The donated bottle display that I spoke of at the national show

The donated bottle display that I spoke of at the national show

17 August 2017

Hi Ferdinand:

These photo’s are of the permanent display that I assembled for the East Hartford Public Library with the help of many collectors on Facebook. The document was partially written and signed by William Pitkin in 1763. It represents Connecticut glass so as to encourage interest in history and our hobby.

You may find the story of the creation of the display interesting. I also recently donated a display to the National Bottle Museum. The last photo is a display that I donated to the Town of Colchester, Connecticut. I had a camera store there in the 1980s and collected local bottles and gave them to the Colchester Historical Society.

Jerry “Dyott” Dauphinais

PS: If you go to Facebook and search “pitkin project”, you’ll see some of the efforts for my endeavor.


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Dr. Maton’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters

Dr. Maton’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters

Reinfried & Lesher – Lancaster, Pennsylvania

17 July 2017

I decided to pull the trigger on the damaged Dr. Maton’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters on eBay as it is just so darn rare and I have only seen one other example. It is pictured above. Not in pristine shape and described as “Here’s a rare 1870s bitters bottle from Lancaster, Pa….unfortunately, it was broken at some point in the past and glued back together. However, the bottle actually displays pretty decent from a couple sides so I thought someone might want it.”

It’s been a long hot summer and I just needed a bitters I suppose.

The brand was sold by Reinfried & Lesher in Lancaster, Pennsylvania from around 1868 to 1870. Lancaster produced quite a few bitters as you can see from the 1869 Lancaster Directory listing below. This includes the Dr. Green’s Stomach Bitters (Danner Green), Mishler’s Herb Bitters, Mishler’s Keystone Bitters, Rohrer’s Expectoral Wild Cherry Tonic (Bitters), Schroeitzer Bitters, Dr. Echternach’s Bitters and Dr. Jacob Long’s Tonic and Alterative Bitters. The Green’s and Long Bitters may be unlisted. I have posted about a few of them before.

The new listing for the forthcoming Bitters Bottles Supplement 2:

G 107.5 DR. GREEN’S STOMACH BITTERS, Danner Green, 41 W. King
Lancaster Pennsylvania City Directory, 1869
L 119.5 DR. LONG’S TONIC AND ALTERATIVE BITTERS, Dr. Jacob Long, W. King c Manor
Lancaster Pennsylvania City Directory, 1869

Lancaster Bitters Manufacturers – 1869 Lancaster Directory listing

Dr. B. H. Kauffman Stomach Bitters – Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Canteen Bitters – John Hart & Co. – Lancaster PA

Jeremiah Rohrer – Nolt Collection of Whiskey Memorabilia

Griel’s Herb Bitters – Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Ash Tonic Bitters – John C. Horting, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Dr. Stoever’s Bitters – Lancaster & Philadelphia

Mishler’s Herb Bitters and The Mishler Family

The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listing for Dr. Maton in Bitters Bottles is as follows:

9 5/8 x 2 5/8 (7 1/8) 3/8
Square, Amber, LTCR, Applied Mouth, 3 sp, Extremely rare
Label: Aromatic tonic, and considered by the highest medical authorities as the best invigorating cordial ever… compounded for the weak and debilitated constitutions. Try one bottle and be convinced. The tonic cordial contains nothing that can injure the most delicate constitution but on the contrary its use will be followed by the greatest beneficial results.

Like may bitters of the time period and locale, The Dr. Maton’s product was struggling to find the right marketing niche. Was it a cordial, tonic or bitters? The 1868 advertisement below for Dr. Maton’s Bitter Tonic Cordial covers all bases with less of an emphasis on bitters. The following advertisement in 1869, uses the full Dr. Matons Celebrated Stomach Bitters name as embossed on the bottle.

Dr. Maton’s Bitter Tonic Cordial – Reading Times, Wednesday, September 2, 1868

Dr. Matons Celebrated Stomach Bitters advertisement. – 1869-70 Directory of Lancaster County

Dr. Maton’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters – Nolt Collection – Conestoga Auction Company

Dr. Maton’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters – Nolt Collection – Conestoga Auction Company

So who was Dr. Maton? I have no clue. I do find an obscure reference in 1810. Working on it now.

Select Listings:

1868: Dr. Matons Celebrated Stomach Bitters advertisement. – 1869-70 Directory of Lancaster County
1869-70: REINFRIED & CO., wines & liquors, and manuf. Dr. Matons Bitters, 114 and 116 N Queen – Directory of Lancaster County
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The back story to Saving the Fizz

How an interest that started almost 50 years ago manifested into a book on patent bottle closures

The back story to Saving the Fizz

09 July 2017

Portrait of David Jones who collects antique glass and stoneware for Collector column. Photograph by Tamara Dean

My name is David Jones, a name that has always brought some comment as it is also the name of a famous 180-year-old department store in Sydney, Australia, where I also live. No, I am not related and I cannot give you a discount.

In Australia as elsewhere in the world 180 years ago, men, and a few women too, were wrestling with a better way to retain the effervescence of bottled mineral waters and carbonated and fermented beverages – something that would represent an improvement on the old wedged cork then used. Almost certainly all also hoped that their invention was going to make them very wealthy but only a relatively few succeeded.

From around 1968, I have been a bottle collector and have always had a fascination for the history that was attached to the items I acquired. That interest kindled a 30-year project that culminated in 2009 with the self-publication of Thirsty Work: A History of the Sydney Soft Drink Industry ( At 1040 pages, it covered the social and industrial history of some 560 individuals and companies associated with the industry in Sydney, from the earliest days of convict settlement until after WWII and, in some cases, beyond.

I retired from a life-long career in advertising in 2003 and six years later with Thirsty Work completed, I looked for my next project. As a collector I ended up specialising in soft drink bottles from Sydney and its suburbs among whose numbers were a score or more different patent bottles. Oddly shaped bottles with fascinating closures. I wanted to find out more. Who was responsible for such fanciful contrivances and when were they invented? Where did they fit in the evolution from the humble cork?

My search led me to the discovery that although there were a few books on the subject, all were somewhat parochial, incomplete, mostly out of date or, in some very early publications, just plain wrong.

My idea was to not only set the record straight, but to produce a work whereby a collector, historian or archaeologist would have a handy field guide whereby one could easily search for and quickly identify a particular patent closure. Based on my then limited knowledge I first envisaged this could be achieved in not more than around 100 or 150 pages. However, having once started I was on a steep learning curve and realised that I would have to revise my estimate to around 300 pages. But little did I realise just how many patents were out there worldwide and the work steadily grew to 624 pages! Hardly a handy pocket field guide but nevertheless one volume that included the full gamut of closure types; from the humble cork to internally-stoppered bottles, ledge-mouth stoppers, long-plug stoppers, spindle and spring wire stoppers, swing wire stoppers such as the “Lightning”, internal and external screw closures, the crown cork seal and its scores of imitators, through to interactive devices and after-market re-sealers. And, just for good measure, a few enigmatic oddities thrown in.

So what does fill a book of 624 pages?

Measuring 310mm x 220mm (12.5” x 9”), the hardcover, full-colour, book features some 2,500 patents and is richly illustrated with over 4,925 images.

It is broadly arranged into types of closures as briefly outlined above. In each section the closures are listed roughly chronologically, each with its patent number and date and who patented it. In almost all cases, the original specification drawings are reproduced and, where they exist, photographs of bottles and closures are also included. The text explains how the patent worked, a brief history of the patentee, the closure’s success, or failure, and any other relevant information.

For example, did you know that the inventor of the wire swing stopper was a guitar-playing, Swedish libertine who was a trained watchmaker but, apparently through a series of fortunate and somewhat controversial events, in January 1875 designed and patented the swing stopper? One that would later evolve into the famous “Lightning” stopper!
Why were Hiram Codd’s globe-stoppered bottles accepted worldwide except in the United States where they only received scant approval among bottlers?

Why did Charles Hutchinson’s spring wire stopper rule supreme among soda water bottlers in the United States?

Henry Barrett who was originally from Jersey in the Channel Islands has long been credited as the inventor of the internal screw stopper in 1878. However, a Scottish merchant designed a method by which internal screw threads could be made in bottles as early as 1843. And, Englishman Thomas Kendall patented a bottle whose neck was formed with an internal screw thread to take a compressed cork screw stopper. But the first internal screw stopper known to have reached production was that of American Amasa Stone in 1861 – 17 years before Barrett!

The man responsible for inventing the famous safety razor in 1904, King Gillette, was also granted patents for several caps that could also be used on what would become the ubiquitous crown seal bottle. Its original cork seal cap made its 1892 inventor William Painter a very wealthy man and to whom bottlers have been forever grateful.

Which well-known New York patentee was found shot dead in his bath?

Who was the world’s most prolific inventor?

What city had the title of being the patent capital of the world?

When was the crown cap can introduced?

What possessed Londoner Anton Schon to produce his oddity?

What’s the difference between the ledge-mouth internal stoppers of Léon Vallet and John Lamont?

Where was the earliest known external-screw thread bottle found?

The answer, I am sure, will surprise you as will the answers to these questions and many more. But, to discover them, you will have to buy Saving the Fizz.

So, how does that whet your thirst?

Posted in Advertising, Advice, Bottling Works, Collectors & Collections, History, Hutches, Mineral Water, News, Patents, Publications, Soda Bottles, Soda Water, Soft Drinks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Daily Dose | July • September 2 0 1 7

July  September  |  2 0 1 7

15 August 2017

Ferd, here is the provenance on the Elk Bitters. It was found about a month ago at a farm auction at Smithville, MO. It was simply laying in a bucket on a farm wagon loaded with auction items. I snagged it off EBay. Best Regards, Gary (Beatty)

The new listing by Bill Ham for the forthcoming Bitters Bottles Supplement 2:

E 35.5 L . . . Elk Bitters, Blood Purifier, Health Perserver, The Elk Bitters Co, Kansas City, U S A
9 x 2 3/4
Square,Amber, LTC, Tooled lip
Label pictures an elk head and a native American portrait

05 July 2017

Summer-time figural ear of corn, National Bitters. Working on some image shadow clean-up. Thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison when he was in Houston a few weeks ago doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum. Read: Summertime is for Corn – Great Corn Figurals

04 July 2017

03 July 2017

A exquisite example of a General Scotts Artillery Bitters (figural cannon) from New York. Working on thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison taken by Alan when we both were in Denver recently doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum project. The bitters gallery is planned to open first, followed by historical flasks. Read: General Scotts Artillery Bitters – The Ultimate Cannon Barrel Figural.

02 July 2017

One of my favorite figural cabins, the Kelly’s Old Cabin Bitters in yellow olive. Funny color. Working on some image shadow clean-up. Thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison when he was in Houston a few weeks ago doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum.

