“Take a trip with me into the worm hole”


“Take a trip with me into the worm hole”

Just love this above grid from Jason Rinehart with his accompanying comment “Take a trip with me into the worm hole”. It is creativity like this that makes our hobby so interesting. Congratulations Jason, what a wonderful photo essay. (posted this week on facebook Bottle Collectors)

"Jeez… laid down since I was 11, holding bottles up to the light…still do most every day. People thought I was weird. They were correct! But, I guess we collectors, rather than mercenaries or guns for hire…the lovers know the sore eye socket nights from our kaleidoscopes. Told Mr. (Dick) Watson, when I was a kid, I held HIS book up with one hand, rather than the bunny ears one!! Guess that’s why I always end up single!! Lmao.”

Danny Catherino (facebook comment)

Wormhole1 Wormhole2 Wormhole3 Wormhole4 Wormhole5 Wormhole6 Wormhole7 Wormhole8 Wormhole9 Wormhole10 Wormhole11 Wormhole12

Posted in Collectors & Collections, Color, Color Runs, Photography | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

More on Reproductions from Jim Bender and Bruce Silva


Apple-Touch-IconAThis morning I did a Red Flag reproduction post that stirred up some folks rightly so. Reproductions have been around forever and will continue forever as long as there is a desirable original to copy. I think us bitters collectors especially got our feathers ruffled since a Drake’s was the topic.

I received two interesting responses via email and many shorter ones on facebook. I wanted to share the email from Jim Bender and the email and material from Bruce Silva.

Read: Drake’s Plantation Bitters and other Reproductions out in the market

Read: Repros. A legitimate place in the hobby?

One of the great bottle experts on here should set up a listing with pictures of the reproductions and tell tale signs. This would help us all. I really enjoy all the info that the great people of the site contribute. Thank you all!

Stephen Youker (facebook comment)

Jim Bender Response

JimBenderStainedGlassHey Ferd,

I just saw on your web site about the repro Drakes. This guy has made repro Pickles, USA Hospital bottles, US Navy, clear umbrella inks, black glass ales and pontiled Mustard bottles for some time now. I bought my first bottles he made about 8 or 9 years ago.

I ran into a nice looking Olive green pint Pickle bottle bottle at the Brimfield Mass flea market. I new it was not old but it sure is nice. I then got a teal one and aqua one. He claims to have made cobalt blue ones but I have yet to find one. The USA Hospital bottles come in Amber, Aqua, Teal and Cobalt. I have one of each. You can tell they are not old. However I see them on ebay along with the other bottles they produce being sold as old. The clear umbrella ink is so good it can be pasted as old. It has a smooth base, the other bottles are all pontiled. The US Navy bottles are all over the shows here in the Northeast. I have even seen people put dirt in them as if they are dug. The Black Glass ales are great repros and are very hard to tell from old unless you are a blackglass guy.

I heard a few weeks back he was making Drakes and Robacks barrels but I had not seen one surface until now. I have the guys name and number here somewhere and I will see if I can find it. I have not spoke to him in years. They make them in Virgina somewhere at a glass house if I remember right. He puts a solid glass pontil rod on them not a tube which he claims marks it as a fake. He told me years ago he was making the stuff for Civil War actors and not to fake collectors out. I believed it at the time because I offered to buy at a good price a Cobalt Blue Pickle if he would put a tube pontll on it and he would not. He did tell me he had made a few Cabin bottles in Blue. I have never seen or heard of one showing up yet. I collect fakes and repros and have for years. I have a pair of Washington Taylors pints in Amber and Cobalt which I know are not old but can not find out where they came from. Maybe him ??? I am sure if he wants to he can make killer fakes.

Jim Bender

Hey Ferd,
Here’s a few quick photos of some current repros made by this guy 8 or 9 years ago. I feel bad for new collectors out there.


It’s Clevenger back from the Grave 🙂

DopRiverrepros DogRiverRepros_USAHospital

Bruce Silva


Much ado about old news. The drakes and the cathedral pickles are just the latest in the ongoing string of fantasy pieces. High quality repros of 19th century American glass have been around for at least the past couple of decades. And no, were’ not talking about Wheaton’s or the trash coming in from India, China, Mexico etc. ad nauseum.

And of course, the Clevenger Brothers, with works dating back as far as the nineteen thirties, deserve their place in the spot light as well…

A well known west coast collector commissioned the production of a very limited quantity of faithfully recreated and ornate cathedral pickles made several years ago. They were produced in incredible, but believable, colors, were as crude as one could hope for, and massive. If memory serves, over 14″ in height.

