Early pictures of some of the characters and legends or both • Part 2

This is a continuation (Part 2) of Early pictures of some of the characters and legends or both which I will now call Part 1. With a web site, you do not want to overload a single page with too many images.

There would be no better way to start Part 2 than to receive an email from the great, Mark Vuono with some images of his father and some of the players a generation back.

HI Ferd,

I found some ancient photos for your archive of the old bottle collectors. Hope you enjoy them.

Picture #1 is circa 1985 with me on the left, Carl Pratt in the center and my father on the right. Don’t ask me what bottle show we were attending.

Picture #2 was taken at Garth’s Auctions in Ohio about 1985 also. I am on the left, the late Bill Pollard is in the center and my Dad is on the right.

Picture #3 was taken at the Las Vegas Expo in 1988. Dick Sheaff, the designer of The American Glass stamp, is on left. the late Dr. Gary Johnson is in the center and yours truly on the right.

Picture #4 was also taken at The Las Vegas Expo in ’88 with Dr. Gary Johnson on left, me in center and my Dad on the right.

Picture # 5 was taken at Skinner’s in Bolton, MA on May 14th, 1988. Pictured on the  left is Beverly Burbage. He was the owner of the GI-118 half pint blue Columbia flask that was bought by Frank Brockman and recently displayed at Reno. I am in the center holding the blue GII-24 blown three mold flask I just purchased and my Dad is on the right.

I think it is a great idea that you are making this archive as many of the current collectors have just “heard the name” but have no picture of the actual collector to visualize.

Feel free to post them on Peachridge should you desire or just keep them archived. I will keep hunting down some more for you.

All The best, Mark

The Vuono Series

Carl Pratt (center) and my father (Charles Vuono)  on the right. Don’t ask me what bottle show we were attending – circa 1985 – photo Mark Vuono (left)

Taken at Garth’s Auctions in Ohio about 1985. I am on the left, the late Bill Pollard is in the center and my Dad (Charles Vuono) on the right. – photo Mark Vuono (left)

Taken at the Las Vegas Expo in 1988. Dick Sheaff, the designer of The American Glass stamp, is on the  left. the late Dr. Gary Johnson is in the center and yours truly on the right. – photo Mark Vuono (right)

Taken at The Las Vegas Expo in ’88 with Dr. Gary Johnson on the left, me in the center and my Dad (Charles Vuono) on the right. – photo Mark Vuono (center)

Skinner’s in Bolton, MA on May 14th, 1988. Pictured on the left is Beverly Burbage. He was the owner of the GI-118, half pint, blue Columbia flask that was bought by Frank Brockman and recently displayed at the 2012 Reno Expo. I am in the center holding the blue GII-24 blown three mold flask I just purchased and my Dad (Charles Vuono) is on the right. – photo Mark Vuono (center)

Read more: Early pictures of some of the characters and legends or both (Part 1)

Posted in Auction News, Bottle Shows, Collectors & Collections, Early American Glass, Flasks, Historical Flasks, History, Peachridge Glass, Photography | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Swift’s Syphilitic Specific – “Hey, I’ve got Syphilis”


“Hey, I’ve got Syphilis. Do you have any medicine for me?”

Early Syphilis treatment. Color enhanced illustration of the use of the tobacco plant as a treatment for syphilis, 1558. – New York Public Library

“Sure, try some Swift’s Syphilitic Specific”


“Thanks, just what I need”

I like it when Dr. Charles Aprill (New Orleans) stirs things up with a post of some of his great bottles. In this case, surprise, two blue examples (pictured below) of SWIFT’S SYPHILITIC SPECIFIC. This is an American bottle, ca. 1860-1870, usually around 8 1/2″ tall, in deep cobalt blue. Strap sided and in a tombstone shape, it comes with an applied mouth and has a smooth base.

Before the Food and Drug Act, there were cures for everything from Cancer to Diabetes, or so they led one to believe. Apparently SSS was a cure for sexually transmitted diseases.

SWIFT’S SYPHILITIC SPECIFIC in natural light. The dark one is 8 1/2″ tall. The lighter one has a longer neck, 9″ tall. Close inspection suggests these two bottles were from the same mold. Fairly dramatic difference in the blue – c.a. (Charles Aprill)

SWIFT’S SYPHILITIC SPECIFIC in natural habitat. Different lip finishes. Bases bear a slightly eccentric “thumb” sized impression, ? a pontil mark. Who knows more about these bottles and this product? c.a.

Imagine this conversation, Customer, “Hey I’ve got Syphilis. Do you have any medicine for me?” Druggist, “Sure try some SWIFT’S SYPHILITIC SPECIFIC”. Customer: “Thanks, just what I need”.  c.a.

SWIFT’S SYPHILITIC SPECIFIC. There’s variety in color and mouth finish. These are likely from the same mold, but: the rolled lip variant has longer neck by 1/2 inch. I’d like to have more. Can’t tell when a friend might need some. c.a.

Excerpt from For God, Country, and Coca-Cola, By Mark Pendergrast

Part of a “sympton blank” sent out in November 1916 , by the S.S.S. concern to a person who wanted medical advice in the treatment of syphilis.

Posted in Carnival Glass, Digging and Finding, History, Marbles, Tonics | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Gotta’ be strong to collect Demijohns – Dale & Barbara Santos

B a l a n c i n g  A c t

Gotta’ be strong to collect Demijohns Dale & Barbara Santos

12 August 2012 (R•041815)

Apple-Touch-IconAIt is time to look at Dale and Barbara Santos from Foresthill, California. The Santos duo has been putting together an amazing run of cylindrical demijohns along with other big boy glass beauties. Dale and Barbara really hit the jackpot and won big at the FOHBC Reno Expo with two new gorgeous demijohns (one in a turquoise coloration – pictured below) that I am sure will anchor their amazing collection. A spectacular new ‘pinkish’ example can also be seen in a picture below.

Dale and Barbara set up at major bottle shows and enjoy visiting and touring President’s homes between glass events. I believe they have visited just about every home! They also collect historical flasks which I am nesting pictures for a future post.

Bottle collecting can be fun, especially when you get the opportunity to meet interesting people like the Santos’s who are passionate about glass, history and our country. What a package. Glass heavy weights!

Barbara and Dale posing in front of the home of Franklin Pierce, our 14th President, located in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.

Wheatfield, home of our 15th President, James Buchanan, located in Lancaster, PA

Mount Vernon, Alexandria, VA, home of our 1st president, George Washington.

Barbara and Dale posing in front of their sales table at the 2012 FOHBC Reno Expo


My latest demijohn acquisition

18 April 2015

Hi Ferd, I wanted to share with you my latest demijohn acquisition. This western pink demijohn still had the wicker attached! First time I am aware of one being found retaining its wicker. In my opinion the true pink demijohns have to be considered the rarest color one can find a demijohn in, this one compliments my other almost identical western pink demijohn, all the best, Dale and Barbara Santos.




Posted in Collectors & Collections, Demijohns, Early American Glass, History, Utility Bottles | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Three HutchBook Milestones


PRESS RELEASE: Three major announcements highlighted the July 27, 2012 national meeting of Hutchinson Bottle Collectors’ Association members held in conjunction with the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors’ Expo 2012 antique bottle and collectible show at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino in Reno, Nevada:

1. Hutchinson Bottle Directory Now Available On-line!

HutchBook Phase II, the Hutchinson Bottle Directory, launches at HutchBook.com on August 1, 2012!  A powerful new “Hutchinson Search” engine is the gateway to catalogued information about over 17,000 different Hutchinson bottles.  Detailed data on bottles utilized in over 35 countries, states, territories, and provinces will be accessible initially, with all remaining data scheduled to be added during August, 2012.  Users will also have access to numerous pre-defined, printable lists of Hutchinson bottles from specific countries, states, territories, and provinces, plus lists of bottles in popular collecting categories such as colored and picture Hutchinsons.  The database is continually updated to ensure collectors, archaeologists, historians, and other interested users have access to the most current and accurate Hutchinson information available.  To access these new HutchBook features, click on the “Bottle Directory” link in the left side navigation bar on this page.

The launch of HutchBook Phase II also signals the start of Phase III, the inclusion of all available Hutchinson bottle images.  A small sampling of images will be on-line in August, with thousands more scheduled for posting in months to come.

2. HBCA “Hall of Fame Award” Charter Members Announced!

The Hutchinson Bottle Collectors’ Association’s prestigious “Hall of Fame Award” recognizes individuals whose lasting contributions have encouraged the growth of collecting Hutchinson bottles.  These hobby pioneers are known internationally for their extensive collections, advanced researching skills, encouraging and educating others, and authoring books, magazine, newsletter, and Internet articles.  The enduring contributions of HBCA Hall of Fame Award recipients embody the very spirit of the HBCA’s mission.

The names of the charter recipients of the Hutchinson Bottle Collectors’ Association’s Hall of Fame Award are posted on the Collecting page.

3. HBCA “Honor Roll Award” Charter Members Announced!

The Hutchinson Bottle Collectors’ Association’s prestigious “Honor Roll Award” recognizes individuals whose contributions are encouraging the growth of collectingHutchinson bottles.  Many of these avid collectors are contributing to the hobby’s growing body of knowledge via research and authoring books, magazine, newsletter, and Internet articles.  HBCA Honor Roll Award recipients routinely magnify their enjoyment ofHutchinson collecting by investing considerable time and energy into sharing their expertise with others.

This extensive listing recognizes individuals who are long overdue for public acknowledgement of their major contributions.  The names of the initial HBCA Honor Roll Award recipients are posted on the Collecting page:

Posted in Advice, Club News, Hutches, News | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Bottle Thefts at the Reno Expo


By Pam Selenak | FOHBC Public Relations Director

As great of a show as the Reno Expo was, it did not go without a blemish. The bottle collecting community as a whole is an honest and trustworthy group of people. We have in the past, been able to leave our sales tables and do a little shopping or chat with someone for a while and know that our items will still be there when we get back. Unfortunately those days are gone. Even if 99.9% of us are in this group of upstanding citizens there is that 0.1% that ruins it for everybody. I can’t stress this enough DO NOT LEAVE YOUR TABLES UNATTENDED.

At Reno, there were one or more persons casing the show for opportunities to steal. Here is the list of some of the stolen bottles:

Green, John Moffat’s Phoenix Bitters

Green, “Old Castle Flask” with repaired neck

Warner’s Safe Tonic Bitters” amber pint

8 1/2, in deep aqua, A.M. Cole Virginia City

 7″ aqua, 4 indented paneled medicine, “Dr. Mintie’s” on one side, front panel “Nephreticum”, “San Francisco” on other side

Sharp & Dohme KU-19 poison, 4″ tall cobalt, front paneled: skull & crossbones with star above and below, with the word POISON down both sides; rounded back with original label

To the person or persons who have in their possession any or all of these items take note.

1) There were thousands of pictures as well as time lapsed photos (every ten seconds) taken during the three days of the show. We are presently going over each and every frame to find you.

2) You have committed grand theft.

3) If you try to sell or show these bottles you will be caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Is it worth you losing your lively hood, family, and the quality of the remainder of your life? A full police report has been filed. This information is also being sent out by magazines, websites, and club newsletters. You have angered the bottle community and we WILL be looking for these bottles. This activity will not be tolerated. YOU WILL BE FOUND!

To any bottle collector who sells on eBay, please note in your narrative of this and that if anyone sees or hears of any of these types of bottles to contact the Federation immediately. Know who you are buying from and only buy from reputable dealers!

So, PLEASE,keep an eye on your tables at shows. These people are out there and they know what they are doing.

[FOHBC] A few comments from our members…

there was the one burr under the saddle that continues to plague every show these days, no matter how much security is present or no matter how vigilant the dealers are; THEFT. I’ve got my own feelings on the matter and personally think that the “code of the west” oughta still be enforced. The heck with “politically correct.” I guess that just don’t cut it in the 21st century. It oughta… And yet, with the quantity of killer glass present, coupled with the sheer volume of folks packing the aisles, it could have been a heckuva lot worse. Still, one theft is one too many!

Bruce Silva (Jacksonville, Oregon)

“Any bottle thieves should be entered into a real Shoot-out where they can be pelted with crock beers & broken shards of glass. Overall, best show I have ever been to! Not sure if it will ever be duplicated!”

Lance Westfall (San Diego, California)

“I hope everyone enjoyed the show and found something nice to take home with them. We started this Expo almost 2 years ago when Richard Siri was the president of the FOHBC. We talked and he asked what I thought about hosting another big show in Reno; well, I couldn’t say no. We worked countless hours to make this show run smoothly and to make it an unforgettable show for you. If there was one thing I could change, I would have added more security. Every year western shows have theft including Las Vegas, Auburn and Reno. I think we had multiple people working the show, and this totally bummed me out. I apologize to those who lost bottles. It’s sad to think we have entered a new era that requires keeping your bottles behind a locked case. I hope you had fun and enjoyed Reno. Support your local clubs and the FOHBC!”

Marty Hall – Show Chairman (Reno, Nevada)

This World has changed, the bottle hobby has now been changed and I look forward to help and guidance that the FOHBC might come up with to help us all.”

James Campiglia (Bozeman, Montana)

Posted in Advice, Bottle Shows, Club News, FOHBC News, News | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Houston, it seems like there were some Scheduling Issues in Reno…

Sometimes, you just have to poke fun at yourself. Well, the Show Program Table of Contents said our Schedule of Events for the Expo was on Page 8. Unfortunately, it wasn’t on Page 8, or even in the program.

Also, apparently the show times had been revised for the show and the information wasn’t passed along to the web sites. Subsequent, follow-up schedules were questionable as information was missing or contradictory. People were a bit confused, including myself. Sometimes you have to just scratch your head, say you are sorry and that it will not happen again. It won’t, believe me.

I asked my FOHBC friend and member, John Akers to illustrate my thoughts in a cartoon. I think John did quite well! If you look closely, each clock and poster has different times! See more of John’s work: Meet John Akers – A Collector and his Cartoons

Look for a special Bottles and Extras issue dedicated to the great Reno Expo.

Posted in Bottle Shows, Club News, FOHBC News, Humor - Lighter Side | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Bininger Advertising Art & Labels

Abraham M. Bininger

Bininger Advertising Art & Labels

10 August 2012 (R•022419)

Apple-Touch-IconAAs a designer and artist, I really admire the wonderful advertising art for Bininger products such as the fully labeled A.M. Bininger & Co. figural cannon pictured above, held by the Corning Museum of Glass. Other Bininger products include:

La Sylphide Bourbon

Old Kentucky Bourbon

Great Gun Bourbon

Traveler’s Guide Bourbon

Essence of Old Virginia Wheat Whiskey

Bouquet Bourbon

Zouave Bourbon

Pioneer Bourbon

Favorita Gin

Look at this great art, most held at the Library of Congress

Read More: Bininger Gallery

La Sylphide Bourbon, A.M. Bininger & Co. Bourbon advertising label in the shape of a glass showing a man pursuing three sylphs. circa 1860 – Library of Congress

A color lithograph Whiskey advertising label showing a woman carrying a bundle of grain. Bininger’s Old Kentucky Bourbon, A.M. Bininger & Co., N.Y. sole proprietors / F. Heppenheimer, N.Y., Heppenheimer, Frederick, c. 1876. Date Created/Published: c 1860, – Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.

Bininger’s Great Gun Bourbon, A.M. Bininger & Co., N.Y. – Library of Congress

c 1861 poster art, Bininger’s Traveler’s Guide Bourbon, A.M.

Essence of Old Virginia Wheat Whiskey, A.M. Bininger & Co. / Sarony, Major & Knapp liths., N.Y., ca. 1859 – Library of Congress

Advertising art for Bininger’s Bouquet Bourbon, A.M. Bininger & Co., N.Y. sole proprietors / Sarony, Major & Knapp lith., N.Y. Whiskey advertising label showing man with mandolin and woman with bouquet on steps. – eBay

Superb and rare genuine Whisky label “Zouave Bourbon”, A M Bininger &Co,New York, 5 & 6/16th inches tall, chromo litho found in an old scrapbook which was dated 1887 – eBay

Bininger’s Pioneer Bourbon, A.M. Bininger & Co. / lith. of Sarony, Major & Knapp, N.Y., Date created: c1859, lithograph, color. Bourbon advertising label showing man holding rifle and warming his hands by campfire, with moon in background. – Library of Congress

Biningers Favorita Gin – Glass Works Auctions

Newspaper advertisement for A. M. Bininger & Co. Old London Dock Gin and black & white art was originally published in the St Augustine Examiner, April 13, 1861., St. Augustine Examiner, Vol III, No. 31, A, typical of the era.

Umberhine & Gustin’s Lake Shore Gazetteer and Business Directory. A full-page advertisement for A. M. Bininger & Co. Old London Dock Gin, with “substanial indorsements”

Read More: Barrel Series – Bininger Old Kentucky Bourbon


Bininger’s “Old Times” family rye, distilled in 1848…designed for family & medicinal use – Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

Read More: A. M. Bininger & Co. Figural Cannon

Read More: Bininger’s Night Cap Flask

Posted in Advertising, Ephemera, Figural Bottles, Gin, Glass Companies & Works, History, Spirits, Whiskey | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Barrel Series – Bininger Old Kentucky Bourbon


10 August 2012

A color lithograph Whiskey advertising label showing a woman carrying a bundle of grain. Bininger’s Old Kentucky Bourbon, A.M. Bininger & Co., N.Y. sole proprietors / F. Heppenheimer, N.Y., Heppenheimer, Frederick, c. 1876. Date Created/Published: c 1860, – Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.

Apple-Touch-IconALet’s now move on to the great and well-known Bininger brand figural barrels. I am fortunate to possess an example (pictured below) and one was included in the recent Glass Works Auctions | Auction 95. It is always rewarding to look at Bininger products because of the abundance of great information and material held by the Library of Congress. I also was able to find the great article from The New York Times written in 1870.


The New York Times

October 15, 1870

*Death of an old Merchant — Mr. Abraham Bininger
 Gathered to his Fathers — Story of an Industrious Family

*Received a telephone call from Bininger authority, Jack Pelletier on 25 April 2013 noting that parts of this article are not correct. Waiting for more information from Jack.

Mr. Abraham Bininger, the oldest liquor merchant in this City, died at his residence, No. 167 West Forty-fifth-street, yesterday morning, of paralysis of the brain. He has been ill only about two weeks so as to be confined to his house, but has been in delicate health for the past twelve years, though he has not been prevented, until his last illness, from giving his attention to business. He leaves a son of the same name, who succeeds him in business under the name of A. M. Bininger & Co., No. 15 Beaver-street, and a daughter. The wealth of Mr. Bininger is estimated at not less than $250,000, the most of which has been accumulated in his business.

Mr. Bininger, the father of the subject of this sketch, came to this country when a lad with his father and mother, who emigrated from Zürich, Switzerland. They came over on the same vessel with the celebrated John Wesley, and within two days’ sail of Savannah, their port of destination, Mr. Bininger and his wife died, leaving Abraham, an orphan, to the care of the Weslyans, by whom he was educated at the Methodist Whitfield Orphan School in Savannah. A number of Moravians, who had settled there, came North afterward and brought young Bininger with them, educating him in that faith, with the intention of making him a minister. When of age Mr. Bininger settled at Cold Spring, and there began to preach, marrying at the same time and becoming the father of four sons — Abraham, (the subject of this sketch,) Isaac, Christian and Joseph. The elder Bininger went to St. Thomas as a missionary, and while there was told that none but slaves would be allowed to preach to slaves. He offered to become a slave in order that he might save the souls of the black race, but the King of Denmark, upon being made acquainted with the offer, gave permission to the Moravian parson to preach to any class in St. Thomas. After his return from the West Indies Mr. Bininger went with Mr. Whitfield as a missionary among the Indians; was very successful, and on his return to New-York met Mr. Embury, the first Methodist, who came to this country in that year, and together they organized a society and erected a church in John-street. From this City Mr. Bininger went to Camden Valley (now Salem) Washington County, New-York, with Mr. Embury, bought a large quantity of land, and there erected the family mansion.

Abraham, the eldest son, was this year sent to New-York to be apprenticed to the trade of a tanner, in the Swamp. He served seven years, but, not liking the trade, abandoned it when he became of age, in 1761, and obtained his living by working as a day laborer. About this time he married a sister of Peter Embury, (afterward celebrated as a grocer and wine merchant.) Peter went in the grocery business at the corner of Beekman and Nassau streets, where now stands the Park Hotel. After the marriage Mrs. Bininger found that it was difficult for a man to support a family on the earnings of a common laborer, and she assisted him by taking in washing and ironing, and thus managed to get along comfortably. She then proposed to have an apple and cake stand in front of the house, which as in Augusta-street — now City Hall-place — and she would, while washing, be on the outlook for customers. At first the young wife only sold a few cakes, cookies and sugar-plums. From that it changed to cabbages, potatoes, fruits, tobacco, snuff, and finally a few groceries. Here was the foundation of the great Bininger grocery-houses. The cookies, cakes and tea-rusk were daily supplied from a basket carried by a young man who peddled tea-rusks, &c. The name of the boy peddler was John Jacob Astor, who was then eighteen or twenty years of age, and had not long arrived in this country, and before he had fairly started in that wonderful rise in the world that Astor afterwards made. In after years, when Abraham Bininger was enjoying the fruit of his early planting, he took quite a delight in narrating all the incidents of his early days, especially to such men as DeWitt Clinton, and the other great men of the day. Abraham, after his little store was started, found that day labor was precarious. He plodded along contentedly for some time, and then he bought a buck and saw, and took up the business of sawing wood, then a very money-making employment. When Mr. Embury, his brother-in-law, built the store in Beckman-street, Abraham carried a hod; and afterward, pointing to the house, boasted that the greater portion of the bricks were carried on his shoulder. After a while he became so “free-handed” that he was able to buy a horse and cart. This he drove for some years. Meanwhile, his grocery department prospered under the careful management of his “Katy.” The sales increased, and he frequently was called upon to purchase seven pounds of sugar a day, and carry it home, to be retailed out by the penny-worth. Up to this time, all his stock of groceries had been carried on his own back, but an important change was soon to occur. The old pastor was settled at Camden Valley, as has been narrated; it had become quite a place. Isaac Bininger, the brother of Abraham, after the war, lived with his father at Camden Valley. He had been finely educated. Abraham had not received an education. Isaac opened a store at Camden Valley, the most extensive between Albany and Montreal, and was the wonder of the primitive inhabitants.

So successful was Isaac, that he sent down to New-York City for his brother to come up and share in the mercantile prosperity of the old Bininger stock. Abraham departed from New-York, leaving Katy Bininger in charge of the shop in Augusta-street, and joined his brother at Camden Valley. He was taken into partnership. After a short time, the brothers decided that Abraham should come back to New-York and sell or barter away the produce, potashes, &c., received at the country store, and buy the return goods. At that period it took two weeks to do a journey now made in a few hours. Abraham, in accordance with the agreement, returned to New-York, never to leave it more; and here may fairly be said to be the start of the grocery-houses, for up to this period the merchandise had not gone greatly beyond the sale of a few pennies’ worth of snuff, sugar, tobacco, candies and vegetables – a mere huckster business. After acting with his brother Isaac for some time, and being the sole agent, they concluded to dissolve, and Abraham received his share of the profits.

He then opened, on his own hook, a small grocery-store in Maiden-lane, opposite the old Oswego Market, that then came nearly up to Broadway. Property flowed in upon the prudent grocer. He bought two lots opposite the market, Nos. 10 and 12 Maiden-lane (now.) They were twenty-five by eighty feet deep each. He paid £250 for each.

After being in Maiden-lane for years, he bought the property on the west side of Broadway, twenty-five by one hundred, on the lot next from the corner of Liberty-street. He paid for it $11,000 — no building upon it. Everybody said he was crazy to pay such a price; that no man could stand it. It is still owned by the family.

From these small beginnings Mr. Bininger accumulated sufficient to establish the great house of which he has been the head for so many years. Thirty years ago, no house in the United States had such a stock of choice wines, liquors, cigars, &c., as this famed house. Out of the old stock has arisen two distinct houses, both dating far back into the past, but continuing the same kind of business. A. M. Bininger, the grandson of the old man who settled the town of Salem, and who was the son of Isaac, who started the mercantile business in that town in 1774, and established an agency in New-York City, in 1776, to which the old country store was finally removed about 1778, and is still carried on at No. 15 Beaver-street, under the firm of A. M. Bininger & Co., claims to be the most ancient, in fact, the original Hapsburg Bininger, as he no doubt is, for he was the hereditary owner of Bininger Castle, its portraits, old furniture, and rare old wills and title-deeds, at Salem, N.Y., and possesses the original letter of the King of Denmark, replying to the offer of the Moravian missionary, A. M. Bininger’s grandfather, at St. Thomas, to wear chains, and to go into slavery, in order to preach Christ crucified to the slaves of that island.

Read more on the Bininger brand on PRG: A. M. Bininger & Co. Figural Cannon & Bininger’s Night Cap Flask

Here are a few pictures of the Bininger Old Kentucky Bourbon figural barrels.

“DISTILLED IN 1848 / OLD KENTUCKY BOURBON / 1849 RESERVE / A.M. BININGER & CO 19 BROAD ST. N.Y.”, (Denzin BIN-27), New York, ca. 1855 – 1870, yellow amber barrel, 9 3/8”h, open pontil, applied double collar mouth. Pristine perfect, not even a trace of wear and in a better than average color! – Glass Works Auctions | Auction 95

DISTILLED IN 1848 OLD KENTUCKY BURBON 1849 RESERVE. M. BININGER & CO. 19 BROAD ST. N.Y. , Yellow Amber, 8 1/2″, Best possible example, Rare larger size barrel, 9.5 in. tall, much taller and fatter then the regular version. Mint condition in light yellow amber with a nice big open pontil. – Meyer Collection


“DISTILLED IN 1848. / OLD KENTUCKY / 1849 / RESERVE / BOURBON / A.M. BININGER & CO. 19 BROAD ST. N.Y.”, (Denzin, BIN-27), New York, ca. 1860 – 1870, yellow amber barrel, 9 1/2”h, open pontil, applied double collar mouth. Some areas of milky inside stain exists but no damage. A nice barrel with a good bit more yellow than normal, and the stain could probably be professionally removed. – Glass Works Auctions | Auction #98

Detail OLD KENTUCKY BURBON 1849 RESERVE. M. BININGER & CO. 19 BROAD ST. N.Y. 8 1/2″ – Meyer Collection

Bottom area detail OLD KENTUCKY BURBON 1849 RESERVE. M. BININGER & CO. 19 BROAD ST. N.Y. 8 1/2″ – Meyer Collection

“DISTILLED IN 1848 / OLD KENTUCKY BOURBON / 1849 RESERVE / A.M. BININGER & CO 19 BROAD ST. N.Y.”, (Denzin BIN-27), New York, ca. 1855 – 1870, yellow amber barrel, 9 3/8”h, open pontil, applied double collar mouth. Pristine perfect, not even a trace of wear and in a better than average color! – Glass Works Auctions | Auction 95

The smaller A.M. BININGER & CO. !9 BROAD ST, N.Y. / DISTILLED IN 1848 / OLD KENTUCKY 1849 RESERVE BOURBON, figural barel, shaded yellowish amber, 8″ tall (see two concentric open pontil sars picture below). Applied top, bold embossing, circa 1850 – GreatAntiqueBottles.com

Two, concentric open pontil scars on the smaller, 8″, BININGER OLD KENTUCKY RESERVE BOURBON figural barrel – GreatAntiqueBottles.com

BININGER OLD KENTUCKY BOURBON square with full label – Butterscotch Auction

Read More on Figural Barrels

Barrel Series – Columbus in a Barrel

Barrel Series – I. Nelson’s Old Bourbon

Barrel Series – W.C. Bitters

Barrel Series – W. Wolf found at Thrift Shop for $1.00

Barrel Series – Ben Franklin Bitters

Barrel Series – Highland Bitters and Scotch Tonic

Barrel Series – Smith’s Druid Bitters

Barrel Series – Roback’s Stomach Bitters (the smaller ones)

Barrel Series – Roback’s Stomach Bitters (the big boys)

Barrel Series – Dr. Chandler’s Jamaica Ginger Root Bitters

Barrel Series – Favorite Bitters & Peoples Favorite Bitters

Barrel Series – Wormser Bros San Francisco

Barrel Series – Mist of the Morning

Barrel Series – Old Sachem Bitters and Wigwam Tonic

Barrel Series – Turner Brothers New York & San Francisco

Barrel Series – The Mysterious Blue Barrel

Barrel Series – Original Pocahontas Bitters

Figural Barrel Series – Hall’s Bitters

Greeley’s Bourbon Whiskey Bitters – aka Vertical Greeley’s

Peach colored Bourbon Whiskey Bitters added to Color Run

Greeley’s Bourbon Bitters – A Great Boston Bitters Barrel

Posted in Advertising, Article Publications, Auction News, Bourbon, Ephemera, Figural Bottles, Glass Companies & Works, History, Spirits, Whiskey | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Barrel Series – Columbus in a Barrel


(motif of Columbus in a barrel)

(motif of a rooster)

I took a few weeks off for FOHBC Reno Expo business and other types of related posts and now would like to return to the figural barrel series with a rather interesting barrel that I am unfamiliar with. The COLUMBUS ON A BARREL made an appearance in the recent Glass Works Auctions | Auction 95. What an interesting bottle in a pint size. Online searches for information reveal nothing as far as more images and support material. Hopefully this post will shake some information loose.

I particularly like the Columbus in a barrel embossing on one side of the flattened barrel form and the rooster on the other side. Having the BLASKE COLLECTION provenance and sticker also adds great character to the bottle. Congratulations to the winner of this lot. You got a great one!

[As described by Glass Works Auctions]

“COLUMBUS” / (motif of Columbus in a barrel) / “ON A BARREL” – (motif of a rooster), American, ca. 1890 – 1900, yellow amber pint, smooth base, tooled mouth. A tiny 1/4” long in manufacturing stress crack is located in the area where the neck and body meet, otherwise perfect. Ex. Judge Blaske Collection.

“COLUMBUS” / (motif of Columbus in a barrel) / “ON A BARREL” – (motif of a rooster), American, ca. 1890 – 1900, yellow amber pint, smooth base, tooled mouth. A tiny 1/4” long in manufacturing stress crack is located in the area where the neck and body meet, otherwise perfect. Ex. Judge Blaske Collection. – Glass Works Auctions | Auction 95

Read More on Figural Barrels

Barrel Series – I. Nelson’s Old Bourbon

Barrel Series – W.C. Bitters

Barrel Series – W. Wolf found at Thrift Shop for $1.00

Barrel Series – Ben Franklin Bitters

Barrel Series – Highland Bitters and Scotch Tonic

Barrel Series – Smith’s Druid Bitters

Barrel Series – Roback’s Stomach Bitters (the smaller ones)

Barrel Series – Roback’s Stomach Bitters (the big boys)

Barrel Series – Dr. Chandler’s Jamaica Ginger Root Bitters

Barrel Series – Favorite Bitters & Peoples Favorite Bitters

Barrel Series – Wormser Bros San Francisco

Barrel Series – Mist of the Morning

Barrel Series – Old Sachem Bitters and Wigwam Tonic

Barrel Series – Turner Brothers New York & San Francisco

Barrel Series – The Mysterious Blue Barrel

Barrel Series – Original Pocahontas Bitters

Figural Barrel Series – Hall’s Bitters

Greeley’s Bourbon Whiskey Bitters – aka Vertical Greeley’s

Peach colored Bourbon Whiskey Bitters added to Color Run

Greeley’s Bourbon Bitters – A Great Boston Bitters Barrel

Posted in Auction News, Figural Bottles, Flasks, Whiskey | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Mishler’s Keystone Bitters – Stencil and Bottle

MishlersStencil6Mishler’s Keystone Bitters – Stencil, Bottle & Trade Cards

08 August 2012 (R•050314) (R•072114) (R•101015)

Apple-Touch-IconADon’t know if you all noticed this really cool stencil in the Glass Works Auctions | Auction 95 that closed Monday night. I saw this in Baltimore as it was Jeff Burkhardts. I have quite a few Mishler bottles including the extremely rare, and possibly unique MISHLER’S KEYSTONE BITTERS which is referenced in the stencil.

Keystone Bitters Stencil

Packing Box Stencil for Mishler’s Keystone Bitters – Glass Works Auctions (ex: Jeff Burkhardt)

The description for the auction item is as follows:

Packing Box Stencil for, ‘Mishler’s / Keystone / Bitters, / Manufactured by / Griel & Bro. / Sole Agents. / No. 28 South 16th. St. / Philad’a, Pa’, (M-103), Pennsylvania, ca. 1865 – 1880, copper plate, 10 1/2” in diameter, the makers mark, ‘From W.F. Scheible, 49 South 3rd St., Philada’ is stamped at two places. Some minor ink stain from usage, overall excellent condition. Very few packing crate stencils survive today as most in time would have been sold for scrap. And considering how few of the Keystone Bitters bottles exist, this is almost certainly the only stencil made.

Keystone Bitters Bottle

The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listing for the bottle in Bitters Bottles is as follows:

H. L. MISHLER’S / KEYSTONE BITTERS // A SOLVENT REMEDY // ANTI DYSPEPTIC // motif keystone design over flat panel //
9 1/2 x 2 3/4 (7 1/2)
Square, Amber, LTC, Applied mouth, 3 sp, Beveled edges are convex. Extremely Rare
Trade Cards available

Extremely rare MISHLER’S KEYSTONE BITTERS (fancy square) – Meyer Collection


Extremely Rare H.L. Mishler’s Keystone Bitters, Lancaster, PA. Amber Bottle with Embossing on three sides. It reads: “H.L. Mishler’s Keystone Bitters. A Solvent Remedy, Anti dyspeptic.” This is the most RARE of all Lancaster Bitters. Purchased from “The Carlyn Ring Collection.” 9 1/2. ” Condition: Excellent. Ex: Nolt Collection – Conestoga Auctions


Fragments from a dig of a Mishler’s Keystone Bitters – Christian Raezer

Keystone Bitters Advertising Trade Cards

MishlersKeystone 1

Mishler’s Keystone Bitters trade card – Joe Gourd Collection

MishlersKeystone 2

Mishler’s Keystone Bitters trade card – Joe Gourd Collection

Mishler’s Herb Bitters Shipping Crate

Mishler’s Bitters Shipping Crate – Meyer Collection

Mishler’s Herb Bitters Advertising Note

Lancaster, PA- Mishler’s Herb Bitters $10 Advertising Note


Mishler’s Bitters , Dr. S. B. Hartman, Lancaster, PA. Framed $20 Facsimile Advertising Bill. The Originals of this Note are Very Rare; less than 5 are known. Although a facsimile, this is a very desirable collectible. 8 1/2 ” x 10 1/2.” Nolt Collection – Conestoga Auction Company

Read More: Mishler’s Herb Bitters & Prof. Parker’s Pleasant Worm Syrup

Read More: Mishler’s Herb Bitters Advertising Wall Clock

Read More: A Couple of Fancy Gents

Posted in Advertising, Auction News, Bitters, Digging and Finding, Ephemera, Trade Cards | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment