PE-RU-NA For Catarrh – The Great American Fraud

PE-RU-NA For Catarrh – The Great American Fraud

08 October 2018

Yesterday, I put together a post on TO-NI-TA which reminded me of PE-RU-NA. Early 1900 fraudulent medicines with similar graphics treatment in their names, similar bottles, and the same time period.

Read: TO-NI-TA – Dr. Lorentz’s Mucous Membrane Bitters.

The top graphics in this post were found in the Library of Congress records and the bottle picture was submitted by Steve Ketcham. Next, I found this real interesting piece below in Collier’s Weekly from October 28, 1905 by Samuel Hopkins Adams. ⁠Peruna was put out by Dr. S. B. Hartman of Mishler’s Herb Bitters fame.

THE GREAT AMERICAN FRAUD: Articles on the Nostrum Evil and Quacks  (1907)

by Samuel Hopkins Adams

Reprinted from Collier’s Weekly, Oct. 28, 1905


⁠A distinguished public health official and medical writer once made this jocular suggestion to me:

⁠”Let us buy in large quantities the cheapest Italian vermouth, poor gin and bitters. We will mix them in the proportion of three of vermouth to two of gin, with a dash of bitters, dilute and bottle them by the short quart, label them ‘Smith’s Reviver and Blood Purifier; dose, one wineglassful before each meal’; advertise them to cure erysipelas, bunions, dyspepsia, heat rash, fever and agne, and consumption; and to prevent loss of hair, smallpox, old age, sunstroke and near-sightedness, and make our everlasting fortunes selling them to the temperance trade.”

⁠”That sounds to me very much like a cocktail,” said I.

⁠”So it is,” he replied. “But it’s just as much a medicine as Peruna, and not as bad a drink.

⁠Peruna, or, as its owner, Dr. S. B. Hartman [editor note: Mishler’s Herb Bitters fame], of Columbus, Ohio (once a physician in good standing), prefers to write it, Pe-ru-na, is at present the most prominent proprietary nostrum in the country. It has taken the place once held by Green’s Nervura and by Paine’s Celery Compound, and for the same reason which made them popular. The name of that reason is alcohol*. Peruna is a stimulant pure and simple, and it is the more dangerous in that it sails under the false colors of a benign purpose.

Read: Mishler’s Herb Bitters and the Mishler Family

⁠According to an authoritative statement given out in private circulation a few years ago by its proprietors, Peruna is a compound of seven drugs with cologne spirits. The formula, they assure me, has not been materially changed. None of the seven drugs is of any great potency. Their total is less than one-half of 1 per cent of the product. Medicinally they are too inconsiderable, in this proportion, to produce any effect. There remains to Peruna only water and cologne spirits, roughly in the proportion of three to one. Cologne spirits is the commercial term of alcohol.

What Peruna is Made of.

⁠Any one wishing to make Peruna for home consumption may do so by mixing half a pint of cologne spirits, 190 proof, with a pint and a half of water, adding thereto a little cubebs for flavor and a little burned sugar for color. Manufactured in bulk, so a former Peruna agent estimates, its cost, including bottle and wrapper, is between fifteen and eighteen cents a bottle. Its price is $1.00. Because of this handsome margin of profit, and by way of making hay in the stolen sunshine of Peruna advertising, many imitations have sprung up to harrass the proprietors of the alcohol-and-water product. Pe-ru-vi-na, P-ru-na, Purina, Anurep (an obvious inversion); these, bottled and labeled to resemble Peruna, are self-confessed imitations. From what the Peruna people tell me, I gather that they are dangerous and damnable frauds, and that they cure nothing.

⁠What does Peruna cure? Catarrh. That is the modest claim for it; nothing but catarrh. To be sure, a careful study of its literature will suggest its value as a tonic and a preventative of lassitude. But its reputation rests on catarrh. What is catarrh? Whatever ails you. No matter what you’ve got, you will be not only enabled, but compelled, after reading Dr. Hartman’s Peruna book, “The Ills of Life,” to diagnose your illness as catarrh and to realize that Peruna alone will save you. Pneumonia is catarrh of the lungs; so is consumption. Dyspepsia is catarrh of the stomach. Enteritis is catarrh of the intestines. Appendicitis – surgeons, please note before operating – is catarrh of the appendix. Bright’s disease is catarrh of the kidneys. Heart disease is catarrh of the heart. Canker sores are catarrh of the mouth. Measles is, perhaps, catarrh of the skin, since “a teaspoon of Peruna thrice daily or oftener is an effectual cure“.

Similarly, malaria, one may guess, is catarrh of the mosquito that bit you. Other disease not specifically placed in the catarrhal class, but yielding to Peruna (in the book), are colic, mumps, convulsions, neuralgia, women’s complaints and rheumatism. Yet “Peruna is not a cure-all,” virtuously disclaims Dr. Hartman, and grasps at a golden opportunity by advertising his nostrum as a preventative against yellow fever! That alcohol and water, with a little coloring matter and one-half of 1 per cent. of mild drugs, will cure all or any of the ills listed above is too ridiculous to need refutation. Nor does Dr. Hartman himself personally make the claim for his product. He stated to me specifically and repeatedly that no drug or combination of drugs, with the possible exception of quinin for malaria, will cure disease. His claim is that the belief of the patient in Peruna, fostered as it is by the printed testimony, and aided by the “gentle stimulation,” produces good results. It is well established that in certain classes of disease the opposite is true. A considerable proportion of tuberculosis cases show a history of the Peruna type of medicine taken in the early stages, with the result of diminishing the patient’s resistant power, and much of the typhoid in the middle west is complicated by the victim’s “keeping up” on the stimulus long after he should have been under a doctor’s care. But it is not as a fraud on the sick alone that Peruna is baneful, but as the maker of drunkards also.

⁠”It can be used any length of time without acquiring a drug habit,” declares the Peruna book, and therein, I regret to say, lies specifically and directly. The lie is ingeniously back up by Dr. Hartman’s argument that “nobody could get drunk on the prescribed doses of Peruna.”

⁠Perhaps this is true, though I note three wineglassfuls in forty-five minutes as a prescription, which might temporarily alter a prohibitionist’s outlook on life. But what makes Peruna profitable to the maker and a curse to the community at large is the fact that the minimum dose first ceases to satisfy, then the moderate dose, and finally the maximum dose; and the unsuspecting patron, who began with it as a medicine, goes on to use it as a beverage, and finally to be enslaved by it as a habit. A well-known authority on drug addictions writes me:

⁠”A number of physicians have called my attention to the use of Peruna, both preceding and following alcohol and drug addictions. Lydia Pinkham’s Compound is another dangerous drug used largely by drinkers; Pain’s Celery Compound also. I have in the last two years met four cases of persons who drank Peruna in large quantities to intoxication. This was given to them originally as a tonic. They were treated under my care as simple alcoholics.”

The Government Forbids the Sale of Peruna to Indians

⁠Expert opinion on the non-medical side is represented in the government order to the Indian Department, reproduced on the following page, the kernel of which is this:

⁠”In connection with this investigation, please give particular attention

⁠*Dr. Ashbel P. Grinnell of New York City, who has made a statistical study of patent medicines, asserts as a provable fact that more alcohol is consumed in this country in patent medicines than is dispensed in a legal way by licensed liquor venders, barring the sale of ales and beer.