Many years ago, I purchased a Masons 1858 quart in amber. Later, about ten years ago, I also picked up two USA Hospital Dept. cylinders; one amber and one aqua. Although well made, and apparently comprised of 19th century cullet, (the glass had the “old ring” as opposed to the dead sound of modern glass), they were quite obviously “fantasy pieces”.

The USA’s had an odd refired punty scar that looked like the old bar or solid rod pontil mark. The top was also rolled, as opposed to an applied donut style. Still, they were incredibly crude and great window bottles for a fraction of the normal price of admission.

The Mason had a bust and grind top and the color was breathtaking. But something just didn’t fit and I acquired it knowing that it most probably was not the real deal. Someone had gone to the trouble to distress the Masons in order to “age” it, but anyone with a red book could immediately figure out that it was most probably a well executed modern piece.

Here are photos of the jar and the aqua USA. I can’t find the amber USA right now, but you’ll get the idea. ‘Nuff said~



Mason side

Mason reverse

Mason obverse

Mason lip2

Mason base


USA obverse

USA top2

USA top

USA side 3

USA side 2

USA side

USA base


Meant to attach a couple of photos of the real deal for comparison. Whichmann shot them for an auction about the same time as I picked up the repros. My terminology of applied donut top may not be 100% dead on but it gets the point across.



Found a few of my notes about the repros.

I believe that the firm was located in Va. The owners had the last name of Rosencranz (or something like that). They had the contract for the prop bottles used in the civil war movie Gods and Generals. It was produced in 2003. They also supplied a lot of civil war re-enactments with props. This wasn’t limited to just bottles, but also dishes, surgical instruments, etc. etc. Their “old world” glass blower passed away and the firm was no more after their stock of bottles ran out.

This was about the same time that David Milch’s set / prop director contacted me. They offered my fifteen seconds of fame by contracting me for the Deadwood HBO series to provide period whiskies (instead of the asinine assemblage of modern trash) seen in the background of most interior saloon scenes. Linda seemed to recognize that there were issues with the authenticity of the bottles present in the series; probably because a lot of bottle collectors complained… Well, before the next season went into production, Ian McShane got greedy and “Al Swearingon” moved on to greener pastures, hence sealing the fate of the Deadwood series (and my chance to be a Hollywood guy).

Back to the repro pickles. They made pint cathedral pickles, your choice of a washed out aqua, an olive amber, and a color best described as a weak cobalt or an intense cornflower blue. They were easy to spot from across a room due to the mushed down tops. They also made the US Navy Mustard and US Navy Pepper, a fair selection of pretty convincing black glass. It’s been around ten years since I was in contact with them, never bought anything so no receipts, and most of my records are gone.

Hope this helps.


Posted in Advice, Figural Bottles, Fruit Jars, News, Questions, Reproductions, Scams & Frauds, Utility Bottles | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Drake’s Plantation Bitters and other Reproductions out in the market


"They are excellent repros and would easily pass to the unsuspecting as original bottles. The dealer had 10 or 15 of each type. And, guess the price of each… only $24.00.




I was very interested in your response to my earlier inquiry regarding some excellent, hand made BIMAL, reproductions that I encountered recently.

I am new to your website and am very impressed with your exhibits and passionate knowledge of glass! Thank you for efforts with it!

I have not seen this before on the Internet but I wanted to ask you about it. Check the enclosed pictures of a light olive St Drakes Plantation Bitters and a tall cathedral pickle….which are definitely hand made, BIMAL beautiful bottles..that are both REPRODUCTIONS!

Were you aware of these being made and in the bottle market? These, along with a number of other reproductions, including scroll flasks, were recently acquired by me at a Civil War sutler’s booth in Spotsylvania, VA. They are excellent repros and would easily pass to the unsuspecting as original bottles. The dealer had 10 or 15 of each type. And, guess the price of each… only $24.00. I was very surprised to say the least…I do not know if the antique bottle collecting community is aware of these reproductions, but they are definitely out there. Please let me know what you may know about this!

I am a part time archaeologist with 40 years worth experience in the field and also have collected bottles for the same period. I am sure of what I am saying regarding these reproductions and their excellence in craftsmanship. If there is no interest in people being unscrupulous with passing these reproductions off as originals to an unsuspecting bottle collecting community, I would sincerely appreciate your forwarding this message to any of your bottle collecting friends that may know of or have interest in this timely topic.

