FOHBC 2014 Lexington National | Spotted on Tables


FOHBC 2014 Lexington NationalSpotted on Tables

13 August 2014

LexingtonWidget Apple-Touch-IconAAs you can probably imagine, I get quite a bit of bottle show pictures from various folks who are trying their best to capture their show. Some hope for a place in Bottles and Extras or a special post on Peachridge Glass or the FOHBC site. Many times, I have to politely sidestep the photography as quite honestly, the work is mediocre, the lighting bad or the subject matter poor. At the end of the day, all of these pictures seem to look the same, just like every exit Elizabeth and I zoomed past as we drove the 16 hours from Peach Ridge to Lexington. We probably passed 1,700 or so McDonald signs.


Scott Selenak

What I offer here, are some simply wonderful photographs from our FOHBC photographer, Scott Selenak from Los Angeles, California. I typically turn Scott loose and let him capture the flavor of a show. He is not a bottle collector but a lover of art and an expert on impression. Not the most expensive bottles, but just good pictures. Pay close attention as to how Scott does his photography. We can all learn something here, including myself.

I am not going to caption these pictures as I think they are pretty self-explanatory.




























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Loveridge’s Wahoo Bitters Jug – Buffalo N.Y.


Loveridge’s Wahoo Bitters Jug – Buffalo N.Y.

13 August 2014 (R•092514)

Apple-Touch-IconAMike Malanowsi from Albion, New York pulled me over to his dealer table at the Lexington National and uncovered this fantastic stoneware jug inscribed LOVERIDGE’S WAHOO BITTERS BUFFALO N.Y. What makes this even more exciting is the blue glaze Indian headdress decoration on the front. An exquisite piece that I have not seen before. I snapped a few shots and cropped for viewing.

Read More: The great indian beverage XXX E. Dexter Loveridge Wahoo Bitters

Read MoreSurreal Loveridges!

Read More: Vintage Indian Queen, Princess & Maiden Advertising






Two Gallon Saltglaze Stoneware Handled Jug, ‘2 / Loveridge’s / Wahoo Bitters / Buffalo, N.Y.’ (impressed on the shoulder), (Ring/Ham, pg. 363), New York, ca. 1870 – 1880, cream color jug with a dark cobalt blue Indian head dress, a cobalt blue wash is over the impressed lettering, 14 3/8”h, handled. – Glass Works Auctions #104

A minor chip on the side of the lip has been repaired, and several glaze ‘drips’ are on the front. Extremely rare. This is the example used in the Ring/Ham book. The Indian head dress decoration is appropriate as labeled bottles, and advertisements show full standing Indians. Notice the similarity between the cobalt decoration on the jug and the head dress on the Native American in the photograph below. – GWA


Posted in Auction News, Bitters, Bottle Shows, Stoneware | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

FOHBC 2014 Lexington National | Glass Works Thoroughbred Auction

LexAuction_ProfByrneFOHBC 2014 Lexington NationalGlass Works Thoroughbred Auction

12 August 2014

LexingtonWidget Apple-Touch-IconAThis next group of pictures come from the “Thoroughbred Auction” conducted by Jim Hagenbuch and Glass Works Auctions. The event occurred on Saturday evening from 7:00 pm until 10:00 pm. Helping Jim out were Bill Ham, Jesse Sailor, Janice Hagenbuch and the licensed auctioneer, Randy Rooth. The preview started around 5:00 pm and ran up until the auction start. The lots had been posted online the previous two weeks or so. The room was packed and we all had great fun. I picked up some super advertising pieces and an extremely rare bottle. Wife happy with her purchases too. All for a good cause. Great job Glass Works Auctions!

LexingtonAuctionAdBE All photographs by FOHBC photographer, Scott Selenak (Los Angeles). *Note: Please help me with any captions that have missing name information.


Full house at the Glass Works Thoroughbred Auction.


Jay Kasper from Magnolia, Texas. Last saw Jay at the Houston Bottle Show in July.


A wide variety of lots could be previewed and handled.


Calabash, corns and a queen. Doesn’t get much better than that!


The unlisted, handled Kentucky bourbon bottle. Lot #1. Killer.


Waiting for the auction to start.


“Sold”! Randy Rooth called the auction and kept the lots moving.


Here a George Orr inkwell is projected on the new Federation screen.


The preview line moves in order. Bill Ham aka “Cool Ham Luke” on the right.


Could Jim Hall from Gurnee, Illinois be making a timid play? Nope, not this tiger. Jodi, next to him is giving him the “wife upset look”.


Big time digger, James Campiglia from Bozeman, Montana makes a bid. Another digger Jeff Mihalik (arms crossed) looks on.


Close inspection. A fine picture by Scott Selenak.


One of the movers and shakers behind this entire Lexington National event, Sue Kaiser from Holts Summit, Missouri.