PE-RU-NA advertising booklet – eBay

PE-RU-NA advertising booklet – eBay

PE-RU-NA pocket mirror graphics – Wm Morford Auctions

Two multi-story PE-RU-NA advertisements on the building facade – Shorpy Historic Picture Archive

Two PE-RU-NA advertisement trade cards

Posted in Advertising, Article Publications, Bitters, History, Medicines & Cures, Publications, Scams & Frauds | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

TO-NI-TA – Dr. Lorentz’s Mucous Membrane Bitters

TO-NI-TA – Dr. Lorentz’s Mucous Membrane Bitters

07 October 2018

I found some neat newspaper advertising for TO-NI-TA, Dr. Lorentz’s Mucous Membrane Bitters that made me pause and want to know what To-Ni-Ta means. Best I can figure is a play on the words “Tonight” and “Tonic”. The byline in advertising says, “A gentle, invigorating tonic or stimulant for body, brain and nerve.”

TO-NI-TA, is a scientific combination of the vital principles of the most powerful healing herbs known to medicine, and is guaranteed to contain no opiates or dangerous drugs of any kind. It has been analyzed and tested by the most eminent chemists and doctors throughout the world, all of whom have come to one decision, that “TO-NI-TA” is the most wonderful medicinal discovery of modern times.

This is a super late bitters bottle that usually is not represented in bottle collections. I have a sample size and a wooden box. I do not have the large example. Shouldn’t be too hard to find.

The Fuller Building, known as the ‘Flatiron’ Building, in New York City. It was designed in 1902 by Daniel Burnham. – Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Dr. Lorentz’s Mucous Membrane Bitters was put out by the Lorentz Medical Company in New York City from 1903 to 1905. The company was located in the architecturally significant Flatiron Building that sits on a triangular block formed by Fifth Avenue, Broadway and East 22nd Street. Definitely worth visiting if you are in Manhattan. Joseph B. Vandergritt was President and they had $100,000 in Capital in 1904.

The company said they would provide the bitters formula to any doctor for distribution which is kind of odd. Each bottle cost a $1.00, was 26% alcohol and included Dr. Lorentz’s treatise on cattarrh called “The Beautiful Story of Life.” Advertising said you could mail in and get a sample bottle as 50,000 were ordered and available. I need to find an example of the treatise as I do not know who Dr. Lorentz was. He was certainly a German.

Their advertising target groups seems to cover a broad area as they marketed to prominent  men and women, society girls, prominent Bostonians, Germans, teens, seventy-five year olds, citizens of Richmond, choirmasters and organists, polar bear trainers etc. The list goes on.

By 1906, the company had dissolved. Probably not a good idea to give away your formula, 50,000 free sample bottles, a treatise to each who asks, have high rent space and run countless ads in newspapers. Of course, the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 was the big gorilla in the room. The true end of the bitters era.

The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listing in Bitters Bottles is as follows:

T 44  To-ni-ta Mucous Membrane Bitters
L…To-ni-ta Mucous Membrane Bitters
// s// TRADE “TO-NI-TA” MARK / LORENTZ MED. CO. // c //
The Lorentz Medical Co., New York
9 3/4 x. 2 7/8 (6 1/2)
Round, Amber, STC
Label: A gentle, invigorating tonic or stimulant for body, brain and nerve. Reverse of labels same in German.

T 45. To-ni-ta Mucous Membrane Bitters (above)
L…To-ni-ta Mucous Membrane Bitters
// s // TRADE “TO-NI-TA” MARK // LORENTZ MED. CO. // c //
3 7/8 x 1 1/4 (2 5/8)
Round, Amber

Advertisement: Prominent Women Cured by TO-NI-TA, Dr. Lorentz’t Mucous Membrane Bitters, Lorentz Medical Co., New York – The Boston Globe, Sunday, November 8, 1903

Advertisement: Painful Periods Cured by TO-NI-TA, Dr. Lorentz’t Mucous Membrane Bitters, Lorentz Medical Co., New York – Boston Post, Tuesday, November 17, 1903

Advertisement: Prominent Bostonians Cured by TO-NI-TA, Dr. Lorentz’t Mucous Membrane Bitters, Lorentz Medical Co., New York – The Boston Globe, Wednesday, December 9, 1903

Advertisement: Seventy-Fivge Years Old, Catarrh of Bowels Cured by TO-NI-TA, Dr. Lorentz’t Mucous Membrane Bitters, Lorentz Medical Co., New York – The Boston Globe, Sunday, February 14, 1904

Advertisement: Richmond Citizens Rejoice at the Mighty Healy Power of  TO-NI-TA, Dr. Lorentz’t Mucous Membrane Bitters, Lorentz Medical Co., New York – The Times Dispatch, Saturday, April 9, 1904

Advertisement: Society Girl Cured by TO-NI-TA, Dr. Lorentz’t Mucous Membrane Bitters, Lorentz Medical Co., New York – The Morning News, Thursday, April 14, 1904

Advertisement: Catarrrh of Stomach Cured by TO-NI-TA, Dr. Lorentz’t Great Mucous Membrane Bitters, Lorentz Medical Co., New York – The Charlotte Observer, Thursday, January 26, 1905

Select Listings:

1903: Advertisement (above): Painful Periods Cured by TO-NI-TA, Dr. Lorentz’t Mucous Membrane Bitters, Lorentz Medical Co., New York – Boston Post, Tuesday, November 17, 1903
1904: Lorentz Medical Co. (N.Y.) (Joseph B. Vandergritt, Pres.; Samuel S. Hinds. Sec.; Frank E. Parrott, Treas. Capital, $100,000. Directors: Joseph B. Vandergritt. Samuel S. Hinds, Frank E. Parrott) 04′.) B’way – Polk’s (Trow’s) New York Copartnership and Corporation Directory
1904: Advertisement (above): Society Girl Cured by TO-NI-TA, Dr. Lorentz’t Mucous Membrane Bitters, Lorentz Medical Co., New York – The Morning News, Thursday, April 14, 1904
1906: Lorentz Medical Co. (dissolved), 452 5th Avenue – The Trow (formerly Wilson’s) Copartnership and Corporation Directory of New York City
Posted in Advertising, Bitters, Ephemera, History, Medicines & Cures, Miniatures, Remedy, Tonics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dr. Frank’s Laxative Tonic Bitters

Dr. Frank’s Laxitive Tonic Bitters

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

01 October 2018

Now here is a cool bitters bottle that up until now, I had never seen before. As coincidences go, I’m seeing two examples this past week. The first was auctioned off earlier in the week in Glass Works Auctions | Auction #124 which is pictured below. The second, pictured above, was on a dealer table at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Bottle Show happening this past weekend. Tom Lines from Alabama sent me a picture.

There is absolutely nothing I can find online except a surprising number of people named Frank Bitters. One clue might be is that an example was found in an old city dump in Mobile, Alabama. With that, I see a few doctors and grocers in Mobile but nothing solid enough to add to this post. No labeled examples. No advertising.

A no-nonsense bitters bottle that looks like a liquor bottle from a northeastern city, it epitomizes the bitters genre as proprietors would often stick a “Dr.” in front of the name to make it look like a medicine and to get around tax laws. Uh, this is a liquor bottle meant to be sold in liquor stores and saloons, to men. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. They even spelled Laxative wrong!

