J u l y 2 0 1 3
Some ramblings and thoughts.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Bakers Premium Bitters (Richmond, Virginia) post updated with new information from Elijiah Baker’s great, great granddaughter.

Let’s keep an eye out for Jim Benders pink Double Eagle with Wreath (GII-126). So far, there were NO thefts reported at Manchester.

The Spotted on the floor at the Manchester National post was updated with four new pictures at the bottom of the post.

Check out this great bottle*! “I thought I would send a photo of my second Alex Von Humboldt’s (Bitters). Intense crudity, and mint condition. It looks beautiful next to my green example. These early western squares date to the late 1860s, and are very rare. I believe there are about 10 or so in collections with very few being undamaged. These are true pieces of western history.” – Dale M.
*The bottle was dug in Hamilton, Nevada in the late 1960s and has been in one collection ever since until recently.
Sunday, 28 July 2013

Sorry, slammed with trying to get the designs ready for the September | October issue of Bottles and Extras. Been working non stop. Sandor sent me a pic of his new Keene widemouth Sunburst flask. Killer. He won this at the Manchester auction event.
Which cover design do you like for the next issue?

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Headed off to Atlanta. Had fun with the “People in the Crowd” post. Look for upcoming posts on the killer Walters bottle (pictured above) from Baltimore and the extremely rare Moxie Bitters which was spotted in Manchester.
I know some of you may want to know what killer bottles were spotted in Manchester. I will develop a post on that topic.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Added example of Stillman & Breen figural barrel to related post.

Working to get as many Manchester pictures out as I can.

IMPORTANT: If you were at the show, I am looking for comments and constructive critique (paragraph or two) for the Feature Article in the September | October issue of Bottles and Extras. I need by this Friday. E-mail to ferdinand@peachridgeglass.com. Thanks.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Working my way thru hundreds of really fine pictures by Scott Selenak, FOHBC Manchester Show Photographer. Scott would shoot all day (Friday thru Sunday) and download to my laptop periodically. Today I will be sending out emails to attendees for comments to potentially be included in the September | October issue of Bottles and Extras.

I aim today to start looking at pictures from Dealer set-up and early admission on Saturday. Look for a post.
Monday, 22 July 2013

Wow, what a weekend. The 2013 National Antique Bottle Show is over. We are already deep in planning for the 2014 show in Lexington, Kentucky. I have so much news, so many great pictures of glass and had so much fun. Going to catch this bird to Houston thru New York. Stay tuned. The first image galleries from Friday are posted.
Read: 2013 Bottle Battle Highlights
Read: 2013 Manchester Banquet Picture Gallery
Thursday, 18 July 2013

4:00 am and leaving Fort Wayne within the hour for a drive to Cleveland to meet Elizabeth who is coming up from Houston. Then on to Manchester for the national. Had a chance last night to visit Frank Wicker in Lisbon, Indiana. Saw some wonderful glass and cars. Look for a post later. Pony Bitters post also in the works. New pics just coming in from St. Louis. Nice to know that Jack Hewitt ended up with that Duffy’s Crescent Saloon cobalt blue figural pig from Louisville. Remember, that the pig that showed up on ebay recently with the LOW Buy-It-Now option.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Off to Fort Wayne, Cleveland than Manchester, NH for the show. Mark Warne tipped me off on this Berkshire Bitters on ebay. Mark is probably the best ebay user and scout I know. Mark adds, “The Berkshire Bitters on ebay should have a ground top. My computer isn’t the best but I see a replaced glued on top.” See Listing
Monday, 15 July 2013

A few of St. Louis’ best posted by Ellen Haas Faulkenberry. How many of you remember the Pony Bitters on ebay 8 or 9 years ago? Had a chance to see and hold that one-of-a-kind bottle at the Collinsville National.
Sunday, 14 July 2013

Need to pack bottles today for the Manchester, NH national, finalize FOHBC Board meeting agenda and do a Fed Newsletter for issuance Monday. Going to take a river run with the dogs here shortly. Oh, the picture above…just how I feel sometimes.
Talked to Michael Seeliger (Wisconsin) yesterday. He’s coming down next month to see the collection, do bottle color measurements, hit the Houston Bottle Show and visit Dan Cowman. Loking forward.
Friday, 12 July 2014

SUPERB IMAGERY ** High Definition photo restorations of vintage pictures from the Library of Congress. Pictures from various states from the late 1800’s, amazing shots of life back then.
Thursday, 11 July 2013

Manchester Show Program Sneak Peek Read: Kovels.com’s Top 10 Antiques and Collectibles Searches for June 2013
Tuesday, 09 July 2013
Thought some might find this of interest. This was in the Jefferson Spirit (Charles Town, WV), July 10, 1866. – Robert Moore

QUESTION Who was the Princeton Student who sold glass flasks at the time of Volstead Act to Delaware collector for $8,000 and started the mania for bottle collecting? Antiqueman’s Diary: The Memoirs of Fred Bishop Tuck edited by Dean A. Fales, pp. 138-140 Thank you for your help. Sincerely Mary Boehm
Sunday, 06 July 2013

It’s hard to believe that the FOHBC 2013 National Antique Bottle Show is only two weeks away! Incredible amount of excitement surrounding this event that has been in the works for so long. You can visit the FOHBC web site for all of the latest news and the schedule of events, Bottle Battle, auction, seminars, banquet, members meeting, hotel information, parking etc.
Friday, 05 July 2013

Hi Ferdinand,
This is Matt Lacy from Austinburg, Ohio. I just wanted to drop a quick note that I have a number of quality bottles for sale at www.antiquebottlesales.com. I just put on 5 quality flasks today and have many more to come. I will be listing more flasks, bitters, and pontil medicines over the coming weeks. I am trying to get the word out about my site, but there is no “easy” way to do that besides word of mouth and help from an established site ;).
Thanks, Matt
An Invite To Fellow Bottle Club Members: In an effort to continue a great idea originated by Tom Kanalley, we are putting together a one day outdoor mini summer bottle/antique show on Saturday, July 13th, 2013 (9am – ?) at the Peddler’s Antique Shop in Bloomfield, New York. This mini show will be held on the same day as the very popular “Bloomfield” St. Peter’s Annual Antique Show (9:00 am – 4:00 pm) held at Elton Park in the center of the village of Bloomfield, NY. Peddler’s Antique Shop is located about a mile east of the St. Peter’s Show at 6980 State Route 5 & 20 which is busy road and will be especially busy on that day with the St. Peter’s Antique show and other garage/yard sales that are held on that weekend. DETAILS: Set-up is FREE and will be outdoors. You will have to bring your own tables, tent, chairs, drinks, etc. We are planning on bringing a grill to barbecue some hotdogs and hamburgers at lunch time. Feel free but not obligated to bring a dish to pass or snacks. We would like to invite bottle club members from all area bottle clubs to come set-up with us. Please RSVP to Aaron Weber by Sunday, July 7th, 2013 so we can determine how many hotdogs and hamburgers to bring. RSVP to 585.226.6345 or awebby@frontiernet.net. Aaron and Pam Weber
Thursday, 04 July 2013

Happy Independence Day everyone. Grilling on the barbie; steaks, shrimp, fish, Polish sausage and more. Totally engrossed in Texas Bitters at the moment. Shifting gears later to a GREAT Chicago bottle with a handle that just joined my collection.

Cool newspaper advertising ART for Alligator Oil Blacking – J. W. Benedict – Galveston, Texas – The Texas State Times (Austin, Tex.) Saturday, January 26, 1856
Wednesday, 03 July 2013

Caught a 6:14 am bird out of Louisville this morning. I will be glad when the jets I fly are internet connected. Some airlines have started but it hasn’t caught up to my flights yet. I could get so much done. Been wracking my head over a lead on a Heidenheimer Bitters from Galveston, Texas. Need a bottle picture and an advertisement specifically saying Heidenheimer Bitters within the advertisement.

Found this cool illustration for Cherokee Brewing Company in St. Louis. Was in virtual Saint Louis for the Celebrated Eagle Bitters post.
Tuesday, 02 July 2013

Trying to confirm if this is a Brad Francis Kelly’s Old Cabin Bitters. (Update: Yes it is) Haven’t seen before but heard about. Not best to take a [picture of a green bottle in front of grass and trees, at least if you want to get a true sense of the color. Just love that ‘lava flow’ sloppy glass coming off the mouth, down the neck and onto the roof. Read More: Log Cabin Series – Kelly’s Old Cabin Bitters

Monday, 01 July 2013
Just getting into my hotel room in Louisville. Caught an early bird out of Bush this morning. Wanting to review the American Bottle Auction results. Working on my new laptop as I fried my old one with milk spilled from my cereal bowl this past Friday.

Sometimes I wish I collected Bininger bottles. I have a few but wow-o-wow do I love these squares. Three extraordinary A.M. BININGER & CO NEW YORK bottles in different colors showing up in American Bottle Auctions | Auction 58. Each example does not have an address. SEE MORE BININGER’S

From ABA… SCROLL FLASK. Probably GIX-2. 9. Quart with sheared lip and open pontil. Here is one of the finest scrolls we’ve handled in our twenty years of business. Open pontil, sheared lip, this is what collectors are looking for. A brilliant deep blue, the color becomes a little lighter on the opposite side and for sheer overall appearance, this one really lights up a room. Condition is perfect with only base wear to remind us of its historic past. This bottle was part of the California whiskey collection kept in boxes for the last 40 or so years. He told us that it was his wife’s favorite bottle. We kind of like it, too. Grade is 9.8. Winning Bid: $17,000 American Bottle Auctions Auction 58 Read More: Who doesn’t love Scroll Flasks?

ABA Drake’s Plantation Bitters example added to The “Blue-Green” Drakes Mystery post.