Thank you for your time.


Terry (Ludlow) 🙂

Apple-Touch-IconATerry: This quite frankly, concerns me and many others in the hobby greatly. I am getting all kinds of reports of repros being sold on ebay and even baked bottles of late showing up and selling for good money. It seems like the original sellers are noting that they are repros. I am worried about next generation sales down the line. Would you please purchase me a Drakes and send it to me? I will pay for the cost and shipping etc. I need to see one of these bottles first-hand. Thanks!

Does anyone have any thoughts on the reproduction Drake’s Plantation, and Hostetter’s labels being sold on ebay?

Brian Shultis (on facebook Bottle Collectors)


Read More: More on Reproductions from Jim Bender and Bruce Silva

Read More: Dog River Glass Company

Read More: Repros. A legitimate place in the hobby?


Posted in Advice, Bitters, Figural Bottles, News, Pickle Jars, Questions, Reproductions | Tagged , , , , , | 7 Comments

43rd Annual Atlanta Bottle Show & Sale Article

Ferd, this was in the Atlanta Journal this morning. Thanks Jack (Hewitt)


Jack Hewitt & John Joiner

08 June 2013 (Saturday) Atlanta, Georgia – 43rd Atlanta Antique Bottle Show & Sale, Smyrna Community Center, 200 Village Green Circle, Smyrna, Georgia, 30080, Saturday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Early admission is 6:00 am to 9:00 am Saturday, Set-up: Saturday 6:00 am to 9:00 am, Admission: $3.00 regular and $10.00 for early admission, Contact: Jack Hewitt, Co-Chairman, 1765 Potomac Court, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043, 770.963.0220, hewittja@bellsouth.net


A show and sale where collecting enthusiasm is not bottled up

Posted: 12:00 a.m. Wednesday, June 5, 2013

By Howard Pousner – The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

From “Antiques Roadshow” to “American Pickers,” the airwaves are as jammed as an old South Georgia barn with people who are passionate collectors of stuff. But of all the things that the covetous covet, one basic collectible with enduring appeal is bottles….


















Posted in Advice, Article Publications, Bottle Shows, Club News, News | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Bennet’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters – San Francisco


Bennet’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters

San Francisco


Apple-Touch-IconAA number of us were watching the western Bennet’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters from San Francisco that closed on ebay the other day. This is a wonderful bottle and I am sure the new owner will be happy. Note that the top, and next images are from the ebay post. A third image is also from the ebay sale and is captioned further below. The name Bennet’s and Bennett’s is frequent in Bitters but are not related.

Read: Bennett’s Stomach Bitters – A real puzzler

Read: Red Jacket Bitters – Another Chicago ‘Indian’ (Bennett, Pieters & Co.)

The ebay description for the Bennet’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters is as follows:

Western Square Bitters – Bennet’s

Here is a tough western square! This golden amber applied top bitters has a ton of embossing. “Bennet’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Jos. N. Souther & Co. Sole Proprietors, San Francisco” The “R”s are curved indicative of Pacific Glass Works. The condition is a sparkling gem with one light scratch and that is it. Pristine western glass! I am thinning out a few duplicates and therefore this example is being made available. It is so tough to turn loose of any good western bitters as they are rarely available for sale. This is a top example. Buyer to pay $10.85 postage in the continental US. Good Luck! westernglassaddict $521.99 BennettsCelebratedDale1

[From Warren Friedrich] Henry W. Bennet was a syrups and cordial manufacturer in S.F. His two bitters recipes were used by two business men named Chenery and Souther who put out two different bitters products.

The Carlyn Ring and W. C. Ham listing in Bitters Bottles is as follows:


9 x 2 3/4 (6 7/8) 3/8
Square, Amber, LTCR, Tooled lip and Applied mouth, Rare
Lettering reads base to shoulder on brand name panel, Reverse reads shoulder to base as is usual.

Note: San Francisco Business Directory 1880, 1885 and 1890

There is also an earlier variant that is listed below. I have not seen this bottle nor do I have a good close-up picture. There is an example posted at the bottom of this post.