Catching up with and meeting new friends.


Tony Panepucci (left) and Walter Yeargain (Buena Park, California) hit the preview line.


This is just plain pure trouble in the making. Left to right: Helen Forbes (Big Sur, CA), Pam Selenak (Orange, CA) and Elizabeth Meyer (Houston, TX).


Inspecting a flask. (Ident req). That is my new Hostetter’s sign in the background.


FOHBC Board members Jim and Val Berry from St. Johnsville, New York.


Bill Ham bringing in wine for the crowd as it is easier to carry on the head? Nope, Bill holding up a demijohn as the lot is called. Bill said it was “easier” to hold up the little inks.


Liking that labeled bitters. I have an unlabeled example.


Sponsored by Apple? Jesse Sailor and Jim Hagenbuch work the auction registration and check-out.

Posted in Auction News, Bitters, Bottle Shows, Club News, FOHBC News, News, Photography | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

FOHBC 2014 Lexington National | Saturday Morning Seminars


FOHBC 2014 Lexington National | Saturday Morning Seminars

09 August 2014


Apple-Touch-IconAThis group of pictures come from the Seminars that occurred on Saturday morning from 9:00 am until noon. There were three sets of paired seminars to give attendees a choice. All seemed to be well attended and comments were extremely favorable. My favorite was listening to Jeff Mihalik at his privy and digging seminar.


All photographs by FOHBC photographer, Scott Selenak (Los Angeles).

*Note: Please help me with any captions that have missing name information.

Mid-1800s, The Evolution of Bottles Through Fruit Jars – Jerry McCann

Jerry McCann began collecting fruit jars in 1967, and has added a wide variety of other antique categories including 19th Century artwork to American art pottery (especially Rookwood). Jerry now has a general fruit jar collection of 2,000 pieces made from the early 1800s to mid-century 1900s. He specializes in oversize jars (those of one gallon capacity to five gallons) with more than 30 examples. He has also chaired shows in Chicago, Eastern Michigan and Muncie, Indiana for the FOHBC, 1st Chicago Bottle Club, Ball Collectors Club and Fruit Jar Collectors of the Midwest. and has been published in Antique Bottle World (1977-1984); Fruit Jar Annual (The Guide to Collecting Fruit Jars, 1996-2014) and The Standard Fruit Reference 2011. By trade, he is a teacher of Biology and Chemistry and a Attorney at Law, with an advanced degree in Federal and State Taxation. His hobbies include road bicycling, hiking, backpacking, wilderness canoeing and car camping.

This seminar focused on the development of a bottle form that would be a useful container for the storage and preservation of food. Early wax seal forms will be displayed to supplement the talk. These forms will include examples that were made and used in the Pittsburgh District which includes the Ohio River Valley from Pittsburgh upriver to Louisville, Kentucky downriver. An effort will be made to bring in period pieces from the Lexington area. The presentation was structured somewhat informally with an opportunity for those attending to interact with questions and comments.


Jerry brought an incredible variety of wax sealer jars for review and discussion.


Gorgeous jars make a nice picture.


The crowd is very attentive as Jerry discusses each jar.


The latest Fruit Jar Annual was available for purchase.

The History of ACL Soda Bottles in Kentucky and Beyond – Randee Kaiser

Randee Kaiser is a long-time collector of applied color labelled soda bottles from the 1930s to 1960s era. Along with his wife Susan, Randee is active in several historical organizations and both are avid bottle show supporters in the midwest.

Americans have a well-established history of enjoyment of flavored sodas or, more succinctly put, we have a sweet tooth. And, there is even a soda by that name, ‘Sweet Tooth’, from Watseka, Illinois. The soda pop industry has persisted through thick and thin over the years and has continued to gain economic momentum not only in the United States but throughout the world in the form of multi-national corporations. Sometimes going unnoticed, among the more well-known, highly competitive companies, were the local “mom and pop” bottlers serving their beverage brands in smaller communities in limited catchment areas. The advent of pyroglazed or painted labels offered these bottlers the opportunity to make their product stand out and catch the consumers eye. The subject matter on painted labels depicts a vast array of cultural, historical, geographic or even humorous themes. While the subjects of some labels may have had strictly local meaning, others represented easily recognizable images. Many have surprising artistic value while others are simply more utilitarian.

Randee presented an overview of the development of the applied color label process and share information on several small bottling companies. Several rare and beautiful bottles were displayed in addition to a power point presentation of Kentucky and horse themed labels.


Several rare and beautiful bottles were displayed in addition to a projected presentation of Kentucky and horse themed labels.


Lexington National Co-Chair, Randee Kaiser addresses the room.


Randee always looking good in his jacket, tie, Kentucky pins, Federation badge and his ACL sodas.

Here’s to Beers – Gary Beatty

Gary Beatty has been collecting bottles since 1967. He found his first bottles in a township dump and has been hooked ever since. He has been President of the Ohio Bottle Club three times, Midwest representative to the FOHBC, Second Vice-President of the FOHBC, treasure of the FOHBC twice, and is presently serving in that capacity. Gary also has written many, many stories over the years for different bottle magazines and the Ohio Swirl. Gary has researched and helped install four different individuals into the FOHBC Hall of Fame. In 1972, Gary coined the phrase ‘Bottles Are Glass with Class’ that has been used by the FOHBC, off and on, over the years. Gary and wife Betty are also Life Members of the FOHBC. Gary is a graduate with a Bachelors degree from Midwestern Baptist College, Michigan, Trinity Baptist University Toledo, and has a Doctorate of Divinity from Heritage Baptist College, Hopewell, Indiana. Gary and Betty collect square bitters, gins, schnapps, beers and anything Ohio.

Gary adds, “I have come to the conclusion that many collectors can not see the forest from the trees. By that I mean, many look right past the lowly beer bottles when thinking of collecting. They see them on tables at shows but don’t really see them, if you know what I mean.” His mission in this seminar was to show that beers are very interesting, and very enjoyable. In fact, the average collector doesn’t have a clue of the variety that beers offer.


Gary, all set up to talk beer bottles.


Federation Treasurer, Gary Beatty talking beers.


A wide variety of beer bottle shapes and glass colors.


Listening to Gary is always a treat and gives you comfort as he is a Pastor by profession.


Nice grouping of beer bottles and serving trays.

FOHBC Virtual Museum Progress – Ferdinand Meyer V and Steven R. Libbey

The FOHBC Virtual Museum project is quite possibly the largest and most complex undertaking in our hobby’s history. Work on the Virtual Museum progresses on a number of levels such as fund-raising, design development and formation of a governing board. The concept still can be broken down into three major areas including the 3-dimensional creation of an experiential exterior and interior building space, site or museum navigation and bottle presentation. It is the experience that we are after to allow you to see and gather information on a specific piece. The Virtual Museum will be a digital expression of what one might find in a real ‘bricks and mortar’ museum. There will be galleries, exhibitions, resources and support functions to enhance the visitor experience. The museum will contain, but not be limited to, images of subject bottles and glass, a written description of those subjects with dimensions, and if available, the history of the bottles along with an estimation of rarity. The museum will grow and be expandable. The seminar attendees were able to hear the latest news and see the latest designs from project designer, Ferdinand Meyer V and Steven Libbey who has joined the effort recently.

Ferdinand Meyer V, FOHBC President, is a native of Baltimore, MD and has a BFA in Fine Art and Graphic Design from the Kansas City Art Institute and School of Design. Ferdinand is also a principal of FMG Design (nationally recognized design firm). Ferdinand is a passionate collector of American historical glass specializing in bitters bottles, color runs and related classic figural bottles. Ferdinand is married to Elizabeth Jane Meyer and lives in Houston, Texas with their daughter and three wonderful grandchildren. The Meyer’s are also very involved in Quarter Horses, antiques and early United States postage stamps.

Steven R. Libbey is a born and bred cheese head. While interest and fascination may wonder, Steven is Wisconsin loyal with his bottles. Steven resides in beautiful Lake Country, Waukesha, Wisconsin with the four ‘loves of his life,’ wife Draga, Elijah 7, Beau 5 and Mila 4. Much of Steven’s collection of early, rare and colored Wisconsin glass is displayed as “Spinners” on the Wisconsin, Antique & Advertising Club website. Steven is a principal of iNET Web & Marketing, sits on a number of non-profit boards, is the founder and director of the Milwaukee Domes Art Festival, loves flowers in the yard, raises honey bees, is addicted to participating in sports of all kind including scuba diving for treasure from Wisconsin’s past.


Ferdinand Meyer giving an overview of the long-term Virtual Museum project.


Steven Libbey presenting the latest virtual work for the interior galleries.


An edited 3-minute film of the seminar is being generated for grants and financial support.


Cathy and Richard Tucker from Laguna Hills, California in the crowd.


Warner bottle collectors, Kathie and Mike Craig (Campbell, California) in the crowd.

The History and Evolution of the Shaker Herb and Medicine Industries – Sheldon Baugh

Sheldon Baugh is a collector of bottles and go-withs for the many categories that he collects as well as anything that catches his eye. He proudly says that he is a ‘true collector’. Sheldon particularly focuses on bitters, both figural and squares, from the southern states and national companies. He also specializes in Shaker bottles and paper goods from the Shaker communities.

Sheldon started collecting in 1966 after returning home from the United States Air Force. He attended Western Kentucky University and served in the Kentucky General Assembly for 14 years. He was also licensed as a securities broker for twenty years and from 1968 on, owned an insurance agency until last year, now working part-time as an agent. Sheldon is married to his wife Brenda, having celebrated their 51st anniversary in April 2014. The Baughs have two children and two grandchildren. Sheldon is a life member of the FOHBC and served as the Midwestern Regional Director for six years, President for four years, Director at Large, twelve years, Merchandise Director, four years, and continues to serve the Federation. He also serves as a Deacon and Sunday school teacher for the Post Oak Baptist Church and many clubs and organizations in his community.

This seminar focused on the history of the Shakers, their communities and their industries, with a special emphasis on their herb industry for the communities use. The Shakers made products that were intended to last a lifetime which included furniture and household items. The Shaker outgrowth also produced the medicinal industry that we know today. Sheldon became interested in the Shakers and their industries because they had a community where he lives in Logan County, Kentucky.


Lexington National Co-Chair Sheldon Baugh looking good in his Federation shirt.


Bill and Bea Baab from Augusta, Georgia. Bill is a Federation Hall-of-Famer.


Sheldon discusses Shaker bottles and paper goods from the Shaker communities.

Ohio River Valley Privy Digging – Jeff Mihalik

Jeff Mihalik’s college education includes a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and Master degrees in both Biology and GIS (Geographic Information Systems). He originally planned on studying archaeology in college, but after getting some formal training, decided to go in to the environmental science field, then biology, and adds “as they say, I didn’t want to make my hobby, my career.”. Jeff is originally from Beaver County, Pennsylvania (born in Sewickley, Pa.), but lived in Texas for about 15 years, then returned to Pennsylvania in 1999 to be closer to family. He is currently working as a consultant with Moody and Associates, Inc. in Houston, Pennsylvania, mainly providing ecological and technical services to his clients in the energy sector.

Jeff started bottle digging in dumps in Texas while in college (Stephen F. Austin, Nacogdoches, Texas). When he returned to Pennsylvania, he met up with Rich Ronczka who showed him how to locate privies and they became digging buddies and continue to dig for the last 15 years. Jeff also does extensive digging with the extreme Pittsburgh digging crew (as seen in many of his more recent digging articles). He has written many digging stories and other articles for both Bottles and Extras, as well as Antique Bottle & Glass Collector. Jeff has given numerous talks to local historical societies and school history clubs in Pennsylvania and Ohio and even gave a talk at an AARP meeting and one family reunion, both of which had over 100 people attending! Jeff shared stories, experiences and information on his Ohio River Valley privy digging and said that he really enjoys researching history and finding artifacts that he can relate to the individuals who used the outhouses he digs. History is the key to our future! Dig In!


Jeff needs to raise his hand to emphasize 20 to 60 foot privy digs. The dangers and extreme conditions were discussed in depth.


Full house crowd as you might expect.


History Flask collectors Mark and Andrew Vuono in from Stamford, Connecticut.


Extreme Digging in Pittsburg being projected on the large Federation screen.


Large and deep rooms at the Hyatt made for wonderful locales for each seminar.


Jerry Forbes in the house from Big Sur, California

Posted in Advice, Ales & Ciders, Blown Glass, Bottle Shows, Bottling Works, Breweriana, Club News, Collectors & Collections, Digging and Finding, Ephemera, FOHBC News, Fruit Jars, Glass Companies & Works, History, Museums, News, Photography, Soda Bottles, Soft Drinks, Utility Bottles, Virtual Museum | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

2014 Lexington National | FOHBC “Run for the Roses” Bottle Competition Event


2014 Lexington National | FOHBC Run for the Roses Bottle Competition Event

08 August 2014


Apple-Touch-IconAThe next group of pictures come from the “Run for the Roses” bottle competition event at the Lexington National. Participants were prompted to bring and enter their favorite Wax Sealer Fruit Jar (to include mold blown as well as free blown jars in any size), Scroll Flask (to include all sizes of flasks), and Midwestern Swirl Decanter (to include swirled, broken-swirled, and vertically ribbed bottles in all forms) to the Patterson Rooms C & D at the host Hyatt Regency Hotel. The competition immediately followed the FOHBC Banquet. Gift certificates and plaques were awarded to the top 3 entries of each category for Win, Place and Show. A pontiled, aqua scroll flask was also raffled off.


This time around, Federation member Chip Cable (McMurray, PA), videotaped the bottles via broadcast camera, projected on to a 144” screen using an Optima EH501 projector. The FOHBC purchased this equipment to enhance the viewing experience. All bottles were illuminated by 3 LED Video lights with a white background.” Chip hit it out of the park. We already have heard many positive comments and many constructive comments to have the three judging groups work together at the same time in the beginning to cull the grouping of bottles and to move things along a bit faster. Chip Cable will be back next year at the Chattanooga National when we have our “Battle of Chattanooga” bottle competition event. Super job Chip!

The event ‘Master of Ceremony’ was listed as Jamie Houdeshell. Unfortunately Jamie could not make Friday night due to an unexpected funeral he was attending the following, Saturday morning. Ferdinand Meyer V took over this responsibility.

And the winners….

Midwestern Swirl Decanter – John Pastor from New Hudson, Michigan
Historical Scroll Flask- Steve Schingler from Braselton, Georgia
Wax Sealer Fruit Jar – Jerry McCann from Chicago, Illinois

Midwestern Swirl Decanter – Tom Lines from Birmingham, Alabama
Historical Scroll Flask – John Pastor from New Hudson, Michigan
Wax Sealer Fruit Jar – Ryne Henrich from Crystal Lake , Illinois

Midwestern Swirl Decanter- Dave Maryo from Victorville, California
Historical Scroll Flask – Mike Henrich from Crystal Lake, Illinois
Wax Sealer Fruit Jar – Perry Driver from Live Oak, Florida

All photographs by FOHBC photographer, Scott Selenak (Los Angeles).

*Note: Please help me with any captions that have missing name information.



Chip Cable, with earphones on, lights set and camera rolling.


Outgoing FOHBC Conventions Director, Tom Phillips, overseeing the live filming of a cobalt blue quart Scroll Flask. The large screen, positioned to the audience is in the left, back corner of the room.


Chip Cable, dressed comfortably and between shots. Probably listening to Led Zeppelin.


Brian Riecker was commissioned to build this new light cabinet for Federation events. Visit



Jeff Mahalik (left), James Viguerie (center) and Tony Panepucci.


Pretty much a full house with standing room only.


Centered is James Campiglia (brown shirt) from Montana. That is Board member Bob Ferraro, from Nevada, with a displeased look. Very unlike Bob.


Arms crossed, just can’t believe what they are seeing. California guys, Scott Yeargain (red shirt) and Chuck Gildea (flowered shirt).


Lexington National Show Co-Chair Randee Kaiser (tie, Holts Summit, Missouri) and Tom Lines (Birmingham, AL) and Mike Newman (Augusta, GA)


Quite a bit of depth and length to the room.



Finalists in the Midwestern Swirl Decanters positioned in the new FOHBC light box made by Brian Riecker.


Left: Louis Fifer (son of John Fifer, and grandson of the late Darl Fifer, who had a renowned collection of Midwestern glass) and Gary Beatty (North Port, FL) judging a gorgeous decanter.


Carefully placing the example in the new light cabinet.


Holding a exquisite example of a vertical rib midwest swirl flask.


Careful consideration by the judges. That is Todd Knisely on the right. Louis Fifer on left.


Recording points and comments on the voting forms.


Each object was filmed and photographed by Chip Cable in the a stark white background.


Left to right: Todd Knisely, Louis Fifer and Gary Beatty.



Scroll flask contestants stand proudly in the light cabinet. There were two levels of light intensity to study darker glass examples.


The “monster” submitted by Mike Newman.


Ed Gray (Du Bois, PA) scrutinizes a super looking flask.


Tom Phillips placing a little beauty on the top shelf.


Just WOW


Tom Phillips checking in and inspecting “the monster”.


The three scroll judges from left to right: Jim Salzwimmer, Mike Malonowski and Ed Gray.

Wax Sealer Fruit Jar


Win, Place and Show for the Fruit Jars.


Joe Hardin (New Vienna, Ohio) inspects the embossing on one of the Fruit Jar contestants.


The three Fruit Jar judges from left to right: Joe Hardin, Ron Hands (new FOHBC Southern Region Director) and Doug Shutler.


Doug Shutler inspecting a stoneware jar with some interesting inscribings.


Vince Martonis (Gerry, New York) finds the odd example of a Fruit Container in an antique shop on his way to Lexington. Vince shares the story.


Ryne Henrich from Crystal Lake, Illinois

Some of the Winners


Ryne Henrich, Place, Wax Sealer Fruit Jar category and Mike Henrich, Show, Historical Scroll Flask category from Crystal Lake, Illinois


Jerry McCann (Chicago), a winner in the Wax Sealer Fruit Jar category.


Dave Maryo (Victorville, California), Show, Midwest Swirl Decanter category.


John Pastor (New Hudson, Michigan), Place, Historical Scroll Flask category.


Perry Driver (Live Oak, Florida), Show, Wax Sealer Fruit Jar category


Steve Schingler from Braselton, Georgia, Winner, Historical Scroll Flask category


Paul Dubay (Poland, Maine) winning the pontiled scroll flask.

Posted in Bottle Shows, Club News, Collectors & Collections, Decanter, Display, Flasks, FOHBC News, Fruit Jars, Historical Flasks, News, Photography | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

2014 Lexington National | FOHBC Cocktail Party & Awards Banquet


2014 Lexington National | FOHBC Cocktail Party & Awards Banquet

07 August 2014


Apple-Touch-IconAThe next group of pictures represent the Cocktail Party and Awards Banquet that occurred on Friday evening at the Lexington National. A good time to chill, catch up with bottle friends and to break bread. The featured speaker was Michael Veach aka “Mr. Bourbon”. This is also when we had the judged Hat Contest and Awards Ceremony. Pretty amazing to see bottle collectors from all over the country. The show had dealers from 31 states and many were represented in this room. The top picture is Cynthia Maryo with her cool Pot Lid beret.

Read: 2014 Lexington National | FOHBC Hat Contest.

All photographs by FOHBC photographer, Scott Selenak (Los Angeles).



Left to right: Jerry Forbes (Big Sur, California), FOHBC President, Ferdinand Meyer (Houston, Texas) and banquet keynote speaker, Michael Veach aka “Mr. Bourbon” from Louisville, Kentucky.


Shaken…not stirred.

Big time digger, author and FOHBC Hall of Famer, Johnny Fletcher (center) and long-time Federation member Ed Provine (Memphis, Tennessee). Ed developed the scaled table drawings for the show.


Historical Flask collector Richard Tucker in from Laguna Hills, California.



Banquet seating promptly at 6:30 pm. Keep in mind, the Run for the Roses event started at 8:00 pm on another level of the hotel.


Special, embellished table centerpieces using a mirror, candles, potpourri, roses and Ball fruit jars. Thanks to Helen Forbes, Pam Selenak and Elizabeth Meyer for setting up.


Finding a seat and waiting for friends.


Hall of Famer, Bill and Bea Baab (Augusta, Georgia) sitting with Federation board member Jim Berry (St. Johnsville, New York) and new Federation member James Viguerie.


Major, Warner bottle collectors, Michael and Kathie Craig from Campbell, California. Their collection was featured earlier in the year in Bottles and Extras.


First up was a rather nice salad. I notice Scott didn’t take a picture of the main fare which was chicken. Probably a good idea.


Yum dessert.


Leanne Peace (Memphis, Tennessee) just being recognized as a winner of the Hat Contest.


Sue Kaiser announcing the winner of the $100 gift certificate. We had over $5,700 in cash certificates to give away over the weekend. Thanks primarily to Jeff Wichmann and his generous $5,000 donation.


Lexington National Show Co-Chair, Randee Kaiser (Holts Summit, Missouri) looking dapper in his sports coat and tie.


“I swear, I’m innocent!, I won the election fair and square”


Old and new friends.


Board members being recognized. In this case outgoing FOHBC Conventions Director, Tom Phillips from Memphis Tennessee. Tom gets much of the credit for this show. He also won the President’s Award later in the ceremony. Unfortunately he was already at the Run for the Roses event setting up.


Peggy Pichenor, representing the International Perfume Bottle Collectors Association, welcomed the FOHBC to Kentucky.


Pam Selenak (FOHBC Conventions Director, Orange California) catching up with Dar Furda (Oak Park, California) who was our Hat Contest judge.


Lexington National Co-Chair Sheldon Baugh (left seated, Russellville, Kentucky) with long-time Federation Board member Bob Ferraro (Boulder City, Nevada). Confirming name of standing gentleman.


Keynote speaker Michael Veach, aka “Mr. Bourbon” gives a nice talk on the rich history of Kentucky Bourbon.


Left: Mike Bryant (San Diego Bottle Club) and Dave and Cynthia Maryo (Los Angeles Bottle Club)


Everyone seemed quite attentive.



Gary Beatty (North Port, Florida) winning First Place, Best Fictional Story, “Case of the Missing Case”.


Phyllis Koch (Akron, Ohio) winning Second Place, Best Research Story, “Smelling Salts“.


Winning Third Place in the 2014 Newsletter contest was Joe Coulson (Greenwood, Indiana) with the Midwest Antique Fruit Jar & Bottle Club


Winning Third Place (tie) in the 2014 Newsletter Contest was Joanne Begert, Editor, “International Perfume Bottle Association-Young Collectors”


Winning three award during the evening, Steven Libbey (Delafield, Wisconsin) from the Wisconsin Antique Advertising Club. Awards included Second Place, 2014 Show Flyer/Poster Contest, Third Place, Best True Story, “WA & AC First Privy Dig 4/5/2014” Published in the “Badger Collector’s Journal” and First Place, 2014 Best Website,


Long-time FOHBC supporter, Adam Koch (Akron, Ohio) winning Third Place, 2014 Show Flyer/Poster Contest.


Tom Phillips (Outgoing FOHBC Conventions Director, Memphis, Tennessee) collects his FOHBC Presidents Award plaque at the Run for the Roses event.

