Dr. Rufus F. Hibbard’s Celebrated Wild Cherry Bitters


Dr. Rufus F. Hibbard’s Celebrated Wild Cherry Bitters


“An Open Bottle on our Counter for Free Trial”

10 June 2014

Apple-Touch-IconAI had long forgotten about my example of the extremely rare, Dr. R. F. Hibbard’s Wild Cherry Bitters until I came across and 1851 New York advertisement the other day. Time to give this bottle a little personality. I have to say, this little fellow really does have a story and again adds just a little more excitement to collecting antique bottles.


Dr. R. F. Hibbard’s Wild Cherry Bitters – Meyer Collection

The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listing in Bitters Bottles is as follows:

8 1/4 x 3 1/2 (5 1/2)
Round, Aqua, NSC, Applied mouth, Extremely rare
Drug Store Advertisement 1853: In use for 14 years. An open bottle on our counter for free trial.

Rufus Fuller Hibbard

Rufus Fuller Hibbard was born on June 11, 1804 in Rhinebeck, Duchess County, New York and lived in New York between 1830 and 1860 where he sold medicines with his son. Next, Hibbard lived in Brooklyn, New York in 1870 and then Kings County, New York in 1880. Dr. Hibbard was also a physician and druggist while being an agent for the Shakers of New Lebanon, New York. He was a Methodist and served in the Christian Commission, at the front, during part of the Civil War. His claim to fame was the Dr. R. F. Hibbard’s Celebrated Wild Cherry Bitters which he assigned to Charles Nelson Crittendon to sell in his drug empire.

Dr. Hibbard’s wife was Clemintina Mitchell (1805-1884). Their children were Kate I. Hibbard (1838-1909) and Rufus Jr. who would eventually partner with his father. His siblings were Wesley Hibbard (1798-1866)*, Asbury Hibbard (1800-1865)*, David R. Hibbard (1808-1865)*, Freeborn Garretson Hibbard (1811-1895)* and Harriet D. Hibbard Hatch (1818 – 1896)* Dr. Hibbard is burried at Drewsclift Cemetery in Brewster, Putnam County, New York (*assumed).

Reverend Billy Hibbard

Rufus Hibbards father was Reverend Billy Hibbard who was a minister in the Methodist-Episcopalian Church. Reverend Billy also served as a chaplin in the Berkshire Massachusetts Militia in 1814. His mother was Cybil Russ. Billy and his wife Sibyl had nine children. A few of them followed in his footsteps to become ministers also. He is credited with helping to start a number of churches throughout New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut as a Circuit Rider Minister. He died on August 17, 1844 from exhaustion due to his travels for the church. I suppose, in honor of his father, Rufus would later create the Rev. B. Hibbard’s Vegetable Anti-Bilious Family Pills (see below)

Charles Nelson Crittendon


If you notice, the bottle is also embossed C. N. Crittendon, Proprietor, N.Y. Charles Nelson Crittenton (February 20, 1833 – November 16, 1909) was a big time manufacturer and distributor of drugs and patent medicines, a Protestant evangelist, and a philanthropist, best known for his founding with physician Katherine Waller Barrett, the National Florence Crittenton Mission.


Florence Crittenton Home, 1899, formerly the Young Ladies Baptist University; image courtesy, Maida Miller Collection, Museum of History and Industry

Born in Henderson in Jefferson County, New York, Crittenton started what ultimately became a wholesale drug business in New York City, from which he accumulated a fortune. Notice the Hales Honey Horehound and Tar trade card below anchored with the C. N. Crittendon, New York name.


Crittendon suffered a grevious and devastating loss in 1882, when his four-year-old daughter Florence died of scarlet fever. He devoted his time and wealth to the establishment of the Florence Night Mission to “rescue” prostitutes, and later Crittenton homes for homeless and unfortunate girls and their infant children. In 1898 the National Florence Crittenton Mission received a federal charter to carry on this work. Of these mission homes more than 70 were organized in Crittenton’s lifetime in all the larger cities of the United States and in Marseille, Tokyo, Shanghai, Mexico City, etc.


Charles N. Crittendon Obituary – The New York Times, Wednesday, November 17, 1909

The drug-manufacturing company which bore his name was one of the first profit-sharing concerns in the United States. Crittendon was an active member of the Prohibition Party. Crittendon died in San Francisco while on a tour of his western facilities in November 1909.


R. F. Hibbard’s Celebrated Wild Cherry Bitters advertisement – W.W. Reilly & Co.’s Ohio State Business Directory for 1854-5


Reverend Billy Hibbard’s Pills advertisement by R. F. Hibbard & Son – W.W. Reilly & Co.’s Ohio State Business Directory for 1854-5


6 1/8“x 6.75” lithographic plate celebrated with scene of people doing planting in formal cloths and making statement of testimonial. Signed R.F. Hibbard, A Bitters Co. – Museum of Historical Medical Artifacts 


Dr. R. F. Hibbard’s Wild Cherry Bitters advertising plate and ad. 3.5“x 4.25” gives name, manufacturer and claims and directions. – Museum of Historical Medical Artifacts


Dr. Rufus F. Hibbard’s Celebrated Wild Cherry Bitters advertisement – The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Wednesday, October 1, 1851

Top picture courtesy Glass Works Auctions
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Tracking Hodges’ Bitters back to London?


T. Bewick. “Gin and Bitters”. The Sportsman’s Cabinet, 1803. – A History of the Cries of London Ancient and Modern

Tracking Hodges’ Bitters back to London?

09 June 2014

Apple-Touch-IconASome of the earliest American bitters brands and formulas obviously came from Germany, England and other parts of Europe. We saw this the other day with the Hungarian Bitters which led me to Hodge’s Bitters from New York. I suspect this brand is English and was curious if I could find some roots in London.