Example found on the surface of Mount Rose near Reno


BENNET’S ( au ) / WILD CHERRY / STOMACH BITTERS  ( ad ) // f // CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO. ( au ) /  SOLE AGENTS / SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ( ad ) // f //
9 x 3 (6 5/8) 3/8
Square, Amber, LTCR, Applied mouth, Very rare
Lettering reads base to shoulder on brand name panel, Reverse reads shoulder to base as is usual.

Note: Example found on the surface of Mount Rose near Reno.

[From Eric McGuire]

The firm of Chenery, Souther & Co. was dissolved in San Francisco on August 1, 1874. Joseph N. Souther then became the sole remaining partner. Richard Chenery had a long and notable career in San Francisco, being an early pioneer. He arrived in San Francisco on the Brig Acadian on August 14, 1849. Chenery was born in Montague, Franklin County, MA in 1817 and became one of the many who rushed for California gold. His wife was the daughter of the former governor of Maine, William G. Crosby.

By 1852 he became a successful business man and was an Alderman of the City of Sacramento, California. Offered the job of Mayor, he declined. He was, however, elected Treasurer. He soon became the head of a number of successful businesses in San Francisco and in 1861 he was one of the mounted guards who escorted President Lincoln to the Capitol at the time of his inauguration. Shortly thereafter, Chenery was appointed U.S. Naval Agent for the Port of San Francisco. When his term ended in 1865 Chenery entered into partnership with Joseph N. Souther as a wholesale liquor dealer. After terminating that partnership in 1874 he invested heavily in mining but returned to the East Coast in 1880, where he remained until his death in Belfast, Maine, on July 27, 1890. Much more can be said of Chenery, but this is the short version.

Henry W. Bennet


Henry W. Bennet listingSan Francisco Directory – 1865


Henry W. Bennet listingSan Francisco Directory – 1869


Henry W. Bennet listingSan Francisco Directory – 1876

Joseph N. Souther

Souther, Joseph N. & Co. (Joseph N. Souther)
manufacturers flavoring extracts. 122-124 Market


Joseph N. Souther listingLangley’s San Francisco Directory – 1890 (also 1880, 1886, 1888 Directories Souther was listed)


B 73 – Bennet’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters, San Francisco – ebay


B 73 – Bennet’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters, San Francisco – Meyer Collection (American Bottle Auctions | Grapentine III Auction 43 | Lot #874


B 74 [Warren Friedrich from a previous Western Bitters News post] I noticed over on the Western Glob Top Whiskies blogsite they had been posting several examples showing the various hues of amber those cylinders come in. I thought our followers on this blogsite might enjoy seeing some western squares in some contrasting colors. The photograph below shows a orange-amber colored Bennet’s Wild Cherry Stomach Bitters / Chenery, Souther & Co Sole Agents San Francisco, Cal. (I’ve also owned this bottle in an olive-amber coloration as well). Next to it is a Dr. Henley’s Wild Grape Root IXL Bitters in yellow w/slight amber hue. Quite the contrast between these two squares in color.

Posted in Bitters, Cordial, eBay, History, Liquor Merchant | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Young Children in Antique Trade Card Advertising


Young Children in Antique Trade Card Advertising

06 June 2013

Apple-Touch-IconAI really get a kick out of looking at the art on vintage advertising trade cards. Recently I spotted this odd looking little fellow with reading glasses below that really gave me a chuckle. Cute or ugly, who knows, but this happy tot was destined to be a bank president somewhere. I went thru my files and posted some of my favorites of similar content. We all know that if you put a child or animal in an advertisement you will have a much grater chance of connecting with your audience. Please send me any other examples you may have so I can add to the post. Thanks.


Unmarked Trade Card
































Posted in Advertising, Art & Architecture, Bitters, Ephemera, Humor - Lighter Side, Trade Cards | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Look at Cody’s new Scroll Flask


Look at Cody’s New Scroll Flask

Hi Ferdinand,

Cody Zeleny here, just wanted to share a unique flask I acquired. I believe the flask to be a GIX-14, but as you can see, has quite an odd feature. The lip treatment is something I have only seen on a few New England flasks! It is tooled and pinched in and is quite odd. The flask for a pint is quite plump, and I have included a picture of it compared to a normal scroll flask. Just wanted to share.

Also I have included a picture of a part of my collection. As an insulator collector, I had built a large back lighted cabinet for my collection. Well a few days ago I was bored so I emptied out the insulators and put some flasks in. I was pleased to see how great they looked.


Take care,

Cody Zeleny




Apple-Touch-IconACody, your flask, shelves and pictures are ‘off the chart’ great. Thanks for sharing!  Read More: Who doesn’t love Scroll Flasks?


Posted in Collectors & Collections, Display, Flasks, Historical Flasks | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Fleury’s Wa-Hoo Tonic and the Mad Chinaman

Fleury's Wa-HooTonic_TC

Fleury’s Wa-Hoo Tonic Trade Card – Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American History

Fleury’s Wa-Hoo Tonic and the Mad Chinaman

Apple-Touch-IconAI do not know what would possess a merchant or doctor to opt for putting a mean Oriental midget, chop sticks, a rat and a cat eating a rat on any advertising to market their product. This totally escapes me. Another great reason to collect trade cards and to be part of this great hobby. Where else would you see stuff like this?

Frank Fleury, M. D.

Dr. Frank Fleury was born in Meadville, Pennsylvania on 28 September 1841. He was the son of Jacob and Margaret (Hamilton) Fleury. He served three years at the drug business of Carter & Brothers in Erie, Pennsylvania before moving westward. In 1865, Dr. Fleury established himself in the drug business in Springfield, Illinois, which he conducted for some years. He was located at 505 Washington Street, on the north side of the square. He was noted as having a fine store that carried a large stock of drugs and toilet goods, and having an extensive trade. His prescription business was a special feature of the house and was noted as being exceptionally large.

In 1881, Dr. Fleury began the manufacture of the “Wa-Hoo Tonic” and won a wide reputation for this medicine. Fleury’s Wa-Hoo Tonic was made at the Fleury Medicine Company in Springfield, Illinois where he was chief proprietor. They manufactured several valuable medicinal remedies of tried and valuable merit among them are “Indian Herbs of Joy“, a remedy for diseases, arising from impurities of the blood of which four thousand bottles were sold in Springfield, and Fleury’s Tasteless Cascarine, a remedy for biliousness, headache and torpid liver. Later studies actually said this concoction was put up in a small wooden cylinder, which contained 45 grains of yellowish-white powder. Examination proved it to be subnitrate of bismuth and calomel, triturated through powdered cane sugar. Dr. Fleury also manufactured DuFay’s Magic Fluids which was noted as selling ten thousand bottles at one time.

Dr. Fluery was married on June 25, 1868 to Miss Annie M. Herndon, of Springfield and they became the parents of one daughter. Dr. Fleury died on August 28, 1910 in Springfield.

I could find images for two trade cards that are represented in this post. A third trade card was described as a rectangular card, horizontal display, showing a little girl holding a large bowl in her lap with “Fleury’s/ Wa-Hoo/ Tonic” across the front; she holds her spoon up at begging dog to her right, as if scolding; back is vertical, details uses for this “great blood purifier & system renovator”. It is held at the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources.

I could find no pictures of bottles of this brand.


Fleury’s Wa-Hoo Tonic ingredients – Kansas State Board of Health, Biennial Report, Volume 4 – 1909


Full page advertisement for Fleury’s Wa-Hoo Tonic within Kramer’s general business directory : containing an accurately selected and classified list of the leading manufacturers, jobbers, wholesale and retail dealers, professional and business men of Northern Indiana (1885)


Frank Fleury ObituaryHistorical Encyclopedia of Illinois, Volume 3 – Munsell Publishing Company, 1912


Fleury’s Wa-Hoo Tonic Trade Card – Florida University Libraries

References: History of Sangamon County, Illinois: Together with Sketches of Its Cities … By Inter-state Publishing Company (Chicago, Ill.)

Posted in Advertising, Druggist & Drugstore, Ephemera, Liquor Merchant, Medicines & Cures, Remedy, Tonics, Trade Cards | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Francis Newbery & Sons Brain Salt – London


Francis Newbery & Sons, London

Apple-Touch-IconACruising around the Internet and world wide web, I jump across the pond today to look at F. Newbery & Sons Brain Salt from London. Yes you heard me right, Brain Salt. Certain words do not sound right together. In Houston there is a Thai restaurant next to a donut shop. The sign on the street says Thai Food & Donuts. Kind of like that. When I think of brain salt I think of putting salt on slugs. All bad kids heard of that right? Well salt on a brain? Doesn’t paint a very good picture.