The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listing in Bitters Bottles is as follows:

DR. FRANK’S ( au ) / LAXITIVE TONIC / BITTERS // c // // b // 502
6 1/2 x 3 1/4 x 1 1/4 (4 1/4)
Oval, Amber, LTC, Tooled lip, Extremely rare
Note: Spelling of word Laxative. Found in an old city dump in Mobile, Alabama

270. “DR. FRANK’S LAXITIVE TONIC / BITTERS”, (Ring/Ham, F-78), American, ca. 1885 – 1895, amber pocket flask, 6 3/4”h, smooth base, tooled lip. Several patches of light stain are on the front, but no form of damage. Extremely rare, the last one sold in 1997! Note the misspelling of the word Laxative. Larry Umbreit Collection. Winning Bid: $ 550 (12 Bids) Estimate: $ 275 – $ 375 – Glass Works Auctions | Auction #124

Low Possibilities:

1890: Dr. Frank, Physician And Herb Sanitarium, Residence Year: 1890, 238 South Market, residence same, San Jose, Santa Clara, California – San Jose, California, City Directory, 1890
1890: Dr. C A Frank,Physician, Arrival date: 8 Nov 1890, Birth Date: abt 1858, Age: 32, Gender: Male, Ethnicity/ Nationality: American, Place of Origin: United States of America, Port of Departure: St. Kitts, Port of Arrival: New York, New York, Ship Name: Pennland – New York, Passenger and Crew Lists
1890: Dr. Louis Frank, Arrival date: 29 Jul 1890, Birth Date: abt 1838, Age: 52, Gender: Male, Ethnicity/ Nationality: American, Place of Origin: United States of America, Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany and Southampton, England, Destination: United States of America, Port of Arrival: New York, New York, Ship Name: Kaiser Wilhelm II – New York, Passenger and Crew Lists
1890: Death: Dr Levi Frank, Birth Date: 1826, Birth Place: Indiana, United States, Death Date: 26 Sep 1890, Death Place: Andrew County, Missouri, Cemetery: Fairview Christian Cemetery, Burial or Cremation Place: Rosendale, Andrew County, Missouri
1890: Dr. Frank, Estimated Age: 20, Birth Year: abt 1890, Yearbook Date: 1910, School: Drexel University College of Medicine, School Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA – School Yearbook
Posted in Bitters, liquor, Liquor Merchant, Medicines & Cures, Questions, Tonics | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Loranger Globe Bitters – What is your Story?

A. Loranger Globe Bitters – What is your Story?

25 September 2018 (R•092618) (R•092718) (R•100518)

I received an email and pictures this morning from John Throop. “Hi Ferd – was happy to find this Loranger Globe Bitters jug on eBay for a reasonable price. Do you happen to know where this is from or any other info? Thanks!”

A. Loranger & Co. Detroit and Sherwood Brothers of New Brighton, Pennsylvania or most likely Fulper Pottery Company of Flemington, New Jersey

I posted the above pictures on PRG Facebook and stoneware authority Steve Ketcham felt like it might be the work of the Sherwood Brothers of New Brighton, Pennsylvania. Some quick searching online takes me to a fine article called Sherwood Brothers: Under the Radar by whiskey authority Jack Sullivan.

About 1879, the Sherwood brothers, G.W. and W.D., founded their pottery. By 1895 they were employing as many as 140 workers and had the capacity to produce two railroad carloads of pottery per day. Their success extended into the 20th Century.

As far as the jug is concerned, Larry Throop (Johns Uncle) states the following:

I have seen many of this style and they are a Sherwood Bros. product. Sherwood Bros. were probably the biggest competitor to Red Wing and Western in the Midwest. It is possible that this was made at the end of this bitters company’s reign but most of this style of jug is a little later (1900 – 1920). White glazes were just coming on the market in about 1895, however Sherwood Bros were one of the first to use it in the US. The first production white glazes made by the pottery companies still had coatings on the interior of the pieces with Albany slip as they didn’t know if the contents would leach through the white zinc glaze. They had to pour the glaze into the piece and swirl it around and then dump it out before firing the piece. Once they realized the zinc glaze sealed well (which was about 1900), they stopped coating the inside with Albany slip as this saved one extra step in the manufacturing process. They just dipped the whole thing in the zinc glaze then a second glaze dip to get the Albany on the outside. This jug would have been a relatively expensive piece for the merchant because it demanded so many steps to complete plus the gold lettering. This gold lettering was generally just painted on the jug once it was fired, so you see a lot of this style with the lettering worn away.

Further correspondence with Jack Sullivan:

Dear Ferd: Thanks for letting me know about the Loranger Globe Bitters. Had not seen that particular jug before. Unfortunately it is not from Sherwood Bros. of New Brighton PA, though they made many nifty jugs. This one is from Fulper of Flemington, New Jersey. I am including my article on Fulper below so you can send it to your correspondent. I had a fair sized collection of Fulpers years ago and sold most to the couple starting a Fulper museum in Flemington. Unfortunately they were unable to keep it open financially. I still keep a list of all known Fulper jugs that I send out on request and will be happy to send it to you if you wish. Will add the Loranger to it right away as this is the first Fulper bitters bottle I have ever seen. All the best to you and Elizabeth.  Jack

Read: Fulper’s of Flemington

Ferd: In one of those amazing coincidences that come around once in a while, last evening I got a call from Adam Koch of the Ohio Bottle Club. He had been contacted about a bottle from someone who had found it in Arizona and Adam called me for an identification. It advertised Courtland Club Whiskey made in Toledo (my old home town). I knew quite a bit about the company and had even written a piece on the outfit. When he sent me a photo at once I could see it was a Sherwood Brothers bottle, though it lacks an identifying mark. Am sending it along (below) to you so you can see the difference between Sherwood and Fulper whiskeys. Quite a contrast. All the best. Jack

A. Loranger & Company

The bitters seems to be unlisted. I am first getting some quick hits for Amos Loranger who was a grocer in Detroit in 1870 and an A. (Arthur) Loranger & Co. (manufacturing chemists) in the late 1890s, also in Detroit. So possibly Arthur Loranger ordered his stoneware bottles for his bitters from the Sherwood Brothers. Detroit is only about 180 miles northwest of New Brighton. With the new information posted above, the jugs would have come from Fulper Pottery Company of Flemington, New Jersey, quite a distance further.

We first see Arthur Loranger as a clerk in Detroit, Michigan in 1874. By 1877, he is in business with his brother Fred in Bay City as Loranger Brothers, wholesale druggists. They are also partners in L. Fournier & Company in Grayling which was a dealer in drugs and druggist supplies.

They next, in 1877, purchase the business of Globe Extract Works on Jefferson Avenue and move into the business of manufacturing perfumes, flavoring extracts, baking powder and druggists supplies. Here is where the name Globe Tonic Bitters comes from. The firm name is changed A. Loranger & Company. Their building was described as being four stories tall and with a basement. A notice said that they were going to extensively renovate their building and put in an elevator to accommodate plans for an expansion. An advertisement in 1879 states that the firm is the manufacturers of Lorangers Liniment and Liver Pills.

In 1888 and 1889 advertisements and other listings, we see that the firm of A. Loranger & Company were listed as manufacturing chemists and wholesale dealers in baking powders, mustards and spices. They were still addressed at 222 and 224 Jefferson Avenue in Detroit and had a laboratory in Windsor which is west of Detroit in the center of Michigan. The laboratory burnt down in 1890. They went out of business in late 1889 and 1890.

Thanks to Corey Stock for support information on Loranger.

Select Listings:

1870: Amos J. Loranger, grocer, 797 Fort w h same – Detroit Michigan City Directory
1874: Arthur Loranger, clerk, bds 251 16th – Detroit Michigan City Directory
1877: Notice (below): A. Loranger & Company announcement of purchase of Globe Extract WorksCrawford Avalanche (Grayling, Michigan), November 24, 1877

1879: A. Loranger & Company advertisement (below) – Crawford Avalanche (Grayling, Michigan), June 18, 1879

1886 – Arthur Loranger, Druggist, 216 3d – Bay City Michigan City Directory
1887: Loranger Brothers (Arthur & Fred C. Loranger), druggists, 216 3rd – Bay City Michigan City Directory
1888-1889: A. Loranger & Co. (Arthur Loranger pres, H. Raoul Loranger sec & tres), Manufacturing Chemists, 224 Jefferson Avenue, Tel. 1081 – Detroit Michigan City Directory, 1888 & 1889
1889: Newspaper Notice (below): A. Loranger & Co. Hopes to Go In Business – Detroit Free Press, Tuesday, October 8, 1889

1889:  Newspaper Notice (below): Assignee’s Sale A. Loranger & Co. wants to sell entire stock – Detroit Free Press, Tuesday, October 29, 1889

1890: Windsor, Michigan Newspaper Notice (below): Loranger & Company space consumed by flamesDetroit Free Press, Thursday, May 8, 1890

1890-1891: Arthur Loranger, h 51 Lewis, – Detroit Michigan City Directory
1891: Newspaper Notice (below): Loranger & Company insolventDetroit Free Press, Thursday, June 11, 1891

Posted in Bitters, Druggist & Drugstore, eBay, History, Liquor Merchant, Medicines & Cures, Perfume, Questions, Scents, Stoneware | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dr. Michael Cox’s Bitters – Pittsburgh

Dr. Michael Cox’s Bitters – Pittsburgh

H. Obernauer & Company

23 September 2018

I’d forgotten about my Dr. Michael Cox’s Bitters with the three embossed cocks until somebody posted a picture of an example on PRG Facebook the other day. What a cool bottle. I always thought it was from New Orleans around 1885 but it is really from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and a really late, tooled lip bottle. So late, the proprietor Herman Obernauer could have people place orders for his bitters by phone!

According to Bitters Bottles, the label reads, “Dr. Michael Cox’s Brand Stomach Bitters, H. Obernauer, Pittsburgh” and pictures three fighting cocks. Need to find a labeled example. I suppose the cocks are a graphics representation of the name Cox. Don’t know who Dr. Cox was of if he really existed.

Hermann Obernauer was born in Württemberg, in southern Germany in 1856 and spent his late teens and early twenties traveling throughout Europe as a salesman. He came to America in 1880 and settled in Pittsburgh.

Mr. Obernauer (pictured left) was a life-long liquor man nesting in Pittsburgh. We first see him running a saloon in 1884 on 395 Fifth Avenue. In 1886, H. Obernauer & Co. is listed as Wholesale Liquor Dealers at the same 395 Fifth Avenue address. Eventually this address morphs into 400 Fifth Avenue in the 1890s where Mr. Obernauer continues to sell whiskey and wine both wholesale and retail. He was also listed as a distiller. You can see an H. Obernauer & Co. shot glass on the left from the Pre-Pro Whiskey web site.

You can also see a neat picture taken in May 1911 of his liquor establishment at the corner of Fifth and Stevenson below. He adorned the sides of the building with painted whiskey bottle graphics for Berthana Medicated Wine, Belle of Pittsburg Whiskey and H.O. Brown Gin, the latter two being patented products from the distillery he operated. If you look closely, you can see his stacked bottles on display in his storefront windows.

Read: 1400 Fifth (1892-1915): Herman Obernauer & Co.

In May of 1902, we see the first advertisements for Dr. Michael Cox’s Bitters as a cure for stomach and kidney problems. The same ads appear in 1903 with a telephone number. H. Obernauer & Co. were listed as Sole Agents and said the bitters were available at all druggists and saloons. This surprises me a little bit as I thought the product was on the street in the late 1800s. Usually when you have a signature brand, you advertise the first opportunity you get. Obernauer sold his business in 1915 – several years before the enactment of Prohibition – and spent the rest of his career in real estate.

Hermann Obernauer was a member of the Rodef Shalom Congregation 66 years and founder often Beneficial Society of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. He was also a member of Pittsburgh Lodge No. 11 of the Elks, William Tell Lodge No. 44 of the Odd Fellows, the B’nai B’rith and the fraternal, civic and welfare societies. Oberhauer would die on the evening of 09 Febuary 1947 after a brief illness. He was 91.

The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listing in Bitters Bottles is as follows:

motif of three standing fighting cocks: two facing right and one facing left
/ DR. MICHAEL COX’S BITTERS // f // f // f //
L…Dr. Michael Cox’s Brand Stomach Bitters, H. Obernauer, Pittsburgh
10 1/4 x 2 3/4 (8 1/4) 1/4
Square, Amber, LTC, Tooled lip, Extremely rare
Label: Graphic label pictures three fighting cocks.

Dr. Michael Cox’s Bitters – Pittsburgh – Meyer Collection

H. Obernauer Billhead (circa 1900) – H. Obernauer & Company, Obernauer Family Papers and Photographs, Rauh Jewish Archives at the Heinz History Center

H. Obernauer & Company located at the corner of Fifth and Stevenson. See enlarged picture below. – The Obernauer Family – Rauh Jewish Archives

H. Obernauer & Company located at the corner of Fifth and Stevenson. See full picture above. – The Obernauer Family – Rauh Jewish Archives

Select Listings:

1856: Hermann Obernauer was born in Württemberg, in southern Germany in 1856.
1876: Herman Obernauer was discharged from military duty in his native Germany on 22 July 1876. – The Obernauer Family – Rauh Jewish Archives
1880: Hermann Obernauer settles in Pittsburgh.
1884: H. Obernauer, Saloon, 395 Fifth Avenue (Daniel Obermeier, Saloon, 91 Sixth Avenue) – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1887
1885: Herman Obernauer became an American citizen on 19 December 1885. – The Obernauer Family – Rauh Jewish Archives
1886: H. Obernauer & Co., Wholesale Liquor Dealers (H. Obernauer), 395 Fifth Avenue (Dan Obermeier Liquor, 383 Beaver Avenue) – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1887
1887: H. Obernauer & Co., Wholesale Liquor Dealers (H. Obernauer) (Daniel Obermeier Clerk), 395 Fifth Avenue – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1887
1888: H. Obernauer, Liquors, 395 Fifth Avenue – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1888
1889: Notice (below): Obernauer & Co. Moving Back From Ohio to Pittsburgh – Pittsburgh Dispatch, Saturday, June 29, 1889

1892: H. Obernauer & Co., Wholesale Liquors, 400 Fifth Avenue – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1892
1893: Ad for H. Obernauer & Co., 400 Fifth Avenue – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1888

1894: Notice (below) H. Obernauer to have their bottles registered – The Pittsburgh Press, Monday, July 16, 1894

1895: Personal Notice H. Obernauer to give away free bottle of wine or liquor – The Pittsburgh Press, Sunday, June 30 1895

1895: Ad (below) A Teaspoonful Prescribed for H. Obernauer & Co.The Pittsburgh Press, Friday, December 27, 1895

1898: Notice (below) Practical Patriotism, H. Obernauer & Co. Gives Money – Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Thursday, June 23, 1898

1899-1900: H. Obernauer & Co., 1400 5th Ave – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1899
1902: Ad (below) for Obernauer & Co. sole agents for Dr. Michael Cox’s Bitters – The Pittsburgh Press, Saturday, June 28, 1902