Read: Log Cabin Series – Kelly’s Old Cabin Bitters

01 July 2017

A nice Fish Bitters in yellow olive. Good color. Working on some image shadow clean-up. Thirty-six (36) rotational photos by Alan DeMaison when he was in Denver a few weeks ago doing 3-D imaging for the FOHBC Virtual Museum. Read: Some New Fish Bitters Photographs

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Two incredibly tall G. N. Morison Wholesale Druggist Ads

Two incredibly tall G. N. Morison Wholesale Druggist Ads

26 June 2017

I’ve written about George Noble Morison of New Orleans before, specifically his extremely rare G. N. Morison’s Invigorating Bitters. Here are two really interesting vertical advertisements from Morison who was a wholesale druggist in the 1850s and 1860s.

If you click and enlarge the ads, there are some fascinating items that he advertises as being in stock. His warehouse must have really been something. Here is what specifically caught my eye:

300 pounds Hondoras Sarsaparilla

25 bbls. Alcohol

150 kegs Turkey Opium

25 carboys Aq. Ammonia

200 doz. Roome’s Maccaboy and Scotch Snuff

5 casks French Lime Juice

Tally-Ho Bitters

Patent Medicines, etc.

and so much more….

Left: G .N. Morison Wholesale Druggist advertisement – The New Orleans Crescent, Monday, June 27, 1859 Right: G .N. Morison Wholesale Druggist advertisement – The Times Picayune, Saturday, September 23, 1865

Posted in Advertising, Bitters, History, Liquor Merchant, Medicines & Cures | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dr. Herrick’s Standard Family Medicine

Dr. Herrick’s Standard Family Medicine

Herrick’s Strengthening Bitters and Herrick’s Vegetable Tonic Bitters

24 June 2017

Within this post is reference to two early bitters from 1846 and 1847 that seem to be unlisted. The Strengthening Bitters and Vegetable Tonic Bitters (probably the same bitters with flexible names) are from a Dr. Herrick who is probably Dr. Lewis R. Herrick of Albany, New York.

Dr. Herrick was born in Malden, New York on March 10, 1816 and was a noted physician of his day. Dr. Herrick, a patent medicine man, acquired considerable fame, and a large fortune in that business. His Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills and Dr. Herrick’s Kid Strengthening Plasters had a world-wide reputation, at least according to advertising and write-ups on the man. He called himself “The great Healer of Mankind!” which is a bit lofty. I would love to see a modern-day test of what is sugar pills consisted of, though I have a hunch.

Herrick studied medicine early with a Dr. McClellan of Chatham and subsequently practiced medicine for ten years in Malden. In 1835 or so, he moved to Albany and started his proprietary medicine business. At one point his advertising says Herrick & Brother, Practical Chemists, Albany, New York and use an illustration of what must be the coated Dr. Herrick wearing a top hat and sporting a walking stick. Albany, quite interestingly, seems to be the epicenter of quack medicine during that time period.

The following extrapolation comes from an 1859 book on scams entitled “Humbug“, contained in a chapter devoted to “Advertising, Swindling Quacks“.

Amongst the twenty or so named quacks, you will meet Dr Lispenard of Albany [who also used the name Ezra J. Reynolds] whose real name was Lewis R. Herrick. In 1861 one of his daughters, Helen Estelle Herrick, married J. Moreau Smith who, after working for his father-in-law’s quack medicine operation for eight years, went on to become President of the Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Company.

During the Civil War, Dr. Herrick said that soldiers leaving for war must take along his sugar coated pills that will kill the fevers, illnesses and diseases from camp life. He said that millions had taken his pills.

In 1870, Herrick moved to New York City. His business may have been acquired by L.W. Warner & Co. Dr. Herrick died on September 4, 1877 and is buried at Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, Monroe County, New York.

So here are some of the advertisements I found.

Dr. Herrick’s Strengthening BittersThe Buffalo Commercial, Monday, October 19, 1846

Dr. Herrick’s Family Medicines references a Vegetable Tonic Bitters Springville Express, Saturday, October 16, 1847

Dr. Herrick’s Standard Family Medicines- The Buffalo Commercial, Thursday, September 24, 1846

Herrick’s Sugar Coated Pills – The Cass County Republican, Thursday, December 1, 1859

“The great Healer of Mankind!” – Mattoon (Illinois) Gazette, Friday, October 12, 1860

Off For the War – The Cass County Republican, Saturday, February 1, 1862

Old Friends in the Right Place – The Cass County Republican, Thursday April 24, 1862

Looking in Bitters Bottles, I see listing for a:

G. L. Herrick, Dixon City, Illinois. Combination Atlas Map of Lee County, Illinois
Ballson Democrat (New York) March 1855

This might be the same bitters but I seriously doubt it. The reason that it must be Lewis R. Herrick is that he authored The American Domestic Cook Book for 1870. It was published by Dr. Herrick’s Family Medicines. There you go.

As far as the bitters, I am not aware of any bottle examples. The bitters were short lived as Herrick put his weight behind his pills and plasters.

The new listing for the forthcoming Bitters Bottles Supplement 2:

Strengthening Bitters and Vegetable Tonic Bitters (probably the same bitters with flexible names) are from a Dr. Herrick who is probably Dr. Lewis R. Herrick of Albany New York. Dr. Herrick was born in Malden New York on March 10, 1816 and was a noted physician of his day. Dr. Herrick, a patent medicine man, acquired considerable fame and a large fortune in that business. He marketed his products under Dr. Herrick’s Family Medicines.
Dr. Herrick’s Strengthening Bitters – The Buffalo Commercial, Monday, October 19, 1846, Dr. Herrick’s Family Medicines, Vegetable Tonic Bitters – Springville Express, Saturday, October 16, 1847.


1810: Dr . Abram Stephen Herrick, Birth: 15 Sep 1810 – Washington, Death: 16 Dec 1893 -Muscatine, Muscatine, IA (Iowa), Marriage: 11 Nov 1839 – Buskirk, Rensselaer, NY (New York), Spouse: Gertrude Breese
1816: Dr. Lewis R. Herrick born in Malden, New York on March 10, 1816.
1850: Lewis Herrick, Doctor, Age: 33, Birth Year: abt 1817, Birthplace: New York, Home in 1850: Albany Ward 9, Albany, New York, Household Members: Lewis Herrick 33, Emma Herrick 30, Hellen Herrick, 11, Emma Herrick 9, Richard Herrick 6, Robert Herrick 4 – United States Federal Census
1850: Dr . Abram Stephen Herrick, Birth: 15 Sep 1810 – Washington, Death: 16 Dec 1893 -Muscatine, Muscatine, IA (Iowa), Marriage: 11 Nov 1839 – Buskirk, Rensselaer, NY (New York), Spouse: Gertrude Breese
1850: Abram Herrick, Physician, Age: 38, Birth Year: abt 1812, Birthplace: New York, Home in 1850: Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, Abram Herrick 38, Gertrude Herrick 34, Sarah B Herrick 9, Elizabeth S Herrick 6, Stephen Herrick 4, Cornelius Herrick 1 – United States Federal Census
1860: Stephen Herrick, Age: 48, Birth Year: abt 1812, Birth Place: New York, Home in 1860: Montpelier, Muscatine, Iowa, Post Office: Blue Grass, Stephen Herrick, 48, Gertrude Herrick, 43, Sarah B Herrick, 18, Elizabeth S Herrick 15, Stephen Herrick 14, Cornelius Herrick 11, Cornelia Herrick 9, Gertrude Herrick 6, Martha Herrick 4 – 1860 United States Federal Census
1861: Lewis Herrick, Physician, R. 72 State – Albany New York City Directory
1870: The American Domestic Cook Book for 1870. [Herrick, Lewis R.]. Published by Dr. Herrick’s Family Medicines, 1870
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Now Two Tally-Ho Bitters

Now Two Tally-ho Bitters

Dr. Dimock’s Tally-Ho Bitters (Buffalo, New York) & Tally-Ho Bitters by John Caracopulo (Natchez, Mississippi)

22 June 2017

While searching some old Mississippi newspapers for evidence of the Mississippi Valley Bitters I came across a Tally-Ho Bitters from Natchez that is apparently unlisted. Bill Ham might want to pick this up and provide a designation for Bitters Bottles Supplement 2.

The phrase tally-ho is a largely a British phrase, which originated from the activity of foxhunting, and other forms of hunting with hounds, shouted when a rider or follower sees the fox. Today the term has evolved to have other meanings, most of which relate to ‘pointing out’ or ‘spotting’ a ‘target’. For example, it is sometimes used as slang in air traffic control to verify a radar contact has been visually confirmed. [Wikipedia]

I am aware of the rare Dr. Dimock’s Tally-Ho Bitters and actually have one in my collection from the John Feldmann Collection. It has a sticker for Cincinnati, Ohio, August 7th, 1999 on the base and is probably from the FOHBC National auction that year. It is listed as:

8 1/2 x 2 1/2 (6 3/8)
Square, Amber, NSC, Applied mouth, Rare

Dr. Dimock’s Tally-Ho Bitters, Buffalo, New York – Meyer Collection

Dr. Dimock’s Tally-Ho Bitters, Buffalo, New York – Meyer Collection

The New York Dr. Dimock’s Tally-Ho bitters was put out by Dr. Henry Solomon Dimock. An 1867 directory listing noted him as an eclectic physician and proprietor of patent medicines.

He also put out Dr. Dimock’s Compound Tamarac Bitters. This example above is from Greg Price.

8 1/2 x 2 1/2 (6 3/8)
Rectangular, Amber, LTC, Extremely Rare

Here is some interesting copy published in The New York Times on January 7, 1886.

Elmira, NY, Jan 6. – Dr. Henry S. Dimock, for several years a physician at Grove Springs, a fashionable Summer resort on Keuka Lake, who for some time has been the medical adviser at Crystal Springs, and who will be remembered by many people of New-York, as well as those of Western cities, has become violently insane, and this evening was taken to Willard Asylum. On the 20th of last month he lost all his books and instruments by the burning of the hotel at Crystal Springs, and the loss so preyed on his mind that last Sunday night he stole a horse and carriage from Benson Smith, of Crystal Springs, and drove the animal to Penn Yan. He told the people that he was a Pinkerton detective and was after the man who set the hotel on fire. He insisted on making a clothier open his store and sell him a suit of clothes, and after putting them on refused to pay for them or take them off. He was persuaded to disrobe, however, and then ran through the streets. He is 53 years old, and has a wife. His condition is thought to be beyond recovery.

This new Tally-Ho Bitters is apparently from John Caracopulo in Natchez, Mississippi. The bitters was represented by the primary agent P. Caporal at 89 & 90 Old Levee in New Orleans, Louisiana. His bitters were marketed as “The Genuine Grecian” and a “Wide-Awake Cock-Tail”. I can only find reference in newspaper listings in 1859 in The Times Picayune.

The new listing for the forthcoming Bitters Bottles Supplement 2:

Newspaper advertisement
T 3.3 TALLY-HO BITTERS, John Caracopulo, Natchez, Mississippi, Bitters marketed as “The Genuine Grecian” and a “Wide-Awake Cock-Tail”
The Times Picayune, Tuesday, July 17, 1855

Tally-Ho Bitters advertisement – The Times Picayune, Tuesday, July 17, 1855

Tally-Ho Bitters advertisement – The Times Picayune, Tuesday, July 17, 1855

Select Listings:

1832: Henry S. Dimock Birth: 1832, Death: 1889
1860: J B Caracopulo, Coffee House, Age: 47, Birth Year: abt 1813, Birth Place: Portugal, Home in 1860: New Orleans Ward 11, Orleans, Louisiana – 1860 United States Federal Census
1861: John Caracopulo, c.h. Jackson c Rousseau – New Orleans, Louisiana City Directory 
1867: Henry S. Dimock, eclectic physician and proprietor of patent medicines – Gazetteer and Business Directory of Ontario County, NY, 1867-68
1871: Dr. H.S. Dimock consulting hours – Buffalo Evening Post, Wednesday, December 6, 1871

1874: Dr. H.S. Dimock, physician and surgeon, over 131 East Main, residence 88 East Avenue – Lockport NY City Directory
1876: Henry S. Dimock, M.D., firm of McMichael & Dimock, 86 Niagara – Buffalo NY City Directory
1878: Henry S. Dimock, M.D., 63 Niagara, h 125 Franklin – Buffalo NY City Directory
1878: Drs. Brown & Dimock – The Buffalo Commercial, Thursday, July 18, 1878

1880: Henry S. Dimock, M.D. (Brown & Dimock), 162 Pearl – Buffalo NY City Directory
1880: Dissolution of Brown & Dimock – The Buffalo Commercial, Thursday, July 29, 1880

Posted in Advertising, Bitters, History, Medicines & Cures | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mississippi Valley Bitters or Yazoo Valley Bitters?

Mississippi Valley Bitters or Yazoo Valley Bitters?

17 June 2017 (R•042419)

I found this bright yellow, 1867 St. Louis City Directory advertisement above listing a Mississippi Valley Bitters, Fish Bitters, Hostetter’s Bitters and Drake’s Bitters. I certainly know about the last three listings. The Mississippi Valley Bitters is new to me.

Could it be related to the Yazoo Valley Bitters that was made in Vicksburg, Mississippi by Fulton M. McRae?

Read: Some Extremely Rare Mississippi Bitters

Hardaway’s Mississippi Valley Bitters – Newton County Weekly Ledger, Thusday, March 4, 1875

A quick search tells us that this is not a St. Louis brand but a Vicksburg, Mississippi bottle after all. Ah-ha. There must be a connection though this ad refers the bitters as Hardaway’s Mississippi Valley Bitters and not Fulton M. McRae’s Yazoo Valley Bitters.

The new listing for the forthcoming Bitters Bottles Supplement 2:

Newspaper advertisement
H 27.5 HARDAWAY’S MISSISSIPPI VALLEY BITTERS, Hardaway & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Vicksburg, Mississippi
Newton Weekly Ledger (Newton, Mississippi), Thursday, March 4, 1875

Yazoo Valley Bitters, Fulton M. McCrae – Meyer Collection

Yazoo, Mississippi

Yazoo City was named after the Yazoo River, which, in turn was named by the French explorer Robert La Salle in 1682 as “Rivière des Yazous” in reference to the Yazoo tribe living near the river’s mouth. The community now known as Yazoo City was founded in 1824 with the name Hannan’s Bluff. It was later renamed Manchester, then changed to Yazoo City in 1841. Yazoo City became the county seat in 1849.

Yazoo City, Mississippi – Old Main Street

A little history from Wikipedia says that a yellow fever epidemic struck Yazoo City in 1853. During the American Civil War, a makeshift shipyard was established on the Yazoo River at Yazoo City after the Confederate loss of New Orleans. The shipyard was destroyed by Union forces in 1863, but the Confederates soon recovered Yazoo City. Union forces returned the following year and this time burned down almost the entire town.

Child laborer and manager in Yazoo City, Mississippi

Yazoo City was rebuilt, but yellow fever struck again and took more victims in 1878. On May 25, 1904, a fire destroyed much of central Yazoo City. According to a local legend, the fire was caused by a witch avenging her death. In reality, a boy playing with matches accidentally set a house ablaze. The fire quickly spread, and three-fourths of the town was destroyed, including most of the homes. It was stopped by a canal, which saved the new courthouse (built in 1872 to replace the one burned by the Union forces) and 10 antebellum homes nearby. The town took almost two years to recover.

Yazoo City juke joint

Benjamin. J. Hardaway

Benjamin J. Hardaway was born on 29 December 1824 in Virginia. He moved to Vicksburg, Mississippi and ran a successful drug business in Vicksburg from about 1846 to 1880 or so. Most of his local ads read Hardaway & White. In the late 1840s he was partnered as Hardaway & Johnston, Druggists. He switched to White as a partner in late 1848.

Hardaway & Johnston, Wholesale and Retail Dealers – Vicksburg Daily Whig, Thursday, June 17, 1847

Hardaway & Johnston – Vicksburg Weekly Sentinel, Wed, May 26, 1847

Hardaway & Johnston now Hardaway & White – Vicksburg Daily Whig, Saturday September 16, 1848

Hardaway & White advertisement – Vicksburg Tri Weekly Sentinel, Tuesday, October 16, 1849

Mortimer’s Bitter Cordial, Hardaway & White – Vicksburg Tri Weekly Sentinel, Tuesday, February 5, 1850

Hardaway & White, Chemists and Druggists, Vicksburg – Vicksburg Daily Whig, Thursday, April 19, 1860

Fulton M. McCrae

Fulton McRae was born in Vicksburg, Mississippi on January 6, 1850. His father and mother were from Virginia ad relocated their family south. Soon after the Civil War, he began his career as a clerk with the Hardaway Drug Company. Benjamin Hardaway put out the Mississippi Valley Bitters. In 1877 or so, McCrae left Hardaway’s and went into partnership with John Miles and occupied a drug store on Washington Street.

In 1878, the McCrae’s lived in Vicksburg when the yellow fever epidemic struck. On April 26, 1882, Fulton he married Nita Limerick in Rodney, Mississippi. This couple had one son, Fulton Limerick McRae. In 1882, McCrae bought out his parter Miles interests and then ran a successful drug store until 1893. During this period, he put out the Yazoo Valley Bitters which he most likely purchased the brand from Hardaway or simply competed, as so many did in those days without worry of copywrite infringement. After this, McCrae headed to New York City to work at a prominent drug house of A. H. Jones. He would later return to Vicksburg where he died in on 16 August 1906.

STOP THIEF! – Fulton M. McCrae – The Vicksburg Herald, Thursday, May 28, 1885.

Fulton M. McCrae death – The Vicksburg American, Friday, August 17, 1906

Select Listings:

1824: Benjamin J. Hardaway, Birth: Dec. 29, 1824, Death: Mar. 27, 1892
1850: Benj Hardaway, Druggist, Age: 27, Birth Year: abt 1823, Birthplace: Virginia, Home in 1850: Vicksburg, Warren, Mississippi – 1850 United States Federal Census
1850: Fulton M. McRae, Jan. 6, 1850 – Aug. 16, 1906 – Vicksburg, Mississippi tombstone database.
1860: Ben Hardaway, Druggist, Age: 36, Birth Year: abt 1824, Birth Place: Virginia, Home in 1860: Vicksburg, Warren, Mississippi, Ben Hardaway 36, Emily Hardaway 28 – 1860 United States Federal Census
1870: Fulton M. McRae, Clerk (father listed as a druggist), Age in 1870: 20, Birth Year abt 1850, Birthplace: Mississippi, Home in 1870: Vicksburg Ward 3, Warren, Mississippi, Household Members: I H McRae 50, John McCae 23, C S McRae 21, F M McRae 20 – 1870 United States Federal Census
1870: Benjamin Hardaway, Druggist, Age in 1870: 45, Birth Year: abt 1825, Birthplace: Virginia, Home in 1870: Vicksburg Ward 7, Warren, Mississippi, Household Members: B Hardway 45, E C Hardway 40 – 1870 United States Federal Census
1880: Ben Hardaway, Druggist, Age: 55, Birth Year: abt 1825, Birthplace: Virginia, Home in 1880: Vicksburg, Warren, Mississippi, Married, Spouse’s Name: Emily Hardaway (50), Father’s Birthplace: Virginia, Mother’s Birthplace: Virginia – 1880 United States Federal Census
1880: Fulton McRae, Druggist, Age: 26, Birth Year: abt 1854, Birthplace: Mississippi, Home in 1880: Vicksburg, Warren, Mississippi, Relation to Head of House: Son, Marital Status: Single, Father’s Birthplace: Virginia, Mother’s name: I. H. McRae, Mother’s Birthplace: Virginia, Household Members: I. H. McRae 60, John McRae 30, Collin McRae 29, Fulton Mcrae 26, Lucy Mcrae 24 – 1880 United States Federal Census
Posted in Advertising, Bitters, Druggist & Drugstore, History, Medicines & Cures | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dr. Brunon’s Bitters – To Hotel Keepers, Restaurants, Druggists, Grocers and the Public

Dr. Brunon’s Bitters

To Hotel Keepers, Restaurants, Druggists, Grocers and the Public

15 June 2017 (R•100919)

Dr. Brunon’s Bitters advertisement – The Ottawa Free Trader, Saturday, April 30, 1859

A simple post here for an 1859 bitters advertisement I found the other day in The Ottawa Free Trader. Dr. Brunon’s Bitters would cure just about anything out there. The bitters sold for 50 cents per bottle, $5 per dozen, $2.50 per gallon and you could get extra Bitters for bar-rooms, by the gallon or barrel at the low price of $1.25 per gallon. I wonder how they shipped the barrels?

The bitters is listed as B 239 in Bitters Bottles by Carlyn Ring and Bill Ham.

B 239 DR. BRUNON”S BITTERS K. Cruger, Sole Agent, New York City
New York Daily Times, June 15, 1858. Newspaper advertisement 1859: Eradicates all diseases of the blood, by the bottle or barrel. Newspaper advertisement 1863: One and a half columns of cures.

In Bitters Bottles Supplement 2 an advertising envelope is listed. This envelope is pictured at the top of this post and is from the Ben Swanson collection.

Advertising Envelope
B 239 DR. BRUNON’S BITTERS, K. Cruger 742 Broadway Sole Agent For New York, 1851 Washington three cent stamp canceled New York, date illegible.
See B 239 in Bitters Bottles

Dr. Felix Brunon, from Warsaw, Poland, was a physician, graduating from the University of Pennsylvania. He practiced in the Callowhill District of Philadelphia which has kind of gone away as it was bisected by I-95. His office was at Old York Road and Callowhill Street. Read: Hidden Philadelphia

Philadelphia Circus, 10th and Callowhill Streets. Somewhat nearby to Dr. Brunon but long forgotten too.

Here is a string of ads all centered around 1859 which was the year the bitters first appeared. Brunon’s remedies purportedly cured Dyspepsia, Debility, Biliousness, Liver Complaints, Diarrhea, Heartburn, Jaundice, Blood Diseases, Fever & Ague, Cholera and Summer Complaints, whatever that was.

His goop also cured “Secret Diseases” for Women and Irregularities of Menstruation. Other assertions stated that his bitters cured Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Strictures, Affection of the Kidneys and Bladder etc. I find it rather amazing that it could not make a headache go away. I suppose you could chase it with Headache Bitters.

Dr. Brunon even says in some advertisements that he cured over 11,000 patients in 3 years! His bitters was represented by K. Cruger, who was the sole agent the United States. Cruger addressed at 742 Broadway in New York City.

I am not aware of any bottles in collections. Could have been a labeled bitters on an aqua bottle or embossed aqua is my guess. Where are they all?

Dr. Brunon – Treatment without Charge! Secret Diseases! – Public Ledger, Monday, February 2, 1857

Secret Diseases – Dr. Brunon – Public Ledger, Saturday, February 28, 1857

Dr. Brunon’s Bitters – The Portage Sentinel, Thursday, December 9, 1858

Dr.Brunon’s Bitters advertisement – 1859 Albany NY City Directory

Dr. Brunon’s Bitters – The Tennessean, Sunday, February 13, 1859

An Earnest Word to Young Men and Ladies advertisement – The Louisville Daily Courier, Tuesday, May 31, 1859

Dr. Brunon’s Bitters – The Louisville Daily Courier, Friday, July 8, 1859

Dr. Brunon’s Concentrated Remedies for Delicate Diseases advertisement – The Louisville Daily Courier, Friday, May 18, 1860

Select Listings:

1861-64: Felix Brunon, MD., 409 Callowhill (physician), 401 York ave, h 910 Randolph – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Directory

1865: Brunon, Felix, University of Pennsylvania Graduates, Saturday, March 11, 1865, Residence Warsaw, Poland

1866: Physicians, Felix Brunon,  401 N 12h – Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaCity Directory

1867-70: Felix Brunon, Physician, 107 Vine – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Directory

Posted in Advertising, Bitters, Druggist & Drugstore, History, Medicines & Cures, Remedy | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Barnett & Lion’s Southern Grey Jacket Stomach Bitters

Barnett & Lion’s Southern Grey Jacket Stomach Bitters

08 June 2017 (R•022219)

Dale Mlasko recently posted pictures of a whittled and mint, red amber, Barnett & Lion’s (sometimes spelled incorrectly as Lyon) “Grey Jacket Bitters” bottle from a collection that was boxed up and unknown for decades. This labeled (not embossed) Southern stomach bitters, from New Orleans, was first produced in 1865. The bottle has a really cool embossed confederate soldier, hence you would assume, the name. The label probably had a color illustration of Johnny Reb. The bottle is extremely rare with probably only a handful secreted away in Southern collections. This bottle is very desirable and has so much going for it.

The advertisement below breaks away from Johnny Reb and says. “From the recipe of a well-known and celebrated GREY JACKET CHIEF.” Interesting. We know that there were at least three different Red Jacket Bitters out there named after Red Jacket (c. 1750–January 20, 1830). Red Jacket was a Seneca orator and chief of the Wolf clan, based in western New York.

Read: Red Jacket Bitters – Another Chicago ‘Indian’

Read: He had a new variety of bitters known as Red Jacket Bitters

Read: Lewis’ Red Jacket Bitters – New Haven, Connecticut

Barnett & Lion’s Southern Gray Jacket Stomach Bitters advertisement. – The Daily Clarion, Tuesday, Feb 27, 1866

There was even a Blue Jacket Bitters with marketing using a Union soldier. And to complicate things, there was even a Chief Blue Jacket or Weyapiersenwah (c. 1743 – 1810) who was a war chief of the Shawnee people, known for his militant defense of Shawnee lands in the Ohio Country.

Read: Kaufman’s Celebrated Blue Jacket Bitters – Indianapolis

Actually in New Orleans, there is another reference to Grey Jacket. The New Orleans Greys were a Military volunteer unit of two militia companies that totaled about 120 men that had formed in the city of that name for service in the Texas War of Independence. Their name came from the grey military fatigues they wore. Heck, I even found record of a schooner named Grey Jacket that sailed into New Orleans during the same time period. Lots of Grey Jacket references.

At the end of the day, it is probably a double entendre referring to Chief Gray Jacket for medicinal purposes and to the Confederate soldier who were the primary audience for the concoction. The problem here is that I do not know who Chief Grey Jacket was?

Now, let’s look at Dale’s pictures and say what we know. We are talking here about Manuel (Michael) Barnett and Hermann (also Herman) Lion who were from London and Hamburg, Germany respectively. They made their way to America and settled in New Orleans, Louisiana. Both were listed as Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines, etc. at Nos. 81 & 83 Gravier Street. The bottle, advertising and directory listings are centered around 1866, one year after the conclusion of the American Civil War. Obviously this sparked their business model.

Some of their advertising states that they provided “BEAUTIFUL FRAMED CARDS FOR BAR-ROOMS, SALOONS, ETC.” with their product delivery. Easy bet that it was loaded with alcohol even though they said lots of veggies and herbs. Wouldn’t it be great to find a surviving card?

Unfortunately Barnett & Lion were sued by Udolpho Wolfe of Schnapps fame and their product didn’t last too long. Michael Barnett would also die in 1870 which has a tendency to halt a relationship. The following was recorded:

Received January 30th, 1867, and on the 31st day of the same month and year, served copy of the within writ of injunction personally on Michael Barnett of the firm of Barnett and Lion, who told me that although in said writ he was called Manuel Barnett, he accepted service of the same, because he knew he was the party intended to be served. Returned same day.–Sheriffs fees $1.00.

You are hereby enjoined and restrained, in the name of the State of Louisiana, and of the Fourth District of New Orleans. from preparing and selling, or offering to sell, any imitation of plaintiff’s (Udolpho Wolfe) gin, or any article with or under the name or title of “Wolfe’s Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps,” or “Aromatic Shiedam Schnapps,” or “Schiedam Schnapps,” or from using any imitation of said name, or making or selling any liquor bearing said trade-mark, or any imitation of said name on the label, the envelope, the bottle, or the box; and you are so enjoined until the further orders of this Court.

What is interesting here is that Michael Barnett’s wife was named Sophia Adelaide Wolfe. She was born in Richmond, Virginia, in 1831, and her father, Michael B. Wolfe, was born in the same city in 1809. Michael B. Wolfe settled at Yazoo City, Mississippi, in 1829, buying land there and developing an extensive plantation. I need to run this down.

Two vertical advertisements from The New Orleans Crescent. The left-most ad is dated 15 February 1866 and the right most is dated 25 February 1866. Note the spelling difference with Lyon and Lion. The bottles is embossed Lion’s. Odd that the street addresses are different unless they moved in that 10-day period.

Bitters to the Manor Born advertisement. – The New Orleans Crescent, Saturday September 1, 1866.

“BARNETT & LION’S” – (motif of a standing French soldier or possibly a Pirate) – “NEW ORLEANS, LA.”, (Ring/Ham, B-26L), Louisiana, ca. 1865 – 1875, dark amber, 9 1/2”h, smooth base, applied tapered collar mouth. A 1” wide by 3/4” deep ‘V’ shaped chip out of the lip has been repaired. Crude highly whittled glass with plenty of bubbles. Extremely rare, possibly less than five known examples! Acquired from Van Herbert in 1980. Sidney Genius Collection. – Glass Works Auctions | Auction #128

Left: Comparing the Dale Mlasko whittled and mint red amber Barnett & Lion’s labeled Gray Jacket Bitters and an Old Continental Whiskey in light yellow amber on the right. Both have embossed military figures.

Udolpho Wolfe vs. Barnett & Lion (cover). Filed in January 1869. – Earl Long Library, University of New Orleans

Udolpho Wolfe vs. Barnett & Lion (Page 4) – Earl Long Library, University of New Orleans

[from the History of New Orleans, Volume 3] Michael Barnett. Jr., was born in London in 1819. and in 1837 came to America. and at that time first established the family name in New Orleans. He left this city in 1850 and went out to California, being several months in the overland trip to San Francisco. He was in the coast metropolis about three years, and while there established the Great Western Distillery. When he came east he was accompanied by his wife and two children, and they made the journey down the coast by vessel to the Isthmus, crossed Panama on burros and thence by boat back to New Orleans, where Michael Barnett formed a partnership with Herman Lion and engaged in the wholesale liquor business for many years.

During the war between the states he was a member of the Home Guards. His death occurred in 1870.

The wife of this old time New Orleans merchant was Sophia Adelaide Wolfe. She was born in Richmond, Virginia, in 1831, and her father, Michael B. Wolfe, was born in the same city in 1809. Michael B. Wolfe settled at Yazoo City, Mississippi, in 1829, buying land there and developing an extensive plantation. When the war broke out he freed his slaves, and he died on the plantation in 1865. Michael Wolfe married Hettie Levy, who was born at Richmond in 1812 and died at New Orleans in 1882.

Select Listings:

1819: Michael Barnett. Jr., was born in London. – History of New Orleans
1824: Birth of Hermann Lion on Sep. 4, 1824 in Hamburg, Germany
1837: Michael Barnett came to America and first established the family name in New Orleans. – History of New Orleans
1850: Michael Barnett left New Orleans in 1850 and went out to California, being several months in the overland trip to San Francisco. He was in the coast metropolis about three years, and while there established the Great Western Distillery. – History of New Orleans
1860: Hermann Lion, 35, Jeweler, Birth Year: abt 1825, Birth Place: Hamburg, Home in 1860: New Orleans Ward 1, Orleans, Louisiana, Post Office: New Orleans, Household Members: Hermann Lion 35, Serena Lion 28, Flora Lion 6, Arthur Lion 5, Clarence Lion 3 – United States Federal Census
1866: BARNETT & LION (Manuel Barnett, Hermann Lion), Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines, & c, Nos. 81 & 83 Gravier Street. – Gardner’s New Orleans Directory for 1866 – Including Jefferson City, Gretna, Carrollton, Algiers and McDonogh
1866: Barnett, Manuel (Barnett & Lion), 81 & 83 Gravier, d 229 Terpsichore Barnett Morris sr. d 124 Prytania Barnett Morris jr. d 122* Prytania Barnett Nathaniel (Kail & Barnett), 48 Chartres – Gardner’s New Orleans Directory for 1866 – Including Jefferson City, Gretna, Carrollton, Algiers and McDonogh
1869: Advertisement for Gray Jacket Bitters – The New Orleans Crescent, Saturday, March 13, 1869

1870: Herman Lion, 45, Liquor Merchant, Birth Year: abt 1825, Birthplace: Hamburg, Home in 1870: New Orleans Ward 1, Orleans, Louisiana, Post Office: NewOrleans. Household Members: Herman Lion 45, Sevena Lion 37, Arthur Lion 14, Clarence Lion 13, Fanny Lion 9, Emile Lion 4, Rosey Lion 2, Kate Whitehead 17, Cady Sabena 36 – United States Federal Census
1870: Death of Michael Barnett.
1887: Death of Herman Lion on Nov. 5, 1887 in New Orleans (see marker below)

Herman Lion tombstone.

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