Francis Newbery and Sons Warehouse – Warehouse for Dr. Jame’s Powder – 1779 (Pharmaceutical Journal: A Weekly Record of Pharmacy and Allied Sciences)

The origin of the firm of Francis Newbery and Sons, Limited goes back to 1746 when Mr. John Newbery. “the philanthropic publisher of St. Paul’s Churchyard,” settled in London at the corner of Ludgate Hill as a publisher and patent medicine vendor. Prior to this, Mr. John Newbery had been in business at Reading. At this time the company was an agent for Hooper’s Pills and sold the famous Dr. Jame’s Fever Powder.

Francis Newbery, who, on the death of his father in 1767, left Sidney-Sussex College, Cambridge, and gave up the prospects of a medical career to carry on the business of publisher and patent medical vendor. His shop was situated on No. 45 St. Paul’s Churchyard which is illustrated above. Francis Newbery died in 1818 and his eldest son, Colonel John Newberry, succeeded him; at the death of the latter in 1854, Mr. Arthur Le Blanc Newbery and Mr. Lionel Newbery took over the business, which was removed in 1869 to 46 St. Paul’s Churchyard, again, in 1872, to Newgate Street, in 1888.


Francis Newbery and Sons Warehouse – 1903 – (Pharmaceutical Journal: A Weekly Record of Pharmacy and Allied Sciences)

Shortly after the move (in 1904) the old house turned their business into a private limited company. As time went on and competition increased it was found necessary to meet the wants of the trade to add druggist’s sundries, photographic, and perfumery departments. To such an extent have these departments grown that they now take the premier place in the firm’s illustrated catalogue and occupy a major portion of the building (see above).

Reference: Pharmaceutical Journal: A Weekly Record of Pharmacy and Allied Sciences – J. Churchill, 1906

Francis Newbery and Sons testimonial – The Lancet London: A Journal of British and Foreign Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Physiology, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Public Health and News, Volume 1 – 1861


F. Newbery & Sons Effervescent brain Salt


Cures headaches and indigestion

A POSITIVE RELIEF AND CURE FOR Brain Troubles, Headaches, Sea Sickness, Nervous Debility, Sleeplessness, Excessive Study, Mania, Over Brainwork, etc. etc.

1 and 3 King Edward St., London, E.C.

FEB. 10, 1888


Later Brain Salt advertisement when F, Newbery was on Newgate Street


A rather well done Brain Salt bottle illustration


Newbery & Sons Brain Salt advertisement – The Twentieth Century, A Monthly Review –  1894

 Other Newbery Products


Sailing Boat Pictorial F. Newberry & Sons Cherry Tooth Paste Pot Lid & Base, London c1890s – ebay


Cuticura ointment made in London, Cardiff and Liverpool, F. Newbery and Sons January 1899.

Posted in Advertising, Druggist & Drugstore, History, Medicines & Cures, Salt | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

P. Guillaume’s Mineral Water Bottle Mystery

bottle 006



Apple-Touch-IconAHere is a puzzler for the Western collectors. I bet someone out there can provide information on this bottle. This is when I miss ole’ Michael Dolcini the most.

[e-mail #1] I have a bottle that even Jeff Wichmann at American Bottle Auctions could not identify. I have spent countless hours on the Internet trying to find out any information on this bottle, but I have found out absolutely nothing, this is why I am emailing you in desperation. Please help me! The bottle I am speaking of is 8 inches tall it has a crown top, aqua in color, the seam does not continue to the top, but ends approx. below the top, is approx. 2 3/8″ in diameter, has an uneven bottom. The label on it is heavily embossed on the glass : P. Guillaume’s MINERAL WATER POPE VALLEY, NAPA CO. CAL. Please contact me as I could find nothing about this bottle and you are my last hope.

Thank You Very Much, Albert Richenberger

[e-mail #2] Here are the pictures you requested. I purchased the bottle from a lady that told me her late husband dug it up at Gold City, Nevada. Gold City is approx. 5 miles from Virginia City, Nevada. Thank You for your help I really appreciate it. If you need other pictures I will take them.

Thanks again, Albert Richenberger

PS If you are going to the Reno bottle show I will be there helping a friend Mike Gerth who is going to display there I would like to meet you. I also will have the bottle there. Thanks again!



Material below provided by Marianne Dow



Listing for Pope Mineral Spring and Peter GuillaumeMines and mineral resources of the counties of Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Marin, Napa, Solano, Sonoma, Yolo – Walter Wadsworth Bradley, California State Mining Bureau – 1915

Posted in Digging and Finding, Mineral Water, Questions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment