure Cough Cure. Sold by Dealers everywhere. Reverse blank
Dr. Lyman W. Ranney, physician and surgeon, office rear 72 Pittsburg, New Castle, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1891
Dr. L W Ranney’s Sons (Cassius W. and R. Burt Ranney), mfrs Ranney’s celebrated remedies, office and laboratory rear 72 Pittsburg, New Castle, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1891

A Roche’s Bitters reference from Joe Gourd.

Trade card
R 81.6 ROCHE’S JUNIATA VALLEY BITTERS, William F. Roche, Grad. Phila. Col. Pharm., 1867. “Valley” Pharmacy, Cor. John & Water Sts., McVeytown, Pa. Proprietor of Roche’s Tar Pectoral, for Coughs &c., Roche’s Liver Pills, Roche’s Horse and Cattle Powder, Roche’s Juniata Valley Bitters, Roche’s Emulsion Cod Liver Oil. Calendar – 1898. Reverse: Centennial Calendar

24 August 2019 | Saturday

Working again today with Bill Ham on unlisted bitters for Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. Here is reference for The American Bitters from Bobby Hinely. The bitters was made in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Newspaper Advertisement
A 45.3 THE AMERICAN BITTERS, The Great Southern Tonic, and the Most Palatable Stomachic Ever Used., Saunders’ Medicines. These Remedies are prepared only by Richard B. Saunders (Capt. Richard Benbury Saunders), Manufacturing Chemist, Chapel Hill, N. C., The Rome Weekly Courier (Rome, Georgia) May 08, 1868.

Richard Benbury Saunders was born in Raleigh, 12th April, 1834. He was taught first in the Raleigh Academy, under the charge of Mr. J. M. Lovejoy, and entered the freshman class in 1850. He graduated in 1854, and after a course in chemistry established himself at Chapel Hill as a druggist. On the 26th November, 1856, in Natchez, Miss., he married Mary Stanton, daughter of the late Girard Brandon, formerly governor of that State. In response to a call of the governor of North Carolina he volunteered as a member of the Orange Light Infantry, Capt. R. J. Ashe; was elected second lieutenant, and went with his company to Raleigh in 1861, when it became a part of the First Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers, Col. D. H. Hill commanding—known in latter days as the Bethel Regiment. He was at the battle of Bethel. Upon the recommendation of Col. C. C. Lee (who succeeded to the command of the regiment after the promotion of General Hill), he was commissioned captain and A. Q. M. of the regiment. He did not re-enter the service afterward; his brothers insisting that some member of the family should remain at home, and that his occupation, his health, and the fact of his having a wife and children, plainly pointed him out as the one to remain. He reluctantly assented. He is still living, actively engaged in the manufacture of fertilizers, for which his chemical education has especially fitted him. He has eleven living children. – Early Settlers of Alabama, Part 1, James Edmonds Saunders L. Graham & son, Limited, printers, 1899 

Here is an interesting trade card from Joe Gourd that actually references two unlisted bitters. It was initially thought that Royal and Imperial Bitters was the brand name.

Trade cards
R 108.5 ROYAL BITTERS, Fancy illustrations of birds and animals dressed as people. Ask For Us. Royal and Imperial Bitters, Don’t Look at My Back, G. Schlesinger & Co., Sole Agents, 51 Dey Street, New York City, Reverse: Royal Bitters, Delicious for Cocktails, Imperial Bitters, The Delight of Dyspeptics. Geo. Schlesinger & Co., Sole Agents, 51 Dey Street, New York City. See R 108.5 and S2 I XX.
George Schlesinger & Co., wines, 51 Dey, New York, New York, City Directory, 1882
Trade cards
I 2.7 IMPERIAL BITTERS, Fancy illustrations of birds and animals dressed as people. Ask For Us. Royal and Imperial Bitters, Don’t Look at My Back, G. Schlesinger & Co., Sole Agents, 51 Dey Street, New York City, Reverse: Royal Bitters, Delicious for Cocktails, Imperial Bitters, The Delight of Dyspeptics. Geo. Schlesinger & Co., Sole Agents, 51 Dey Street, New York City. See R 108.5 and s2 R 108.5.
George Schlesinger & Co., wines, 51 Dey, New York, New York, City Directory, 1882

22 August 2019 | Thursday

A neat Oxygenated Bitters label and listing for Dr. John’s Celebrated American Stomach Bitters. Both unlisted and related to other bitters as noted in the new BBs2 listings.

O 100.1 OXYGENATED BITTERS, The Celebrated Oxygenated Bitters, Caution None is Genuine Without This Signature, Reed, Bates & Austin. On both ends of decorative horizontal cameo frame. To prevent Counterfeits, the Genuine will invariably have this Label and Signature.
Reed, Bates & Austin were Wholesale Druggists located at No. 20 Merchants Row in Boston, Massachusetts in 1851. They were General Agents and the primary outlet for George B. Green’s Oxygenated Bitters. See s2O 100

Newspaper Advertisement
J 42.5 DR. JOHN’S AMERICAN BITTERS, Dr. John’s Celebrated American Stomach Bitters. – A good stomachic, one that could be relied on for its effective anti-biliary and anti-dyspeptic properties… They are put up in square bottles, with “Dr. John’s American Bitters” blown in the glass. Directions accompanying each bottle. Prepared and sold by Stoner, Williams & Co. Fulton Buildings, No. 9 West King-st., Lancaster, Pa. See J 43.5

21 August 2019 | Wednesday

Ken Previtali sent in this nice 5″ x 7″ handbill for Quaker Bitters.

20 August 2019 | Tuesday

Off to Baltimore today for business. Returning Friday. Look at this nice beer tray from Wielands.

19 August 2019 | Monday

Some nice material for BBs2. The Aerie Bitters reference is from Joe Gourd.

Trade card
A 13.5 AERIE BITTERS CO., Illustration eagle and globe. New Philadelphia, Ohio, Presented By _ Reverse: Illustration fancy woman toasting with poem.
Newspaper notice: Salesmen-Wanted to sell our bitters, etc.. to saloon trade; excellent proposition. Address Serie Bitters Co., New Philadelphia, O., The Pittsburgh Press, August 5, 1906.

A 44.5 AMER BITTERS, Trademark SBC (set in star), The Symbol of Quality, Be sure to get the S.B.C. – The Symbol of Quality – Brand Amer Bitters for character and quality. Star Bitters Co., San Francisco, U.S.A., New Contents 1 Pint 9 Ounces, signed Star Bitters Co.
Medicines Officially Classified as Liquors: S.B.C. essence of peppermint, extract of Jamaica ginger, ginger and brandy compound and wild cherry tonic, Star Bitters Company, Sacramento, Cal., National Association of Retail Druggists (U.S.) 1916

18 August 2019 | Sunday

More material for Bitters Bottle Supplement 2. Working through some great material. I must admit, I want to get as much as possible in this supplement and not be getting all this great material after it goes to the printer. There will be a BBs3, who am I kidding. The Quassia Amara Bitter Wood card and Queen’s Taste Bitters postal material is from Joe Gourd. The Mayer’s French Bitters ad was submitted by Bobby Hinely.

Trade card
Q 1.5 QUASSIA AMARA BITTER WOOD. The Greatest Tonic the World ever saw, Price, Large Size, $1.00. Small Size, 50 Cents. Munson & Co., Importing Druggists, High Holborn, London. Dr. G. G. Adams, Agent for U.S.
Quassia amara, also known as amargo, bitter-ash, bitter-wood, is used as insecticide, in traditional medicine and as an additive in the food industry.

Newspaper Advertisement
M 51.1 R. MAYER’S FRENCH BITTERS. This Article – the curative properties of which, – in the severest cases, (many of them in long standing)… known as the proprietor of so valuable of an article, R. Mayer. No. 6 Whitaker Street, Daily Morning News (Savannah, Georgia) October 21, 1854
New Wine and Liquor Store, No. 6 Whitaker Street. Having had an extensive experience in France as a manufacturer, and in America as importer and dealer… R. Mayer, Daily Morning News (Savannah, Georgia) January 5, 1853

Advertising Cover with Return Postal Mailer
Q 2.8 QUEEN’S TASTE BITTERS, Cover: Louisville Wine Company, 1110 West Main Street, Louisville, Ky., Postal Card: Louisville Wine Co., No. 1110 West Main St., Louisville, Ky. Reverse: (form) 188_, Name, P.O. and State, Shipping Point, __Cases Queen’s Taste Bitters @ $6.00 per doz. $ __, Freight or Express, Sign Here. See s2 H 132.1

17 August 2019 | Saturday

A couple more listings for Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. Thanks to Colin Savage for the Dr. Farrar’s Rattlesnake Bitters reference.

F 4.5 DR. FARRAR’S RATTLESNAKE BITTERS. Illustration coiled snake ready to strike rabbit labeled Hop Bitters. Dr. Farrar’s Rattlesnake Bitters Are Prepared only by The Standard M’f’g’ Co., Sole Proprietors of Dr. Farrar’s Formula. Depots – Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane.

O 51 OLD TIME ROOT AND HERB BITTERS, T. E. Peck, Chemist, Prop. Old Time Root and Herb Bitters, An Invaluable Family Remedy… Large Bottles, 25 Cents, Central Office at Radford Smith’s Dry Goods Store, Cor. Main St. and Fairfield Av., Bridgeport, Conn., Laboratory and Local Office, Stratford, Conn. Main St. 2d Bldg. north M.E. Church.
O 51 OLD TIME BITTERS, Bought of T. E. Peck (Thaddeus E. Peck), M’f’g’ Chemist. Specialties, Old Time Bitters, Bitter Beer Tonics, Iron Bitters… 1 Doz. Old Time Bitters $2.62, Bridgeport, Conn. April 1st 1892

16 August 2019 | Friday

I was able to get through most of Joe Gourd’s unlisted “P” material yesterday for BBs2. This first Golden Crown Bitters trade card was moved to a “G” listing as Pettit’s name did not occur before the bitters names as some of his other remedies.

Trade card
G 63.58 GOLDEN CROWN BITTERS, Comical illustration of boy closing eye. If you don’t open within 10 Days Buy a Box of Pettit’s Eye Salve, Price 25c, Howard Bros. Proprietors, Buffalo, N.Y. Reverse: Pettit’s Remedies! Golden Crown Bitters and nine other remedies listed. Manufactured by Howard Brothers, 916 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y.

We have worked on this next listing before as the image is on Peachridge Glass on a previous Daily Dose. Lou Holis sent in the original inquiry. This example is from Joe Gourd, so we will re-visit and finalize the listing.

P 35.3 PECKHAM’S CALISAYA TONIC BITTERS, Illustration Trade Mark bitters bottle rising from the sea. Established 1845, G. F. Peckham, Importer of Cognac Brandies, Wine, Gin, Etc. Agents for Choice Old Bourbon, Rye and Monongahela Whiskies, Sole Proprietors of Peckham’s Calisaya Tonic Bitters, Formerly Pendleton’s Tonic. Price per Case of One Dozen Bottles, $8.00, 412 Market Street, Between 4th and Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri.

Trade card
P 28.5 PASCO’S TONIC BITTERS, Pasco’s Flavoring Extracts, By superior Strength, Flavor & Low Price, are preferable to others. W. C. Pasco, South Vineland, N. J. Reverse: Pasco’s Tonic Bitters, Purely Vegetable. Pasco’s Tonic Bitters, are prepared at W. C. Pasco’s Laboratory, South Vineland, N. J.
William C. Pasco, Flavoring Extracts, 3d cor Montrose, Cumberland, New Jersey, City Directory, 1891

P 38.7 PENN’S BITTERS Bought of G. L. Penn & Son, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, And Fancy Goods. Proprietors of Penn’s Bitters, Penn’s Boquet Cologne… Edgefield C. H. S. C., Jan’y 1 1890
The Drug Store of George Leith Penn started before the Civil War. Eventually William Britton Penn joined his father and the concern was renamed G. L. Penn & Son.

15 August 2019 | Thursday

Hi Ferdinand, I’m not sure if this image would be any good to you, seen recently at a show in Stratford on Avon in the UK. See Show Pictures – Colin Savage

14 August 2019 | Wednesday

Finished up the ‘O’s’ from Joe Gourd yesterday for Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. Here are a few examples.

Label Art
O 93.3 OUR CHIEF TONIC BITTERS, Proof art. Illustration portrait of Indian Chief. Work attributed to George Schlegel Lithographing Co. (1849-1857), 138 & 140 Centre Street, New York City. The printing company was best known for its label designs for cigars and cigar boxes, and was owned and operated during its lifetime by four generations of German businessmen.

O 8.5 OGOLA BITTERS, Bought of Boyd Brothers (Bernard Boyd and John Boyd), Wholesale Grocers, 197 East Bay, Charlestown, S.C., 1 Case Ogola Bitters, $5.00, April 21, 1882

O 15.5 OLD ABE BITTERS, Trademark Monogram: Chr. Adt. Kupferberg & Co., Mainz. Monopole Bitters, H. Toser Co. Sour Mash, Old Abe Bitters, Herman Toser Co., 435 East Water Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Reverse: Sole Agents in the United States for Chr. Adt. Kupferberg, German Sect, Mainz, Germany. Postmarked March 9, 1894. See M 121

Trade card
O 98.3 OWL BITTERS, Illustration owl on branch. Use Owl Bitters “They’re All Right” Web’s Co-Operative Chemical Co., T. M. Lash, President, Sacramento, Cal. Reverse: Humorous, The American and Foreign Federation of “Butt-inskys” Membership Ticket All Seasons. Tito M. Lash was the namesake of Lash’s Bitters. Web’s Coöperative Chemical Co., Sacramento, was incorporated on January 30, 1904 with $2,000,000 in capital stock. See L 30.

13 August 2019 | Tuesday

A nice looking trade card (2) set for listing in BBs2. Found one online and Joe Gourd sent the other.

Trade cards
C 22 CALIFORNIA ROOT BITTERS, Portrait beautiful women, flowers and nature scenes. Set of four. Copyright by Major, Knapp & Co. 1885. Reverse: The Best Spring and Fall Medicine. California Root Tea. Worth a Ton of Drugs and made-up Medicines. California Root Tea. California Root Bitters, the liquid prepared from the “Tea,” in bottles at $1.00. None genuine without signature of C. R. Burrage. See C 22.

12 August 2019 | Monday

Back on the saddle again with Bitters Bottle Supplement 2. Author Bill Ham and I have been work really heavily since March or so with the intent of having this book ready by Reno 2020.

Yesterday while working on some cool Oregon grape Root Bitters from Dave Dube, I came across the origin of the brand.

Newspaper Advertisement
L 50.1 LAWIE’S GENUINE OREGON GRAPE ROOT BITTERS (As originally introduced in 1877) A Valuable Stimulating Tonic and Alterative – in large doses, Cathartic. Guaranteed Pure. Sole manufacturer: Alexander Lawie, Pharmacutist, Lead City, D. T. (Dakota Territory) – The Daily Deadwood Pioneer Times, June 12, 1879,
See O 77, s O 77.5, s2O 77. and s2 O 77.1

O 77 OREGON GRAPE ROOT BITTERS J. D. Eastman & Co., Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of Oregon Grape Root Bitters, The Great Rocky Mountain Remedy, Druggists and Apothecaries, Dealers in Perfumes and Toilet Articles, Deer Lodge, Montana, March 16th 1886

O 77.1 OREGON GRAPE ROOT BITTERS J. H. Owings, Successor to J. D. Eastman & Co., Sole Manufacturers of Oregon Grape Root Bitters, The Great Rocky Mountain Remedy, Druggists and Apothecary, Dealers in Perfumes & Toilet Articles, Deer Lodge, Montana, April 18th 1887,
See s2 O 77

11 August 2019 | Sunday

Still working on incoming material from Greg Price. Here is a block letter (sans-serif) variant of a Beggs Dandelion Bitters. Read: The Beggs’ and their Dandelion Bitters

B 50.5 BEGGS / DANDELION / BITTERS // f // f // f //
7 ½ x 3 1/8 x 1 ½ (5 ¼) 1/2
Rectangular strap side flask, Amber, LTC, Tooled lip, Extremely rare
Embossing is block letters and runs shoulder to base
Similar to B 51 except block letters

Here is a framed picture for Wheatley’s Hop Bitters that will be listed in Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. From Greg Price.

Framed Sign
W 81.5 WHEATLEY’S HOP BITTERS, Oval design. The Monarch of all Non-Intoxicating Beverages, Wheatley’s Fermented Hop Bitters Non-Intoxicant Sheffield, Registered Label Issued by Wheatley & Bates LTD
19 ½ x 23 ¼ with frame,
See W 81.5

One I have not seen before from Greg Price. Added to BBs2.

7 1/4 x 2 3/4 x 1 1/2
Oval with one flat panel, Clear, Tooled double ring lip, Extremely rare
See s2 B 199.5

Here is an interesting bottle submitted by Greg Price for BBs2.

B 112.2 W. N. WALTON / (gold bordered label under glass set in recessed area reading BITTERS) / PAT SEPT 23’ 1862 // c //
8 ½ x 2 ½
Round, Amber, Applied ring mouth
Possibly William N. Walton, Druggist’ Glassware, 30 Beekman, Goulding´s Business Directory of New York, 1872-73

10 August 2019 | Saturday

Some nice ‘cute’ trade cards submitted by Joe Gourd and Greg Price for inclusion into Bitters Bottles Supplement 2

Trade cards
S 122.5 SMITH’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, Compliments of Smith’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Scranton, Pa. Illustrations: A little cock-horse (cockroach riding chick), The Ferryman (frog with mouse and umbrella) and kitten with paw on ink quill, reverse blank or Certificate from Washington, D.C. A certain cure for … Prepared and Manufactured by B. Smith, 230 Main Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Dr. Ben Smith has been a citizen of Scranton almost time out of mind and achieved fame and some measure of financial success by the proprietorship of a tonic known as Smith’s Bitters, The Times Tribune (Scranton), March 8, 1900
See S 122.5

Here is a Guayana Bitters bottle I have not seen before submitted by Greg Price for BBs2.

G 123.5 // s // GUAYANA // BITTERS
8 x 2 3/8
Round, Amber, Tooled Lip
Guayana Province (1585−1864) was a former province of Spanish Colonial Venezuela and independent Venezuela, in northern South America.

Here is a Trinidad Bitters bottle without a base embossing submitted by Greg Price for BBs2. I added the serving tray found at Pre-Pro.com

R 7.5 L … Ramsey’s Trinidad Aromatic Bitters
// s // P. A. RAMSEY // TRINIDAD
8 ¼ x 2 3/8
Round, LTCR, Green, Tooled lip
Typical examples are base embossed Ramsey’s Trinidad Bitters. See R 7 – R 9.
Peter Arthur Ramsey signature on trademark image. Durant and Company, a firm in Trinidad, British West Indies, initially put out this brand in May, 1887 and registered the trademark on May 8, 1888. The essential features of the trademark consisted of a box or packing case with two labeled bottles standing upright upon the cover, the words Ramsey’s Trinidad Aromatic Bitters on the side of the box.
Shot Glass
R 7 – R 9 RAMSEY’S TRINIDAD AROMATIC BITTERS, On inside bottom of shot glass, Peter Arthur Ramsey signature, box or packing case with two labeled bottles standing upright upon the cover, the words Ramsey’s Trinidad Aromatic Bitters on the side of the box. Two medals flanking bottles.
See R 7 – R 9 and s2 R 7.5

Another new listing in BBs2 from Greg Price.

Framed Porcelain Sign
W 17 WALLACE’S TONIC STOMACH BITTERS, Painting of peacock, flowers and fruit, Geo Powell & Co. Proprietors. Chicago
16 x 22 inches, without frame,
See W 17

09 August 2019 | Friday

Look at this nice labeled lady’s leg bitters. If I am not mistaken, this is New York glass, aka Bryant’s Stomach Bitters. This bottle submitted by Greg Price. Will be included in Bitters Bottles Supplement 2.

M 13.5 L . . . Malakof Russian Stomach Bitters, Russischer Magenbitter, Spitit of Malakof, Van Opstal & Co. St. Petersburg, pictures several men in fancy dress toasting the Malakof.
11 7/8 x 3 1/2
Lady’s leg shape, Olive green., Applied ring mouth
See M 131, Van Opstal & Co., Morning Dew Bitters, New York

03 August 2019 | Saturday

Always liked the embossed palm tree on the South Carolina Dispensary bottles. Found this example for sale at the Augusta National. The South Carolina Dispensary system was a state-run monopoly on liquor sales in South Carolina operating from 1893 to 1907 statewide and until 1916 in some counties.

02 August 2019 | Friday
More news coverage from ABC 6 in Augusta for the bottle convention. VIEW

My table mate Jerry Forbes from Big Sur, picked up this awesome Old Dr. J. Townsend during the opening moments of early admission at the Augusta National Antique Bottle Show.

o1 August 2019 | Thursday

First day of the 2019 FOHBC 50th Anniversary National Antique Bottle Convention in Augusta, Georgia. After a 4 hour FOHBC Board Meeting we headed out to the Mike & Julie Newman Open House. Two news crews were there. Watch Fox 54

About Ferdinand Meyer V

Ferdinand Meyer V is a native of Baltimore, Maryland and has a BFA in Fine Art and Graphic Design from the Kansas City Art Institute and School of Design. Ferdinand is the founding Principal of FMG Design, a nationally recognized design consultation firm. Ferdinand is a passionate collector of American historical glass specializing in bitters bottles, color runs and related classic figural bottles. He is married to Elizabeth Jane Meyer and lives in Houston, Texas with their daughter and three wonderful grandchildren. The Meyers are also very involved in Quarter Horses, antiques and early United States postage stamps. Ferdinand is the past 6-year President of the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors and is one of the founding members of the FOHBC Virtual Museum.
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