Facts, Assumptions, and stories about round-bottom bottles: which ones stand up, which ones don’t?
Most of my “antique bottle and glass time” these days is devoted to FOHBC activities, including the Virtual Museum and the Antique Bottle & Glass Collector” magazine. Even though I have had an extended break from posting here, PRG is still a popular site, with many readers and researchers quoting PRG articles and including links to them.
Ken Previtali’s (The Ginger Ale man) most recent article, Facts, assumptions and stories about round bottom bottles: which ones stand up and which don’t? was first published in the May–June 2022 issue of FOHBC’s magazine. This article needs to join his other work here on PRG and will also be added to The Ginger Ale Page. Ken Previtali’s articles for the FOHBC magazine have always appeared there for historical documentation.