Posted in Bottle Shows, Bourbon, Club News, FOHBC News, News, Photography | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sacramento announced for the FOHBC 2016 National Antique Bottle Convention


Sacramento announced for the FOHBC 2016 National Antique Bottle Convention

by Pam Selenak

07 August 2014

I am extremely excited to announce the 2016 FOHBC National Antique Bottle Convention will be held in Sacramento, California. Sacramento is the birthplace of the Federation of Historical Bottle Clubs (later renamed Collectors). Visit FOHBC.


The event will take place at the McClellan Conference Center at the decommissioned McClellan Air Force Base. The host hotel is the Lions Gate Hotel which is in conjunction with the McClellan Conference Center.


This will be a very unique venue due to the history of the base. There are officer homes, executive suites, 1 and 2 bedroom suites and standard rooms available. Rooms are $99 for standard room, 1 and 2 bedroom suites, and $119 for executive suites. The homes are priced according to the amount of rooms they have. There are 1, 2 and 3 bedroom homes. They are $99/bedroom. I will open the reservation line for rooms and homes on Monday, August 11 at 7:00 am pst. Get your reservations early for there are only 122 available rooms which include the homes and suites. In the event that we sell out at the Lions Gate Hotel, we are contracted with two other hotels in the area in which you will be given the same rate with free shuttle to and from the convention center and hotel.

There will be 258 sellers tables available. Dealer contracts will be available at the FOHBC 2015 Chattanooga National Antique Bottle Show next year or on line at about that same time. I will be setting up tours for area events so keep looking for those updates on our Federation website. I will also be having an open house at Lions Gatel Hotel Generals House in the evening on August 4 for all who have bought tables and those with current early bird tickets. This will be a private event not hosted by the Federation.


Guests can call 916.643.6222, 24 hours a day to book a room. They simply need to state that they are with the ‘Bottle Collectors’ group to receive the discounted room rate and be placed in the room block. Guests can also book, any time, with the online reservation link. That link will be posted in the next few days. Rates are good for 3 days prior and 3 days after the show. If you need more time and plan on doing a prolonged vacation just call me and those rates can be adjusted for you.

I hope you will be as excited as I am about this 2016 event.

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2014 Lexington National | FOHBC Hat Contest


2014 Lexington National | FOHBC Hat Contest

06 August 2014


Apple-Touch-IconAWe tried to add a little extra excitement to the Cocktail Party and Banquet on Friday evening at the Lexington National. Our idea was to have a hat contest based on some of the grand hats that are worn at the Kentucky Derby and to celebrate our Run for the Roses bottle competition event that followed the Banquet.


The theme had to be horses, bottles or both. We were quite pleased that a few neat hats showed up. They were judged by Federation member, Dar Furda from California. The winner, Leanne Peace was announced at the banquet and won a pontiled midwest decanter. Enjoy the pictures and thanks to all who participated and allowed us to have some extra fun.

All photographs by FOHBC photographer, Scott Selenak.


FOHBC Lexington National Souvenir Program Hat Contest notice.


Helen Forbes from Big Sur, California seems quite happy with her pony hat.


Pam Selenak from Orange, California gives the glamour pose.


Cindy Maryo from Victorville, California with her Pot Lid hat.


A smiling Cindy Maryo.


Elizabeth Meyer from Houston, Texas with her roses and backwards facing horse?


Rumor has it that Helen was going to wear her hat back on the plane.


Janet Finch (Farmington Hills, Michigan) wants to know where she can get a hat like Elizabeth’s.


Trish Manfredi from South Glastonbury, Connecticut


Little bottles on the Leanne Peace (Memphis, Tennessee) hat.


Leanne Peace


Back of the Leanne Peace hat


Trish and Peter Manfredi from South Glastonbury, Connecticut wear themed hats.


Elizabeth Meyer and roses galore.


More of the backwards horse.


Peter Manfredi from South Glastonbury, Connecticut


Jerry Forbes, always in the rift place at the right time.


The winner of the Hat Contest: Leanne Peace so surprised with her new midwest decanter.

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2014 Lexington National | FOHBC General Membership Meeting


2014 Lexington National | FOHBC General Membership Meeting

06 August 2014


Apple-Touch-IconAThe FOHBC General Membership Meeting at the Lexington National occurred from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm on Friday, 01 August 2014. This is our traditional event to connect personally with our membership. I thought I would share a few of FOHBC Photographer, Scott Selenak’s, fine pictures. During the meeting, we gave an overview of the show, counted FOHBC election ballots, reviewed the major bullet points from the prior, 4 hour, FOHBC Board Meeting, and had a question and answer session. I thought the following comment from Dar Furda (Oak Park, California) was rather nice:

“Greetings from Southern California. The General Membership Meeting was conducted with a thrust of energy and more informative than any I have previously attended. I came away with more of an understanding of the future direction of the organization. I inhaled the idea of making the national event even more enjoyable and informative to further entice attendance during future shows.”


Read 2-Page Agenda

Microsoft Word - Lexington14Agenda.doc

See New Board Contact Info

See New Board Bios

See FOHBC Notes of Record


FOHBC Board Member and Lexington National Co-Chair Sheldon Baugh, welcoming the crowd to his home state, Kentucky.


Left to right, Cindy Maryo, Dar Furda, Bill and Bea Baab in second row. Front row is Tom Phillips, Bob Ferraro and Randee Kaiser


FOHBC Treasurer Gary Beatty, reporting on Federation finances.


Federation Board Member Bob Ferraro (left) and Randee Kaiser (right), Lexington National Show Co-Chair


FOHBC Board Member Pam Selenak and Board President, Ferdinand Meyer discussing proposed embellishment changes to Bottles and Extras.


Outgoing FOHBC Conventions Director Tom Philips addresses the crowd.


Tom Phillips and Ferdinand Meyer discuss the Lexington show.


Audience photograph.


Another audience shot. Spellbound I’m sure. :0


Fed member, James Campiglia counting ballots with Elizabeth Meyer, FOHBC Business Manager


Tom Phillips and Pam Selenak conversing.


Incoming Board Member Eric McGuire, Western Region Director.


Show Co-Chair Sheldon Baugh.


heldon Baugh and Tom Phillips talking with Jeff Mihalik (right)


Lexington National posters displayed as backdrop for meeting.


New Federation Board Members, Andrew Vuono (left) and Matt Lacy. Andrew is the new Northeast Region Director and Matt is the new Midwest Region Director.

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2014 Lexington National | FOHBC Board Meeting


2014 Lexington National | FOHBC Board Meeting

06 August 2014


Apple-Touch-IconAI am getting quite a few requests to start reporting on the Lexington National that occurred last weekend. Just arrived home Monday night and am sorting through hundreds of really nice photographs from Scott Selenak, our official FOHBC show photographer. I am also trying to get an article in the September | October issue of Bottles and Extras. The bulk of the reports will be in the November | December issue. This is due to the fact that the next issue is due to the printer within a week.

Read 2-Page Agenda

Microsoft Word - Lexington14Agenda.doc

Let us start in the order of events. Let’s look at the FOHBC Board meeting that occurred on Friday morning, 01 August, from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon. We invited the new Board candidates if they were in town. Unfortunately a few Board members missed the meeting due to illness (Gene Bradberry), car accident (Dick Watson), flight connection issues (Jack Hewitt), Martin Van Zant (first day of school, he is a teacher) and a funeral (Jamie Haudeshell).

See New Board Contact Info

See New Board Bios

See FOHBC Notes of Record


Tom Phillips – outgoing FOHBC Conventions Director. Tom was responsible for setting up the Manchester, Lexington and upcoming Chattanooga and Sacramento shows.


Lexington Co-Chair, Sheldon Baugh welcoming the meeting attendees to his home state, Kentucky.


Deep concentration on meeting topics. From right to left, Gary Beatty, Steve Ketcham, John Pastor, Pam Selenak and Eric McGuire.


All Board members presented with honorary Kentucky Colonel certificate that Sheldon Baugh distributed.


Board President, Ferdinand Meyer reminding Board members to sell FOHBC logo mugs.


Lexington Show Co-Chair Randee Kaiser.


Sheldon Baugh reading a Show Souvenir Program that was distributed during the meting.


Lexington National show Co-Chair Randee Kaiser reporting on the Lexington show details.


FOHBC President, Ferdinand Meyer chairs the meeting.


Outgoing FOHBC Public Relations Director and incoming FOHBC Conventions Director, Pam Selenak.


Reviewing agenda items.


Left to Right: Randee Kaiser, Eric McGuire, Pam Selenak and John Pastor.


Long table shot.


FOHBC Treasurer, Gary Beatty reading the Show Souvenir Program.


Detail of Lexington National Show Souvenir Program.


Distributing sister organization magazine, Perfume Bottle Quarterly. They were honored at banquet.


Val Berry, incoming FOHBC Merchandise Director, taking meeting notes.


Tons of material to review.


Nice shot of Federation program and mugs.


Hands in action.


Picture of incoming FOHBC Director at Large, Bob Ferraro. Bob is moving from the First Vice President position.


Jim Berry, FOHBC Secretary and Val Berry, incoming FOHBC Merchandise Director


Outgoing Western Region Director Dave Maryo. Eric McGuire will be replacing Dave.


FOHBC Business Manager, Elizabeth Meyer. Elizabeth assumed the position early on 01 June 2014 from Alan DeMaison.


Sheldon Baugh and Jim Bender, FOHBC Membership Director.


Incoming Midwest Region Director, Matt Lacy who replaces Randee Kaiser.


Incoming FOHBC Southern Region Director, Ron Hands who replaces Jack Hewitt. Jack is Co-Chair of next years Chattanooga National.

Posted in Bottle Shows, Bottles and Extras, Club News, FOHBC News, News | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment