NEW! Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. Hard Cover – 474 Pages
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This monumental effort culminates a massive amount of work over many years. Carefully verified and cross-referenced with Bill Ham’s collected information and the Peachridge Glass database with 40,000 plus images and hundreds of files of obscure bitters. Lots of new bottles and information since 2004 when Bitters Bottle Supplement was published. Besides new and updated bottles and advertising, there are color plate sections on rare bitters, bitters facsimile banknotes, bitters postal covers, bitters almanacs, shell cards, and tokens. For ephemera, the great museum-destined archives of Dan Cowman, Joe Gourd, and Ben Swanson, among others, have been included. Additionally, the Index has been totally re-done to include all three books. Every documented bitters ever produced, and their makers have been indexed. This is a great tool! Thanks to Bill Ham, Joe Gourd, Ben Swanson, and Jeff Burkhardt for their contributions. Research, design, and book layout by Ferdinand Meyer V. Every bottle has a story!
Special Note: Archiving and indexing for Bitters Bottles Supplement 3 has commenced and is a digital effort with planned periodic PDF issuances upon request to all buyers of Bitters Bottles Supplement 2. Please send any new finds and information to Ferdinand Meyer V,
Address all book inquiries to:
Bill Ham, 4237 Hendricks Road, Lakeport, California 95453
cell: 707.367.8178, email:
or Ferdinand Meyer V,
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