1902: Ad (below) for Obernauer & Co. sole agents for Dr. Michael Cox’s Stomach Bitters – The Pittsburgh Press, Sunday, Febuary 15, 1903

1907: Herman Obernauer patent and trademarks for various products related to his liquor trade on 05 February 1907. The Obernauer Family – Rauh Jewish Archives
1908: H. Obernauer & Co. Liquors, 1400 5th Ave., Bell phone Grant 1958 – Pittsburgh Directory, R.L. Polk & Company, 1908
1909-1910: H. Obernauer & Co. (Harry Obernauer), Liquors, 1400 5th Ave – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1909
1940: Hermann Obernauer, Age 84, born abt 1856, Birthplace Germany, Home in 1940: 515 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Also Harold Obernauer 53 – United States Federal Census
1947: Herman Obernauer death notice. – The Pittsburgh Press, Monday, February 10, 1947

Posted in Advertising, Bitters, History, liquor, Liquor Merchant, Medicines & Cures, Spirits | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dr. Varena’s Japan Bitters – From Tokyo to Peoria

Dr. Varena’s Japan Bitters – From Tokyo to Peoria

Lion Manufacturing Company

21 September 2018

Here is a later bitters bottle that never really gets talked about. There is an example in the current Glass Works Auctions | Auction #124 that prompted this post. I got my example back in 2003 at the Baltimore Antique Bottle Show from Ed Herrold. Miss that guy. Many of my early bitters came from Ed who is pictured below with his wife Juanne. Read: Ed Herrold Passing – A True Bottle Friend

Dr. Varena’s Japan Bitters was made by Lion Manufacturing Company in 1887 in Peoria, Illinois. Originally the company was called the Lion Vinegar Works. The vinegar company was located at 1202 – 1208 Garden Street and was a concern distinctively engaged in vinegar production in Peoria. They manufactured vinegar and bitters, and had a capital invested of $8,000. Their annual product amounts were $10,00o and they employed five to six hands, with an annual payroll of $2,500. The name change occurred 1887.

Lion Manufacturing Co. filled a Trademark Application on October 1, 1887 and noted that the product had been used since March 1887. The Trademark consisted of the the words ‘DR. VARENA’S JAPAN BITTERS’ with a representation of Japanese landscape. Unfortunately I can not find a labeled example or any color advertising. Bet it’s a nice label. I have no clue who Dr. Varena was, but advertising states he had been a resident physician at Tokyo, Japan according to the original recipe used by the natives.

The bitters sold for $1 a bottle or 6 bottles for $5. They knew their bottle and product was not fancy but claimed that the bitters had been used in the Oriental Countries as a remedy against all disorders of the digestive organs, especially the stomach, liver and kidney.

The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listing in Bitters Bottles is as follows:

sp // DR VARENA’S // sp // JAPAN BITTERS //
9 x 4 x 2 3/4 (6) 3/8
Rectangular, Amber, LTC, Tooled lip, 4 sp, Very rare

Dr. Varena’s Japan Bitters – Meyer Collection

306. “DR VARENA’S – JAPAN BITTERS”, (Ring/Ham, V-12), American, ca. 1875 – 1885, reddish amber, 8 7/8”h, smooth base, applied tapered collar mouth. Some internal light stain or dried contents exists, otherwise in excellent overall condition. Larry Umbreit Collection. -Glass Works Auctions – Auction #124

Select Listings

1887: Patent 14,88o Bitters, Lion Manf. Co., Peoria, Ill. “The words Dr. Varena’s Japan Bitters and the representation of a Japanese landscape.” –  The Druggists’ Journal, Volume 6, Geo. A. Frey, 1887
1887: Patent 14,880.—BITTERS: Lion Manufacturing Company. Peoria. Ill. Application filed October 1, 1887. Used since March, 1887. “The words ‘DR. VARENA’s JAPAN BITTERS and the representation of a Japanese landscape.” –  Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office, Volume 41, 1888
1887: Notice (below): Certificate filed to record the increase the capital stock of the Lion Vinegar Company, in Peoria, Illinois from $6,000 to $12,000 and change name to Lion Manufacturing Company. – Chicago Tribune, Thursday, May 26, 1887

1887: Advertisement: Dr. Varena’s Japan Bitters, Lion Manufacturing Co., Peoria, Illinois – Monmouth Evening Gazette, Friday, September 09, 1887

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Dr. Hills Restorative Strengthening Bitters – Farmer N.Y.

Dr. Hills Restorative Strengthening Bitters – Farmer N.Y.

20 September 2018

The Dr. Hills Restorative Strengthening Bitters is a hard-to-find bottle that I have only seen once at a bottle show and now twice at auction. Read: Two Exceptional Western New York Bitters

As far as auctions, Glass Works Auctions #107 previously sold the top pictured example from the Jack Stecher collection and last week, one was sold at Heckler Auction #167 (pictured below). I do not think it is the same bottle. Apparently there is a pontiled aqua example too.

The bottle has a smooth base, is 9 1/2″ tall and has an applied double collar mouth. The GWA write-up said, “Perfect ‘attic’ found condition. Extremely rare and to our knowledge the only one to ever come up for auction! Possibly earlier than we indicate as an aqua example exists with an iron pontil. In 1907 the town of Farmer became Interlacken, which it is today.”

The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listing in Bitters Bottles is as follows:

H 122  Dr. Hill’s Restorative Strengthening Bitters, Farmer N.Y.
9 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 2 1/4 (6 1/4) 3/8
Rectangular, Applied mouth, 3 sp; Black amethyst and Amber, DCM – Extremely rare; Aqua, Metallic pontil mark, LTC, – Extremely rare
Trade Mark in 1894 (I doubt this applies here)

Lot: 138 “Dr. Hill’s / Restorative / Strengthening Bitters / Farmer. N.Y.” Bitters Bottle, America, 1860-1870. Rectangular with beveled corners, medium to deep amber, applied double collared mouth – smooth base, ht. 9 1/2 inches. R/H #H-122 Extremely rare with bold embossing and a wonderful exterior surface. Fine condition. Estimate: $4,000 – $8,000 Minimum bid: $2,000, Price Realized:  $4,973 – Heckler Auction #167

Lot: 138 “Dr. Hill’s / Restorative / Strengthening Bitters / Farmer. N.Y.” Bitters Bottle, America, 1860-1870. Rectangular with beveled corners, medium to deep amber, applied double collared mouth – smooth base, ht. 9 1/2 inches. R/H #H-122 Extremely rare with bold embossing and a wonderful exterior surface. Fine condition. Estimate: $4,000 – $8,000 Minimum bid: $2,000, Price Realized:  $4,973 – Heckler Auction #167

Farmerville, then Farmer, and Farmer Village now Interlaken, New York

From Wikipedia. Interlaken is a village in Seneca County, New York, United States. The population was 602 at the 2010 census. The name is related to the village’s position between two lakes. The Village of Interlaken is in the northern part of the Town of Covert and is northwest of Ithaca, New York.

Postcard front Lehigh Valley RR Depot Interlaken, New York ca 1910 – eBay

First settled in the late 1790s and early 1800s, the Village of Interlaken was home to many families from the New England and New Jersey areas. Early businesses included hotels, blacksmiths, post office, bank, and in time the railroad station. All designed to support the local families and the farmers from the surrounding area.

Four churches were established to serve the community, Union Baptist in 1819, Reformed Church of Farmerville in 1830, a Universalist church in 1850 and St. Francis Solanus Catholic Church in 1874.

Originally called Farmerville, then Farmer, and Farmer Village, the hamlet continued to grow. Prosperous homes were built on Main Street, Lodi Street (now West Avenue), and along the side streets. LeRoy, Lake View, Clinton and Knight Streets were the last to be added.

Dr. John O. Hill – Death by Strychnine

So, I have no positive confirmation that Dr. John O. Hill is the same Hill in Dr. Hills Restorative Strengthening Bitters but I am pretty darn sure. You see, there is no label or advertising that I could find to assist in identification. What we do have is that the bottle is also embossed Farmer NY which is a huge clue. Dr. John Oscar Hill was born in 1821 in New York and lived in the village of Farmer. He practiced for many years in Ithaca, New York and would commute by train each day from Farmer or Farmer Village. He was very well known and respected. Dr. Hill must have liked to tinker with compounds and chemicals too and could have made his bitters product in his lab while ordering his bottles from Pittsburgh.

“I was tired and in a hurry, and took a drink of water out of a graduated glass in which I had dissolved strychnine. The water was bitter, but not much so. I can’t have taken very much. I shall soon be over it; don’t you think so?”

One day Dr. Hill died a horrific death by accidentally drinking a glass of water where he had dissolved some strychnine. Reported as an accidental poisoning, he died over the next half hour or so from leaving his office and catching his train home. The train was alerted of the death before leaving Seneca 20 minutes late and the local passengers were shocked with the terrible news. When the train arrived in Farmer, his daughter was waiting as she usually did each evening. She overheard many passengers saying,”Dr. Hill is dead!” She comprehended the words and in a cry of agony ran to her village home to tell her mother.

You could make a movie here. Bitters usually say that they can cure many ailments but they did not claim to cure strychnine poisoning.

Please read both newspaper accounts below.

A Sad Affair in Ithaca – Pittsburgh Daily Post, Thursday, August 5, 1875

Poisoned, Dr. John O. Hill – Geneva Courier, 1875

Dr. John O. Hill grave marker – Interlaken, Seneca County, New York

Select Listings (John Oscar Hill):

1821: Dr. John O. Hill, Birth Date: 2 Feb 1821 – Find A Grave Index
1850: John O. Hill, Physician, Age: 29, Birth Year: abt 1821, Birthplace: New York, Home in 1850: Ovid, Seneca, New York, USA, Gender: Male, Family Number: 1787, Household Members: John O. Hill 29, Mary Hill 24, Alice .J Hill 1, Len L. Hill 25, Isaac E. Hill 19 – United States Federal Census
1860: John O Hill, Physician, Age: 39, Birth Year: abt 1821, Birth Place: Delaware County, Home in 1860: Covert, Seneca, New York, Post Office: Farmer, Dwelling Number: 1800, Family Number: 1800, Real Estate Value: $3,000, Personal Estate Value: $2,000, Household Members: John O Hill 39, Mary Hill 33, Alice Hill 10, Marian Hill 7, Arthur Hill 5 – United States Federal Census
1863: John O. Hill, Physician, Age 42, 24th Congressional District, Seneca, New York – U.S. Civil War Draft Registration Records
1870: J. O. Hill, Physician, Age in 1870: 49, Birth Year: abt 1821, Birthplace: New York
Dwelling Number: 66, Home in 1870: Covert, Seneca, New York, Race: White, Gender: Male, Personal Estate Value: $7,000, Real Estate Value: $4,000, Inferred Spouse: Mary E. Hill, Inferred Children: Alice J. Hill, Arthur Hill, Frankie Hill, Household Members: J.O. Hill 49, Mary E. Hill 43, Alice J. Hill 20, Arthur Hill 15, Frankie Hill 7 – United States Federal Census
1875: Dr. John O. Hill Death, 24 July 1875, Cemetery: Lake View Cemetery, Burial or Cremation Place: Interlaken, Seneca County, New York, Spouse: Mary Elizabeth Hill (Taft), Children: Marian I. Hill – Find A Grave Index
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Caldwell’s Wine & Iron Bitters – Medina NY

Caldwell’s Wine & Iron Bitters – Medina NY

13 September 2018 (R•051019-FBN)

The other day I did a post on the triangular Caldwell’s Herb Bitters which was centered around York and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It reminded me of another Caldwell named product from Medina, New York called Caldwell’s Wine & Iron Bitters. That is a pretty strange ingredient combination that just underscores the intent to sell alcohol as medicine. I quickly confirmed that there is no relationship between the Caldwell brands mentioned above.

Anyway, I picked up my light honey amber Caldwell’s Wine & Iron Bitters square, pictured below, from Jack Stecher at the FOHBC National Show, in Wilmington, Ohio in in 2010. It is extremely rare and the only one I’ve seen.

The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listing in Bitters Bottles is as follows:

C10  CALDWELL’S / WINE & IRON // f // BITTERS / MEDINA N.Y. // sp //
W. C. Caldwell, Sole Proprietor
9 7/8 x 2 3/4 (7 1/4) 3/8
Square, Amber, LTC, Applied mouth, 3 sp. Extremely rare
The Wayne County Journal (Palmyra, N.Y.) April 23, 1874.

Medina is a village in the towns of Shelby and Ridgeway in Orleans County, New York and is part of the Rochester metropolitan area. The village developed after construction of the Erie Canal, which bends as it passes through the village, creating a basin that served as a stopover point. This became the center of businesses that served trade and passenger traffic on canal boats. In addition, mills were constructed on Oak Orchard Creek to take advantage of its water power. The fertile lands around the village yielded fruit which was exported to major markets of New York City and west via the canal. At the start of the 20th century, Medina was a thriving industrial town.

Caldwell’s Wine & Iron bitters was only advertised in 1874 and was put out by William C. Caldwell of Medina, New York who was the proprietor and manufacturer. His newspaper ads appeared in places like Canton, Ravenna, Akron and Findlay, Ohio and Pisston, Pennsylvania. He said his bitters were a cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaints, Nervous Affections, General Prostration and could be used as a morning appetizer. The usual broad claim by bitters manufacturers of this era. He also manufactured Caldwell’s Cough Cure, Caldwell’s Magnetic Chloroloid and Caldwell’s Lily Balm.

Caldwell must have only been around a year or two because after 1875, he is gone, possibly dieing in 1877.

Now just a single bottle on my shelf with a story, albeit short.

Facsimile Bank Note. Caldwell’s Wine and Iron Bitters – Ben Swanson Collection

Advertisement for Caldwell’s Wine and Iron Bitters – The Democratic Press, Thursday, December 3, 1874

Select Listings:

1850: William C. Caldwell born – New York State Census
1873: Marriage: William C. Caldwell, Marriage Date: 1 Oct 1873, Marriage Place: Medina, New York, Spouse: Annie E. Hedley – England Select Marriages
1875: William C. Caldwell, Druggist, Age: 25, Birth Year: abt 1850, Residence Date: 1 Jun 1875, Residence Place: Shelby, Orleans, New York, USA, Election District: Shelby, Household number: 55, Relation to Head: Head, Spouse’s Name: Anna Caldwell, Household Members: William C. Caldwell 25, Anna Caldwell 22 – New York State Census
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Looking at the two Caldwell’s Herb Bitters lattice variants

Looking at the two Caldwell’s Herb Bitters lattice variants

The Great Tonic

12 September 2018

I thought I would circle back to two tall triangular bitters bottles I picked up in 2002 when I first started collecting bitters. I’m talking about the Caldwell’s Herb Bitters with the 16 lattice grid and the Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters with the 24 lattice grid. Note the addition of “Dr.” in the second example. Both are pictured below from my collection. Also, notice the different mouths.

Bitters authority Frank Wicker has written about this brand before on and done a fine job. I just wanted to retrace his steps and fill in a few gaps in my mind.

The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listing in Bitters Bottles is as follows:

C 8  Caldwell’s Herb Bitters
Manufactured by L.A. Marshall & Co. Goshen, Indiana
12 3/8 x 2 1/2 (6 5/8) 1/4
16 squares in lattice panel
Triangular, Amber, LTC, Applied mouth, With and without Metallic pontil mark, Scarce
Turner’s Gazeteer of the St. Joseph Valley (Michigan, Indiana) 1867

C 9  Caldwell’s Herb Bitters
L…Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters Manufactured By Lawrence & Co.,
204 N. Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
12 3/4 x 2 1/2 (6 1/2) 1/4
Triangular with 24 squares in lattice panel, Amber, LTCR, Applied mouth and Tooled lip, Scarce
Note: The C9 Dr. Caldwell’s embossing is different than the C8 bottle. There is a minor variation in the motif; there are 16 squares in the lattice work in the C8 mold and 24 in the C9 mold.
Trade cards from Blattenberger & Co. Manufacturers and proprietors. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
C.9.5 has a misspelled “Tonic”.


From the best that I can tell, it looks like L. A. Marshall & Co. were first listed as manufacturers of Caldwell’s Herb Bitters in Goshen, Indiana in 1867. I suspect this might have been a labeled brand that was purchased by Keech & Frey located on Market Street in York, Pennsylvania the same year. Maybe they were different brands advertised the same year, but that would be to much of a coincidence.

Keech & Frey would order the first Caldwell’s Herb Bitters bottles with the 16 lattice grid that were metallic pontiled and eventually smooth-based. There was no “Dr.” reference in front of Caldwell though Frank Wicker reports he has an example. A mystery here. They would sell the bitters for two years as The Great Tonic. It’s interesting, E. Mishler of Mishler’s Herb Bitters fame was listed as an agent for Caldwell’s Herb Bitters in Berks County, Pennsylvania the same year.

1n 1872, Lawrence & Brother were offering empty Caldwell’s Herb Bitters bottles at auction at the Hartman’s Building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I suppose they were ramping up for the second variant, Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters with the 24 lattice grid. We next see Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters for they first time noted as being manufactured and sold by Lawrence & Company at 204 N. Second Street in Harrisburg in the late mid to late 1870s.

By 1882, Blattenberger & Co., located at 102 Market Street in Harrisburg was listed in newspaper advertising wanting to buy empty bottles of Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters. Crazy all this recycling that was going on. Horace Blattenberger would then sell the bitters through 1885. That’s a long run explaining why there are so many bottles of both variants out there. Still a super-cool bitters bottle.

Trade Card

Advertising Trade Card (circa 1882) for Blattenberger & Co., Manufacturers and Proprietors of Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters, 106 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. From the Joe Gourd collection.

Framed Poster

Framed, behind glass advertising poster for The Great Caldwell’s Herb Bitters. The Greatest Remedy of the Age, Sold Here, Try It! Spotted at the 2012 Houston Bottle Show.

Newspaper Advertising

L.A.Marshall & Co. Manufacturers of Caldwell’s Herb Bitters, Goshen, Indiana – 1867 Gazetteer of the St. Joseph Valley, Michigan and Indiana

Advertisement: The Great Tonic, Caldwell’s Herb Bitters, Manufactured by Keech & Frey, Market Street, York, Pennsylvania – The Herald and Torch Light, Thursday, November 28, 1867

Advertisement: Caldwell’s Herb Bitters, Kech (sp) & Frey, York, PA, E. Mishler of Mishler’s Herb Bitters agent for Berks County, Pennsylvania – Reading Times, Tuesday, September 15, 1868

Lawrence & Brother offering Caldwell’s Herb Bitters bottles at Hartman’s Building – The York Daily, Wednesday, March 13, 1872

Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters advertisement, Manufactured and Sold by Lawrence & Co., 204 N. Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. – Harrisburg Daily Independent, Saturday, January 31, 1880

Blattenberger & Co. (102 Market Street) wanting to buy empty bottles of Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters – Harrisburg Daily Independent, Thursday, May 25, 1882

Horace Blattenberger representing Caldwell’s Celebrated Herb Bitters – The News, Saturday, May 23, 1885

Select Listings:

1867: Advertisement (above): L.A.Marshall & Co. Manufacturers of Caldwell’s Herb Bitters, Goshen, Indiana – 1867 Gazetteer of the St. Joseph Valley, Michigan and Indiana
1867: Advertisement (above): The Great Tonic, Caldwell’s Herb Bitters, Manufactured by Keech & Frey, Market Street, York, Pennsylvania – The Herald and Torch Light, Thursday, November 28, 1867
1868: Advertisement (above): Caldwell’s Herb Bitters, Kech (sp) & Frey, York, Pennsylvania –  Reading Times, Tuesday, September 15, 1868
1872: Advertisement (above): Lawrence & Brother offering Caldwell’s Herb Bitters at Hartman’s Building – The York Daily, Wednesday, March 13, 1872
1877: Advertisement: Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters Manufactured by Lawrence & Co., 204 N. Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. – Harrisburg Daily Independent, Saturday, October 27, 1877
1878: Advertisement: Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters Manufactured and Sold by Lawrence & Co., 204 N. Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. – Harrisburg Daily Independent, Saturday, September 21, 1878
1880: Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters advertisement (above), Manufactured and Sold by Lawrence & Co., 204 N. Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. – Harrisburg Daily Independent, Saturday, January 31, 1880
1882: Notice (above): Blattenberger & Co. (102 Market Street) wanting to buy empty bottles of Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters  – Harrisburg Daily Independent, Thursday, May 25, 1882
1882 (circa): Advertising Trade Card for Blattenberger & Co., Manufacturers and Proprietors of Dr. Caldwell’s Herb Bitters, 106 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. From the Joe Gourd collection.
1885: Horace Blattenberger representing Caldwell’s Celebrated Herb Bitters – The News, Saturday, May 23, 1885
Posted in Advertising, Bitters, Druggist & Drugstore, History, Medicines & Cures, Tonics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Looking at Dr. Gottlieb Fisch’s Bitters and The Fish Bitters

Looking at Dr. Gottlieb Fisch’s Bitters and The Fish Bitters

Ware & Schmitz, Philadelphia

31 August 2018

I can not believe that I have not definitively written about the original figural fish bitters bottles before so I thought I would dust off my laptop and put something together. There are three variants worth noting and that includes Dr. Gottlieb Fisch’s Bitters and The Fish Bitters (centered and off-centered mouth versions). There are also later 20th century bottles.

William Harrison Ware patented the bottle design in 1866 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The bitters recipe was from “the great scientist, Dr. Gottlieb Fisch of Berlin, Prussia.” I guess we can see where the the fish bottle design originated. W. Harrison Ware was a liquor dealer who was born in New Jersey around 1835. The fish bitters brand sold from 1866 to 1882 or so. Ware & Schmitz (William H. Ware & Charles M. Schmitz) were the proprietors. They typically marketed with the “Fisch” name although many bottles are embossed “Fish”.

W. H. Ware, Design for a Bottle, Patent No. 2522, dated December 4, 1866

The bottle label reads, “An unequaled beverage and appetizer invaluable for dyspepsia, general debility, languor, loss of appetite and any complaint requiring a tonic bitters. Free from the deleterious effects of alcoholic drinks, for which it is an antidote. It is prompt in action, palatable to the taste, and bracing and invigorating in its effects upon both the body and mind.”

Cast iron Fish Bitters mold – Philadelphia Museum of Art

The bottles are extremely collectable and come in a wide range of colors including clear, aqua, amber, yellow, citron, medium green and cobalt blue. The fish bottles were made at Whitney Glass Works in Glassboro, New Jersey. Advertisement below from 1874.

Ware died in 1882 and is buried in Philadelphia at Mount Moriah Cemetery.

Later figural fish bottles.

In 1922, Eli Lilly & Company began using the blown glass fish bottle for cod liver oil and continued its use until 1933. The bottles were manufactured by the Faimont Glass Company of Indianapolis. The bottles were produced in four sizes: one pint (10″ long), one-half pint (8 1/2″ long), 4 oz (6 1/4″ long) and a salesman bottle (3″ long) which was not filled but used as an empty sample.

Wheaton Glass Company later made cute little Dr. Fisch’s Bitters in a variety of colors.

Read: Early Cod Liver Oil Bottle

The Carlyn Ring and W.C. Ham listings in Bitters Bottles  for the Dr. Gottlieb Fisch’s Bitters and The Fish Bitters are as follows:

Doctor Fisch’s Bitters

F 44 Doctor Fisch’s Bitters
DOCTOR ( ad ) // FISCH’S BITTERS ( ad ) // W.H. WARE / PATENTED 1866 //
11 3/4 x 3 5/8 x 2 3/8
Fish, Applied mouth and Rolled Lip, Amber – Common; Aqua, Clear – Very rare
Label: On bevel or stomach a picture of a fish with details in German and English.
Drug Catalogs: 1876-77 and 1880 Goodwin
In 1922, Eli Lilly & Company began using the blown glass fish bottle for cod liver oil and continued its use until 1933. The bottles wee manufactured by the Faimont Glass Company of Indianapolis. The bottles were produced in four sizes: one pint (10″ long), one-half pint (8 1/2″ long), 4 oz (6 1/4″ long) and a salesman bottle (3″ long) which was not filled but used as an empty sample.

F 44 Doctor Fisch’s Bitters

The Fish Bitters (centered mouth)

F 45 The Fish Bitters (centered mouth)
THE ( ad ) / FISH BITTERS ( ad ) // W.H. WARE ( ad ) / PATENTED 1866 ( au ) //
Ware & Schmidz, 3 & 5 Granite Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
11 1/2 x 3 5/8 x 2 1/2
Fish, Applied mouth and Rolled Lip, Amber – Common; Aqua, Clear, Yellow, Green,
Yellow olive, Lime green and Reddish puce – Very Rare; Cobalt – Extremely Rare
Label: Prepared from the recipe of Dr. Gottlieb of Berlin, Prussia. An unequaled beverage and appetizer invaluable for dyspepsia, general debility, languor, loss of appetite and any complaint requiring a tonic bitters. Free from the deleterious effects of alcoholic drinks, for which it is an antidote. It is prompt in action, palatable to the taste, and bracing and invigorating in its effects upon both the body and mind.
Fish Bitters

F 45: The Fish Bitters (centered mouth)

The Fish Bitters (off-centered mouth)

F 46 The Fish Bitters (off-centered mouth)
THE ( ad ) / FISH BITTERS ( ad ) // W.H. WARE ( ad ) /
PATENTED 1866 ( ad ) // // b // W.H. WARE / PATENT 1866
Ware & Schmitz, 3-5 Granite Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
11 3/8 x 3 3/4 x 2 1/2
Fish, Mouth off center, Applied mouth and Rolled Lip, Scales like cobble-stones,
Amber-Scarce; Clear – Rare; Aqua – Extremely rare, Cobalt Blue – Extremely rare

F 46: The Fish Bitters (off-centered mouth)

Newspaper Advertising

$100,000 if Fish Bitters does not create an appetite – The Baltimore Sun, Thursday, February 20, 1868

Advertisement: Dr. Gottlieb Fisch’s Bitters – Jacksonville Republican, Saturday, September 9, 1871

Ware & Schmidt, Philadelphia, Proprietors for Dr. Gottlieb Fisch’s Bitters – The Montgomery Advertiser, Friday, June 21, 1872

The Great Tonic of the Age – Dr. Gottlieb Fisch’s Bitters advertisement – Quad City Times, Monday, August 19, 1872

Dr. Fisch’s Bitters advertisement – The Rock Island Argus, Thursday, July 17, 1873

Trade Cards

Two kitten-themed W. Harrison Ware advertising trade cards from the Joe Gourd collection. Both promoting Doctor Fisch’s Bitters on the reverse side. Circa 1880.

Tough to Catch Fish

F 46: Extremely rare medium green The Fish Bitters (off-centered mouth)

F 46: Extremely rare cobalt blue The Fish Bitters

F 46: Extremely rare aqua The Fish Bitters

Fish Bitters – FOHBC Virtual Museum

F 46: The Fish Bitters in Clear glass

Fish Tank Gallery

The Fish Bitters – Ed Gray photograph

Fish Bitters – Krist Collection

Fish Bitters at 2014 Houston Bottle Show – Meyer collection

Select Listings:

1835: William Ware, Birth Date: Abt 1835, Birthplace: New Jersey
1863: William Ware, merchant, 1433 Spruce – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Directory
1866: W. H. Ware, Design for a Bottle No. 2522, dated December 4, 1866
1868: Ware & Schmitz (William H. Ware & C. M. Schmitz), liquors, 19 N Water – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Directory
1870: Advertisement: The Fish BittersThe Tri-Weekly Advocate, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March 1870.
1870: William Ware, Liquor Dealer, Age: 33, Birth Date: Abt 1837, Birthplace: New Jersey, Home in 1870: Philadelphia Ward 10 District 28, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Married: Amelia M. Ware, Household Members: William Ware 33, Amelia Ware 41, Charles Ware 11, William Ware 7, Morris Ware 4 – United States Federal Census
1870-77: Ware & Schmitz (William H. Ware & C. M. Schmitz), liquors, 3 Granite – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Directory
1871: Advertisement: Dr. Gottlieb Fisch’s BittersJacksonville Republican, Saturday, September 9, 1871
1872: Advertisement: Ware & Schmidt, Philadelphia, Proprietors for Dr. Gottlieb Fisch’s BittersThe Montgomery Advertiser, Friday, June 21, 1872
1873: Advertisement: Dr. Fisch’s Bitters – The Rock Island Argus (Illinois), Thursday, July 17, 1873
1877: Ware & Schmidt, liquor – The Philadelphia Inquirer, Tuesday, May 15, 1877
1880: William H. Ware, Liquor Dealer, Age: 45, Birth Date: Abt 1835, Birthplace: New Jersey, Home in 1880: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 135 North Thirteenth Street, Married: Amelia Ware, Father’s Birthplace: New Jersey, Mother’s Birthplace: New Jersey, Household Members: William H. Ware 33, Amelia Ware 30, Charles A. Ware 1 – United States Federal Census
1880-82: W. Harrison Ware, liquors, 3 Granite, h 135 N 13th – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania City Directory
1882: William H. Ware, Birth: unknown, New Jersey, Death: Sep 1882, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Burial: Mount Moriah Cemetery
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