“as useless as a Stoughton’s bottle”


Stoughtons Bitters label (RH S 207 L) – Bitters Bottles Supplement

Many bitters collectors have heard of the early and famous Stoughton’s Bitters as it appears on many old shipping and inventory lists on both sides of the Atlantic for over 100 years. This is the bitters that started it all. The brand is known to have many manufacturers and the label has been found on a number of bottles. You won’t find an embossed bottle in collections though, at least as far as I am aware.

1762: Stoughton’s Bitters by the gallon or smaller quantity. Made from tansy, orange and sukeron water. – Pennsylvania Gazette, March 29, 1762

Stoughton’s was first patented in England and was produced and sold around 1712. It was a mainstay of the medical community and over time, Stoughton’s gained popularity in the American colonies. Once the recipe was published, fakes flooded the market and eventually doomed the brand. Eventually there were so many poorly made Stoughton’s bitters knockoffs that the term “as useless as a Stoughton’s bottle” entered the lexicon in the mid 1800s. Thinking of Hostetter’s here now.


“From the Old to the New World” shows German emigrants boarding a steamer in Hamburg, to New York – Harper’s Weekly, (New York) November 7, 1874

Many great men, with bitters formulas, came with the The Forty-Eighters who were Europeans who participated in or supported the revolutions of 1848 that swept Europe. In Germany, the Forty-Eighters favored unification of the German people, a more democratic government, and guarantees of human rights. Disappointed at the failure of the revolution to bring about the reform of the system of government in Germany or the Austrian Empire and sometimes on the government’s ‘wanted list’ because of their involvement in the revolution, they gave up their old lives to try again abroad. Many emigrated to the United States, after the revolutions failed. They included Germans, Czechs, Hungarians, and others. Many were respected, wealthy, and well-educated; as such, they were not typical migrants. A large number went on to be very successful as we know. This is when the first Ferdinand Meyer came to America as I have traced him to a ship arriving from Bremen to New York and then to Baltimore. No there wasn’t a Meyer’s Bitters but old Ferdinand was working within a block or two of some Baltimore bitters manufacturers in the mid 1800s. I’m sure he bent the elbow with a few. Read: Gouley’s Vegetable Bitters – Baltimore

Well, back to Hodges Bitters. I found a listing in an 1845 New York City Directory for a William Walford who was the sole agent for the sale of London Cordial Gin and Hodges’ Bitters. Thinking all-the-way English here. A quick look at Bitters Bottles by Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham reveal two listings with English inference:

H 129  Hodge’s Gin Bitters, Brooklyn Directory (N.Y.) 1836-37

H 130  Hodge’s London Bitters, New York Directory 1844-45

 Here are a few other pieces of information from various newspapers in New york.


Thomas H. Redding & Co. advertisement in Brooklyn, New York selling Hodge’s Gin Bitters, Stoughton Bitters, Columbia Bitters and Essence of Peppermint. – Brooklyn Daily Eagle, December 29, 1841

1841: Thomas H. Redding & Co. in Brooklyn, New York (see ad above) selling Hodge’s Gin Bitters, Stoughton Bitters, Columbia Bitters and Essence of Peppermint. – Brooklyn Daily Eagle, December 29, 1841


William Walford, Sole Agent for the Sale of London Cordial Gin and Hodges’ Bitters – 1845 New York City Directory

1845: Advertisement for William Walford, Sole Agent for the Sale of London Cordial Gin and Hodges’ Bitters – 1845 New York City Directory

1850: S. Barnett, Hodge’s Bitters, Patent Medicines, 79 W. Broadway – New York County – The New York Mercantile Union Business Directory

1857: William Walford, late liquors, h 127 W. Broadway – New York City Directory


1859: A Distiller Wanted for Hodges Bitters advertisement (see above) – New York Herald

So with all of these different people selling versions of Hodge’s bitters, it is not difficult to imagine a fellow named Hodge who was probably from London. Could it be:

Nathaniel Hodges (1629–1688): The Plague doctor

Nathaniel Hodges was the son of Thomas Hodges (1605–1672), an influential Anglican preacher and reformer with strong connections in the political life of Carolingian London. Educated at Westminster School, Trinity College Cambridge and Christ Church College, Oxford, Nathaniel established himself as a physician in Walbrook Ward in the City of London.


Collecting the dead for burial during the Great Plague. The Great Plague (1665–66) was the last major epidemic of the bubonic plague to occur in the Kingdom of England. Source: The Great Plague of London

Prominent as one of a handful of medical men who remained in London during the time of the Great Plague of 1665, he wrote the definitive work on the outbreak. His daily precautions against contracting the disease included fortifying himself with Théodore de Mayerne’s anti-pestilential electuary and the liberal consumption of sack, dining soon after, usually off roast meat with pickles or other relish. He drank more wine at dinner. Afterwards he saw patients at his own house, and paid more visits, returning home between eight and nine o’clock. He spent the evening at home, never smoking, but drinking old sack till he felt thoroughly cheerful. After this he generally slept well. He rose early, and took a dose of anti-pestilential electuary as large as a nutmeg. After transacting his household affairs he entered his consulting room. Crowds of patients were always waiting, and for three hours he examined them and prescribed, finding some who were already ill, and others only affected by fear. When he had seen all, he breakfasted, and visited patients at their houses. On entering a house he had a disinfectant burnt on hot coals, and if hot or out of breath rested till at his ease, then put a lozenge in his mouth and proceeded to examine the patient.

Twice during the epidemic he felt as if the plague had infected him, but after increased draughts of sack he felt well in a few hours, and he escaped without serious illness. In recognition of his services to the citizens during the plague, the authorities of the city granted him a stipend as their authorised physician.

Hodges’ approach to the treatment of plague victims was empathetic and based on the traditional Galenic method rather than Paracelsianism although he was pragmatic in the rejection of formulae and simples which he judged from experience to be ineffective. Besieged by financial problems in later life, his practice began to fail and Hodge was imprisoned in Ludgate Prison (debtors prison) for debt, and there died on 10 June 1688. He was buried in St. Stephen’s, Walbrook, and a bust and inscription were to be seen there. [passages from Christopher J. Duffin, Earth Science Department, The Natural History Museum, London, UK and Wikipedia]

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Opening of Circa 1900 Drugstore Museum


Opening of Circa 1900 Drugstore Museum

08 June 2014


Apple-Touch-IconAI was able to work with Terry McMurray on his full-page, inside back cover, advertisement within the FOHBC 2014 National Antique Bottle Show Souvenir Program. I didn’t know about his new drug store museum and thought it would be nice to post his advertisement and a few of his pictures of the new museum. As I told Terry, every time I see his table at the Baltimore Antique Bottle Show, I feel like I am at a museum.












Posted in Advertising, Apothecary, Auction News, Bottle Shows, Club News, Collectors & Collections, Druggist & Drugstore, FOHBC News, Medicines & Cures, Museums, News | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Lukach’s Hungarian Bitters – Truth is Stronger than Fiction


Lukach’s Hungarian Bitters 

Truth is Stronger than Fiction

07 June 2015 (R•110814)

Lukach’s Hungarian Bitters – Truth is Stronger than Fiction advertisement, 62 Common Street – The Times Picayune (New Orleans, Louisiana), Friday, September 8, 1865

Apple-Touch-IconATruth is really stronger than fiction as I opened an e-mail yesterday from across the pond from 2013 FOHBC Hall-of-Famer, Alan Blakeman (visit BBR) regarding a Hungarian Bitters Alan has come across. Alan was asking for information. Holy Moses, a Hungarian Bitters! What a great bottle in a classic semi-cabin form. Actually I had not even seen a picture of this bottle prior to this.

If you notice, the bottle is embossed, “A. LUKACH” on the side panel and “1848” on the front. I believe it is also embossed on the opposite side with the same Lukach name. The Lukach name, which is Hungarian, can also be “Americanized” to Lucas which leads me to a listing in Bitters Bottles Supplement by Carlyn Ring and Bill Ham.

H 208HungarianDrawing

HUNGARIAN (au) / BITTERS / 1848 // P LUCAS & CO // sp // P LUCAS & CO //
10 1/2 x 3 3/4 x 2 3/8
Rectangular semi-cabin, Amber, LTCR, Applied mouth, 4 sp, Extremely rare
Example was dug from a river bank about 10 miles north of New Orleans.

The new listing by Bill Ham for the forthcoming Bitters Bottles Supplement 2:

H 208.95  HUNGARIAN (au) / BITTERS / 1848 // A. LUKACH // f // A. LUKACH
10 ¼ x 3 ¾ x 2 3/8
Rectangular – semi-cabin, Amber, LTC, Applied mouth, Extremely rare

So, first of all, we now have an unlised bitters similar to one found near New Orleans. Unlisted because of the “A. LUKACH” listing opposed to the “P LUCAS & Co” listing in Bitters Bottles Supplement. What is going on here? Could the Lukach example be European? No, this is an American form. I suspect the Lukach example was first and then modified. This needs some exploration. I’m thinking New York and New Orleans and probably both because the advertisement above says, “to be the best and cheapest articles North and South”.

As an aside, earlier today, I also posted about another unlisted bitters from NOLA. Read: The missing link Universal Bitters by Nicholas Kieffer.

My first hit is for a Lukach’s Hungarian Bitters advertisement in The Times Picayune (New Orleans, Louisiana), on Friday, September 8, 1865 (see top of post). Lukach is located at 62 Common Street. My second hit is an 1866 United States Internal Revenue document (see below) noting a Adolphe Lukach, Manufacturer, 60 Common Street in New Orleans which runs somewhat parallel to Canal street in the downtown district. So we probably have a Adolphe Lukach or Adolph Lucas making a Hungarian Bitters in New Orleans.


Adolphe Lukach, Manufacturer, 60 Common Street – 1866 U.S. IRS Tax Assessment List

Next I find an advertisement for Genuine Hungarian Bitters (see below) in The Daily Phoenix (Columbia, South Carolina) on March 25, 1871. Could it be the same brand?


Genuine Hungarian Bitters – Rich, Rare and Ruby advertisement – The Daily Phoenix, March 25, 1871, (Columbia, South Carolina)

Here is where it gets weird. There is also an A. Lukach who is a manufacturer listed in New York City in 1866. Could this be the same guy? Believe me, there are very few A. Lukach’s in United States during that time period. Next I think, manufacturer of what? I next find another tax document from New York in 1866 saying that Adolph Lukach is a Retail Liquor Dealer. How could this guy be in two places at once?


A. Lukach, manufacturerer – 1866 United States Income Tax Document


Adolph Lukach, Retail Liquor Dealer – 1866 New York City Tax Document

I can only guess at this point and suppose that someone in the Hungarian Lukach family developed a bitters in 1848. Maybe oversees or maybe New York City. They sell it for a while to their Hungarian bretheren in New York and meet with some success. They change the name to Lucas and ship by steamer to the Carolinas and New Orleans with a similar clientele. Truth is Stronger than Fiction. Too many doors still open here.


Another idea ties directly back too the 1848 embossing on the bottle. Apparently, the first large wave of Hungarian emigration to the United States occurred in 1849-1850 when the so-called “Forty-Eighters” fled from retribution by Austrian authorities after the defeat of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. Lajos Kossuth (see “Louis Kossuth” Historical Calabash Flask above courtesy Norman Heckler) gave a seven-month speaking tour of the U.S. in 1851-52 to great acclaim as a champion of liberty, thereby unleashing a brief outburst of pro-Hungarian emotions. He left embittered because his refusal to oppose slavery alienated his natural constituency, and his long-term impact was minimal. By 1860 there 2,710 Hungarians lived in the U.S. of whom at least 99 fought in the Civil War. Their motivations were not so much antislavery as a belief in democracy, a taste for adventure, validation of their military credentials, and solidarity with their American neighbors. [Wikipedia]

Bottle Shows up at Glass Works Auction 105


“HUNGARIAN / BITTERS / 1848 – A. LUKACH – A. LUKACH”, (Ring/Ham, H-208.9), American, ca. 1855 – 1870, amber semi-cabin, 10 1/4”h, smooth base, applied tapered collar mouth. Lightly cleaned to its original luster. A tiny open bubble is located on a panel edge at the shoulder. Also some minor scratches. This is one of only two known examples, the other one being dug in New Orleans. Listed in Ring/Ham, as being extremely rare but was not illustrated. – Glass Works Auctions 105


“HUNGARIAN / BITTERS / 1848 – A. LUKACH – A. LUKACH”, (Ring/Ham, H-208.9), American, ca. 1855 – 1870, amber semi-cabin, 10 1/4”h, smooth base, applied tapered collar mouth. Lightly cleaned to its original luster. A tiny open bubble is located on a panel edge at the shoulder. Also some minor scratches. This is one of only two known examples, the other one being dug in New Orleans. Listed in Ring/Ham, as being extremely rare but was not illustrated. – Glass Works Auctions 105

Posted in Bitters, Digging and Finding, Figural Bottles, History, Liquor Merchant | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The missing link Universal Bitters by Nicholas Kieffer


The missing link Universal Bitters by Nicholas Kieffer

07 June 2014 (R•060814) (R•082618)

Apple-Touch-IconAI have been monitoring some e-mails this past week or so between Frank Wicker and a person who had contacted him regarding a possible unlisted bitters. This person was seeking information on the bottle. Frank forwarded the pictures to me and I immediately recognized the bottle as a missing link related to Nicholas Kieffer in New Orleans. The initial email,

“Hello, my name is Steve and I dug a bottle here in my hometown of New Orleans 30 years ago and have been trying to find information on it ever since. Here is a description of the bottle. Gilka shaped. One side panel is embossed UNIVERSAL BITTERS. On another side panel is embossed N.- K. PATENT. The 2 front and back panels have no embossing on them at all. It is a BIMAL. I’ve attached 4 pictures of it for viewing. Hard to tell in the pics, but it is amber in color. I appreciate any information on it or any links to information you can share with me as to finding more out about it. Thank you most graciously” Steven T. Bauer


The “NK-PATENT” embossing leads us to a Nicholas Kieffer (parents Nicholas Kieffer and Elizabeth Fual) who was born in 1796 in Alsace, France. Nicholas eventually came to the United States and settled in New OrleansLouisiana. Kieffer may have served as a Private 2nd Company in the 4th Regiment French Brigade, Louisiana Militia and was reported in business in 1866 as a manufacturer of wholesale liquors. That same year, on 18 September 1866, he received a patent for his “prize winning” Malakoff Bitters (or could it have been for the Universal Bitters?).

Read: What about this New Orleans Malakoff Bitters?


The three bottle pictures used in the post courtesy Steve.

The new Ring & Ham catalog listing for the next Bitters Bottles Supplement will be U 11.2 according to author, Bill Ham.

10 ½ x 3 ¾ x 2 3/8 (7)3/4
Rectangular, amber, LTCR, Applied mouth, Extremely rare
N. Kieffer, New Orleans City Directory, 1868
References also to San Antonio, Texas
Found in New Orleans

In the mid to late 1870s, the brand was represented by Alphonse Walz of New Orleans and A. E. Neuberg of Chicago, which I find odd. It also looks like Kieffer moved to Texas and was manufacturing and marketing his bitters out of San Antonio, where he had family, in the 1880s. (see advertisement and patent below).


Universal Bitters and Malakoff Bitters by N. Kiefer (Kieffer) advertisement – The San Antonio Light, Saturday, June 3, 1882


1861 Photograph shows southeast corner of Main Plaza with French Building (left), on Dwyer Avenue, and U.S. Post Office (right). Sign for H. Mayer and Company, Grocers, on French Building. – The University of Texas San Antonio Digital Collection


Photograph shows an ox-drawn wagon train in front of the Hugo and Schmeltzer Wholesale Grocery Store at the corner of Commerce and Navarro Streets. Staffel and Vogel building in background. Circa 1870- 1875 – The University of Texas San Antonio Digital Collection

There were some major wholesalers and grocers in San Antonio at that time including Hugo & Schmeltzer, A. B. Frank & Co., H. Genet, George Dullnig, Sam C. Bennett, and others. Goods came in by the car loads, and were exported out by long wagon trains, and by rail according to one historical passage. The man who was making and selling the patented Universal Bitters in San Antonio was Honore Grenet. He probably was selling Universal Bitters from the Alamo as you will see!

Honore Grenet

Among the pioneers of our modern trade we must not forget the genial and enterprising gentleman whose name heads this article. Mr. Grenet is a native of La Belle, France, but is a thorough believer in the glorious future of San Antonio. Not only has he managed a very extensive business, which includes groceries, dry goods, hats, boots and shoes, crockery, beer, liquors and country produce, but he has always been prominent in all public enterprises in this city and is one whose name is always sought when any new enterprise is projected. His private enterprise is well known to every visitor of the Alamo, which he uses as a storehouse to relieve the claims for space made by his immense stock in his mammoth business, which adjoins the shrine of Texas. Of all our business men, none stand higher than Honore Grenet. – History of San Antonio Commerce


French merchant Honore Grenet purchased some of the Alamo property in June 1877 and used the chapel as a warehouse. – DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University


Jacob Weber & Co., Manufacturers of The Universal Bitters, San Antonio – The San Antonio Light, March 18, 1884

As noted in the above advertisement, Frank Krisch took over the brand after the death of Honore Grenet. He was a partner with Jacob Weber & Company and eventually went out on his own. Frank Frisch was a character who, with his brother Amand, ran a saloon under the business name Krisch & Brother at 203 N. Flores and the corner of Houston street. Other business concerns included Krisch & Heitgen (John A. Heitgen) where the two operated a bakery. He also was involved with a meat market that was run by his son, Frank Jr.

In 1885, Universal Stomach Bitters was being manufactured by Felix Kieffer & Co., 217 Conti Street in New Orleans.


Nickola Kieffer, San Antonio, Texas. December 9, 1884 Patent 308,900 – Bitters

Universal Stomach Bitters manufactured by Felix Kieffer & Co., New Orleans – The Times Picayune, Sunday, July 5, 1885

Select Timeline Events

1866: Kieffer & Co., and Nicholas Kieffer Special IRS Tax Assessment. Keiffer also patents his Makakoff Bitters.
1867: Kieffer, N. (Nicholas), wines and liquors, Poydras, b Rampart and Basin – New Orleans City Directory
1868: Kieffer N. & Co., (F. Hollander), liquor dealers, 255 Poydras – New Orleans City Directory
1870: Kieffer N. mnfr. of Patent Malakof Bitters, importer and dealer of Wines, Liquors, Ale and Lager Beer, 11 Rampart, 1st dist. res. same – New Orleans City Directory
1871: Kieffer & Hollander, (N. Kieffer and F. Hollander), mnfrs. Malakoff bitters, Western lager beer, ale and porter, 196 Canal, and 11 Rampart, 1st dist., – New Orleans City Directory
1872: Kieffer N. mnfr. of Malakoff Bitters, 72 Chartres, r. 11 Rampart, 1st dist., – New Orleans City Directory
1874 – 1876: A E NEUBERG & CO., Chicago, IL. (1874-1876) “Sole agents in the US for Malakoff bitters” (1876). Business continues as Ferdinand Neuberger. Business name timeline: A. E. Neuberg & Co.
1873 – 1875 F. Krisch, saloon, Bexar County, Texas – 1873 San Antonio Directory
1877: In 1877, a Frenchman, Honore Grenet, bought the Convento building (the long annex of the original mission compound) and courtyard from the Catholic Church and built a two-story museum and grocery store complex with three wooden towers housing false wooden cannons.
1884: Nickola Kieffer, San Antonio, Texas. December 9, 1884 Patent 308,900Bitters (see patent above)
1885: Advertisement: Universal Stomach Bitters manufactured by Felix Kieffer & Co., New Orleans – The Times Picayune, Sunday, July 5, 1885
1885 -1891: Krisch, Frank jr, 207 N Flores, meat market – 1885 San Antonio Directory
1891: Krisch, Frank sr, (J. Weber & Co.), Krisch Hall and saloon, 207 N Flores. 1891 San Antonio City Directory
1892 – 1893: Convention Hall, F. Krisch, proprietor, cor W Houston N Flores – San Antonio City Directory
1894: F. Krisch, lessee, San Pedro Springs, end San Pedro avenue – San Antonio City Directory
Posted in Advertising, Bitters, Digging and Finding, History, Liquor Merchant, Medicines & Cures, Questions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Could the Doctor John Russ Wormwood Stomach Bitters be from Iowa?


Could the Doctor John Russ Wormwood Stomach Bitters be from Iowa?

05 June 2014

Apple-Touch-IconAThe semi-cabin form, Doctor John Russ Wormwood Stomach Bitters is back in the news again today as the Outhouse Patrol has found shards in Belle Plaine, Iowa while they were on a dig yesterday. You may remember that an example of this unheard-of bitters showed up on ebay early last month (see ebay listing). That bottle was also found in Iowa and sold from Muscatine, Iowa. The bottle was won by Dave Lambert. See ebay pictures of bottle below.


Doctor John Russ Wormwood Stomach Bitters (example on ebay)

Bill Ham contacted the seller and buyer and was able to put together the following catalog number for the next Bitters Bottles Supplement:

10 ¼ x 2 3/4
Square semi-cabin, Amber, LTC, Applied mouth, Extremely rare
Found in Iowa

Here are the latest Outhouse Patrol pictures:


Doctor John Russ Wormwood Stomach Bitters in fragments on right – Outhouse Patrol


Doctor John Russ Wormwood Stomach Bitters fragments – Outhouse Patrol


Doctor John Russ Wormwood Stomach Bitters – Outhouse Patrol

So we only have one example to go by with the name “John Russ” on it. The bottle looks eastern to me. Could this be the same John A. Russ as related to the elusive Russ’ Stomach Bitters lady’s leg from New York and the Russ’ St. Domingo Bitters? Read: Russ’ Stomach Bitters – A New York Lady’s Leg and Russ’ St. Domingo Bitters – New York. That is a strong possibility. John A. Russ Jr. was listed as a liquor merchant in New York City as early as 1857 at 42 Water Street and 94 Pearl Street in 1859. Russ & Co. shows up as importers as early as 1861. John A. Russ is also listed as a clerk as early as 1853. He was never listed as a Doctor. His bottles did not show up in Iowa as far as I know.

Could it have been Dr. John Frederick Russ who was born in Erie, Pennsylvania in 1866 and lived and worked in various locations in Iowa such as Etna, Grant City, Buffalo Center, Iowa Falls, Mason City? He could have been chucking Wormwood Stomach Bottles in privies all along the way. He died in 1930. I doubt it unless he invented the bitters when he was in pre-school.

Could it have been Ferdinand John Russwurm from Germany? He lived and worked in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. He shortened his name to John Russ on some records. Russwurm … Wormwood….too slippery here to be our answer.

I guess we will have to wait for more information. This is a great bottle and one of the great highlights and bitters mysteries this year. I have put a request in to Outhouse Patrol for a complete example. We’ll see.

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Dr. Sawens Life Invigorating Bitters


Dr. Sawens Life Invigorating Bitters


04 June 2014

Apple-Touch-IconAJim Hagenbuch, over at Glass Works Auctions, has a wonderful, fully labeled (no embossing), Dr. Sawens Life Invigoration Bitters from Utica, New York with original contents in his present auction. There is even a formula label on the base.

Dr. Willis Sawens was born on August 17, 1824 in northern New York and for a number of years kept a drug store and practiced his profession in Watertown, New York. In 1864 he moved to Utica with his brother, Gilbert S. Sawens, of Antwerp, and Edward Anderson, and purchased tbe drug business of Dr. J. B. Marshall, of Utica, which he conducted until ten years ago. He was a well-known and respected resident of Utica. He died at 70 years old on 16 August 1894 at the residence of his nephew in Detroit. [The Daily Times, Watertown NY, Sat. 18 Aug 1894]


W. Sawens & Co. receipt. Note W. Sawens, G. S. Sawen’s and a crossed out A. M. Anderson. 1 Dozen Sawens Bitters for $7.50 – Joe Gourd Collection

The Glass Works Auctions description in their “Festival of Color”, Catalog Auction #102 is as follows:


97. Label Only Bitters, ‘Dr. Sawens’ Life Invigorating Bitters, A Dyspeptic Remedy and Blood Purifier, W Sawen, Sole Proprietors, Utica, N.Y.’, New York, ca. 1875 – 1885, amber, 9 3/4”h, smooth base, applied tapered collar mouth 99% original front and back labels have some minor discoloration, original contents. The bottle is perfect. Considerably rarer than its embossed brother!


This labeled example prompted me to develop this post along with posting an equally great article titled W. Sawens & Company, Manufacturing Chemists and Druggists, Watertown and Utica, New York by Jon J. Landers that was included in a past issue of a Bottles Along the Mohawk newsletter by the Mohawk Valley Bottle Club.



1877 Dr. Sawens Family Manual Empire State Almanac – Rulon Miller Books



The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listing in Bitters Bottles is as follows:


W. Sawens & Co. Sole Proprietors Utica, New York
Chas. Shields’ Sons 22 and 24 Gold Street New York
9 1/8 x 2 3/4 (7 1/2) 3/8
Square, Amber, LTC, Applied mouth, 3 sp, Common

Label: A dyspeptic remedy and blood purifier. These bitters are a concentrated combination of medicines possessing great tonic power acting upon the stomach and liver correcting the secretion and proving a certain remedy for dyspepsia., liver complaint, biliousness, nervous debility, loss of appetite and all other diseases requiring a tonic.

Drug Catalogs: 1883 Schieffelin and M&R, 1884 M&R


Dr. Sawens Life Invigorating Bitters in a vibrant orange amber – Meyer Collection

Posted in Advertising, Bitters, Druggist & Drugstore, Medicines & Cures | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters from Oshkosh

Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters from Oshkosh

02 June 2014 (R•042919)


Apple-Touch-IconAAfter the pretty lady’s legs we’ve been looking at, I wanted to take a moment and look at a squat little fellow from Oshkosh, Wisconsin that is more like a bull dog in stature. The Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters, put out by John Thielen, definitely has that German look that you see with the Carl and Ferdinand Mampe bitters and liquor bottles with the prominant embossed elephant.

Read: Wicker Visit – Austin Healey’s and Elephants.

Not a big stretch to think that they are related.

Read: Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters of Wisconsin, You Make the Call.

Another reason we are looking at Wisconsin, is the extremely rare bitters bottle that sold last night on ebay. That story will wait for another day.

Top color picture: Collection of Frank Wicker


Carl and Ferdinand Mampe bitters and liquor bottles with the prominant embossed elephant – Wicker Collection

My example of the Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters has been sitting alone for almost a decade on a shelf in my aqua room since it joined my collection, as I won it in the FOHBC live auction at the 2004 Memphis Expo. Let’s put a little light on this portly guy. The Carlyn Ring and W. C. Ham listing in Bitters Bottles is as follows:

6 3/4 x 3 1/4 x 3 (5 1/2) Rectangular, NSC, Aqua – Common, Clear and Blue aqua – Scarce, Citron green – Extremely rare
Embossing on (slightly) narrower sides.
Advertisement: John Thielen, Sole Agent for the sale of Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters – Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, November 11, 1891

JT_MampesJohn P. Thielen was born in Germany in 1849 and was the son of Peter Thielen (1810-1887). Peter and his son John, immigrated the United States around 1864 from Neuenberg, Germany. John Thielen’s bothers and sisters included, Anna (1835 – 1900; m. Nicholas Faugsten) of Oshkosh, Frank X. (1840 – 1914; m. Magdelna) of Oshkosh, Catherine (1844 – 1921; m. August Timm) of Chicago, Illinois and then moved to Stevens Point, Wisconsin after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 and Paul Thielen (1845 -1894; m. Mary).

Our subject, John P. Thielen, married Johanna “Anna” Sonnenberg of Oshkosh, and they were married for 65 years until 1921 when the family relocated to Los Angeles, California. John P. Thielen died in 1934 at 84 years old in Los Angeles of heart trouble.


During his years in Oshkosh, John Thielen may have run the largest and best stocked wine and liquor house in town. John first got his start with Weidener and Thielen and eventual went out using his own name selling imported and domestic wines, liquors, gins, brandies, cordials, ales, porters and whiskies. His specialities included “Silver Spring” pure rye whisky, Badger Club and of course, his Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters. Business was strong in northern Wisconsin and Michigan. He was also president of the Silver Spring Distillery Company. This company was organized in 1892. The Dr. Mampe’s bitters was certainly a late 19th century brand that looks good in any bitters collection despite its ungainly proportions.

Select Timeline Events

1849: John Thielen born in Neuenberg, Germany.
1864: John Thielen arrives in United States.
1870: Marriage to Johanna “Anna” Sonnenberg of Oshkosh. John Thielen listed as laborer in 1870 US Federal Census.
1873: P. Thielen & Son (Paul & John Thielen), grocer – Wisconsin Business Directory
1880: Main Street, Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin – John Thielen living with wife and four children. He works at a saloon1870 US Federal Census.
1884: Weidner & Thielen, (August Weidner and John Thielen) liquors, 26 and 28 Washington streets. also 186 Main street, Firm dissolves in 1886.
1885: MusicianMember of the OLD ARION BAND – Clarinet player. In his daughter’s obituary stated her father as a master musician; he was also a member of the Butterick Orchestra; his brother Frank was a singer.
1891: John Thielen, liquors, 146 Main, moves to Washington Street (see advertisement below) Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters mentioned – Oshkosh City Directory

John Thielen, wines and liquors moves to Washington Street – Oshkosh Daily Northwestern, 11 November 1891

1893: John Thielen, wholesale liquors, 26-28 Washington. Brother Frank X. Thielen has saloon and grocery at 150 Main – Oshkosh City Directory
1897: John Thielen advertising cover mentions Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters (see below).
Mampe's BittersCover_JG

1897 John Thielen advertising cover mentions Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters – Joe Gourd Collection

1903: John Thielen, wines and liquors, distiller, 26 Washington (two brothers running sample rooms on Main street) – Oshkosh City Directory
1912: John Thielen, wholesale wines and liquors, 26-28 Washington – Oshkosh City Directory
1920: John Theilen, residence Los Angeles. 1920 US Federal Census

Former Local Man Dies in the West – John Thielen 1934 obituary

1934: John P. Thielen died in 1934 at 84 years old in Los Angeles of heart trouble (see above obituary).

Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters – Meyer Collection


Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters – Meyer Collection


Two Dr. Mampe’s Herb Stomach Bitters. One in blue aqua and the other in an odd apple green – Wicker Collection


John Thielen profile – Pen and Sunlight Sketches of The Principle Cities in Wisconsin – 1893


A large group of boarders are gathered in front of the Phoenix House, 234 Main Street, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Joseph Schneider, the owner, is standing to the left of the door; his sons, William and Joseph, Jr. are standing beside him. Daughter Irene Schneider is sitting in an upstairs window. Other men identified on the back of the photo are: Frank Schmidt; Jo Jo; Leo Meitinger; J. Hesig; John Thielen; Angus Monroe; John Marx; Joseph Marx; Mark Marx; Lary; and J.D. Rose. A few of these men are listed in either the 1889 or 1891 Oshkosh City Directory as residents.

Badger Club Whiskey image from Pre-Pro.com
Posted in Advertising, Bitters, Collectors & Collections, Ephemera, Liquor Merchant, Medicines & Cures, Postage, Whiskey | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The two Julien’s Imperial Aromatic Bitters Variants


The two Julien’s Imperial Aromatic Bitters Variants

01 June 2014


Apple-Touch-IconAIn picking up the figural bitters lady’s leg series again with the fabulous Universe Bitters and Shurtleff’s Bitters posts, I thought it would be neat to follow up with Julien’s Imperial Aromatic Bitters and look at two of the most exciting variants of the same brand that you will ever see. First of all, let’s look at the Carlyn Ring and W. C. Ham listings in Bitters Bottles and Bitters Bottles Supplement:


13 x 3 1/2 (5 1/2)
Round lady’s leg, Olive yellow, ARM, Applied mouth, Extremely rare
Identical to J 57 except there is a very faint ghost of removed embossing where the WEAR, UPHAM & OSTROM embossing was removed from the mold.
Example was found in Connecticut.



12 1/2 x 3 1/2 (5 1/2)
Round lady’s leg, Amber, ARM, Applied mouth, Extremely rare
Dug in Connecticut.

*Top picture and bottle sketch from both Bitters Bottles books courtesy of Bill Ham. Below examples from Jeff Burkardt.




This is a tough safe to crack as there are few clues and little information on “Julien” or “Ware, Upham & Ostrom” in New York which is embossed on one or both of the bottles. I could not find any advertising, trade cards or stories to build a post. As noted in Ring & Ham, variant #1, J 56.5 read’s “Julien’s Imperial Aromatic Bitters” with a faint ghosting where “Ware, Upham & Ostrom” once was. Variant #2, J 57, reads, “Julien’s Imperial Aromatic Bitters” with “Ware, Upham & Ostrom”. You can see both examples in the picture at the top of the post. Only a few examples reside in collections. I have seen three firsthand myself but do not have an example gracing my shelves.

It is interesting to note that both variant listings in Ring & Ham mention that a bottle was found in Connecticut and one was dug in Connecticut. With  “N. Y.” embossed on the bottle, this makes sense. A search of Connecticut and select New England cities reveal no hits for “Julien” or “Wear, Upham & Ostrom”, as these are rather unique names as “Wear” is usually spelled “Ware”.

I finally find “Wear, Upham and Ostrom” right where they are supposed to be in New York City in 1869 and 1870. They are listed as selling “essences” of all things.

1869-70: Wear, Upham & Ostrom, (Eugene L. Wear, Edward M. Upham, Edward Ostrom) essences, 344 G’wich – New York City Directory

Going on a hunch, I search the name “Julien” for the same years. “Julien” is also spelled different as most versions are “Julian” with an “a”. Another hit with Alexis A. Julien who was a very young chemist at the time. Actually, he was quite famous.

1870: Alexis A. Julien, chemist, E. 49th n Fifth av. – New York City Directory

Alexis Anastay Julien (13 February 1840 – 7 May 1919) was an American geologist who taught at Columbia University’s School of Mines for many years. Julien was born in New York City. He graduated from Union College in 1859, but continued as a student in the chemical laboratory a year longer. In 1860 he went to the guano island of Sombrero as resident chemist, and continued there until 1864, also making studies of its geology and natural history, especially of its birds and land shells. He sent his collections to the Smithsonian Institution, for which he also made meteorological observations, this island being the most southerly under its direction. In 1862 he made a geological survey of the islets around St. Bartholomew for the Swedish government, receiving in recognition of his services a gold medal from the king of Sweden.

Soon after the establishment of the Columbia School of Mines he became the assistant in charge of the quantitative laboratory, and in 1885 he was appointed instructor in charge of the department of microscopy and biology in the same institution. He was connected with the Michigan Geological Survey in 1872, making a special study of the crystalline rocks and ores of the Marquette district, and his lithological reports appear in the published volumes of the survey. In 1875 he began the study of the petrography of North Carolina for the North Carolina Geological Survey, and served for three successive summers in the field. He visited the islands of Bonaire, Curaçao and Aruba in the West Indies (1881–1882), and investigated the guano deposits and geology of these islands. The degree of Ph.D. was conferred on him in 1881 by the New York University.

He was a member of scientific societies, and was vice president of the New York Academy of Sciences in 1884. Julien was one of the founders of the New York Microscopical Society in 1880, and in 1883 was one of the originators of the Society of Naturalists of the Eastern United States. He retired from the Columbia School of Mines in 1907.

Julien died at South Harwich, Massachusetts, in 1919 [Wikipedia]

I realize it is a stretch to tie Eugene L. Wear, Edward M. Upham, Edward Ostrom and Alexis A. Julien together. It is possible that these fellows could have gone to school together, met in chemistry class while making essences and said, “let’s make a buck” so they created Julien’s Imperial Aromatic Bitters while using some of Julien’s bat guano as the main essence. This doesn’t explain the two variants, and I certainly don’t commit to a relationship here but one thing we do know for sure; these are two extremely rare bitters that were made somewhere between 1868 and 1871 in New York City. Something on my wish list.


Read More: Lady’s Leg Series – Weis Bros Knickerbocker Stomach Bitters

Read More: Russ’ Stomach Bitters – A New York Lady’s Leg

Read More: The old but sexy, Brown & Drake Catawba Bitters lady’s leg

Read More: Labeled Theller’s Bitters Lady’s Leg – New York

Read More: Lady’s Leg Series – Zingari Bitters

Read More: Holloway’s Bitters from Syracuse

Read More: The best Lady’s Leg in the Galaxy – Universe Bitters

Read More: The extremely rare Shurtleff’s Bitters from Bennington, Vermont

Posted in Bitters, Figural Bottles, History, Medicines & Cures | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

May 2014 – Antique Bottle & Glass Photo Gallery


Apple-Touch-IconAHere we go with the May 2014 group of pictures culled from a few of the web and Facebook sites that we all like. My favorite is the picture above from Chip Cable. What a great picture! Chip titles it Some nice colors on a bright spring day”.

May 2014 – Antique Bottle & Glass 

P H O T O    G A L L E R Y

01 June 2014


I didn’t post this earlier due to my inability to photograph flasks with Mike Brauser‘s skill. I’ve given up for the time being. So here is what I bought at the Dover NH. show. The first of what I hope to be a color run of these flasks. – Woody Douglas


Here is some more Spring color! – James Viguerie


Some LG CO basemarked flasks – Keith Bellew


A few of my favorite local sodas, and my ink collection. cheers! – James Leubner


Just pickling up this page and dusting the shelfs. – Dave Olson


Diamond in the Rough – Lou Holis


Bought a small flask collection today. There were a few good ones in the mix. – Chris Rowell


My window pane gallery presents……A bottle full of niddy noddy. – Alan Adams


With a sliver of sunlight… Another rush home, grabbed a few utilities, and snapped a picture. Nothing special, just showing off the crudity and texture of this early primitive glass! – Michael George


Need a little assistance on rarity to help me in my pricing. I have dug and seen a number of Patent type whiskeys over the years with Dyottville Glass Works embossed on the base, some pontiled and some not. I cannot recall seeing one in this light blue green or aquamarine color, as all have been shades of olive, green and amber. Here is a pair of Dyottvilles, the amber is strongly embossed on the base, the aqua is not. Please advise as to rarity of the aqua and value range. Thanks in advance. – Mike Newman


Had my scrolls displayed in the bottle cabinet, and I figured I would send along the two best pictures of the bunch. The yellow amber quart I just aquired. Its from the Beadle collection and It really goes well with the other colors in my color run. – Cody Zeleny


Finally got some shelves put up in the window! Just wish I had a bigger window now.  I think I picked some nice ones to put up though…..!!  Clayton Johnson


Here are some of my New Orleans pontiled sodas. I will start posting individual pictures over the next week.  James Viguerie


Here is a handled chestnut lot I picked up at hecklers live auction yesterday. I wasn’t planning on go after this lot.. But I really like the one with the AMBROSIAL seal – Keith Bellew


Western demijohns in unusual colors.  Dale Santos


Purchased a nice group today including a nice pontiled Florida water bottle!  Evan Belanger


Just sharing a small group of Wisharts Pine Tree Tar Cordial bottles  Frank Wicker


This is a Wykoff & Cos Union Bluing that I have. It, like many of my other bottles, needs to be cleaned. Does anyone know a way of cleaning bottles that doesn’t require expensive equipment, doesn’t hurt the value of the bottle, has a low risk of damaging the bottle, and can clean even inside the bottle?  Adam Doughty

See More Galleries:

See: August 2013 – Antique Bottle & Glass Photo Gallery

See: September 2013 – Antique Bottle & Glass Photo Gallery

See: October 2013 – Antique Bottle & Glass Photo Gallery

See: November 2013 – Antique Bottle & Glass Photo Gallery

See: December 2013 – Antique Bottle & Glass Photo Gallery

See: January 2014 – Antique Bottle & Glass Photo Gallery

See: February 2014 – Antique Bottle & Glass Photo Gallery

See: March 2014 – Antique Bottle & Glass Photo Gallery

See: April 2014 – Antique Bottle & Glass Photo Gallery


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