Michael George: Manchester Chairman & New England Tour de Force

Tour de Force is defined as “a feat demonstrating brilliance or mastery in a field”. Now if this does not describe the role and backbone of the Chairman of our FOHBC 2013 National Antique Bottle Show in Manchester, New Hampshire, nothing will. Mike, pictured with his wife Janet above, reside in New Boston, New Hampshire. Mike is an authority on New England early American glass and one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. With his Co-Chair, Maureen Crawford and supported by the Merrimack Valley Antique Bottle Club, they have paved the way for our next great national show. They have already sold almost half of the allotted dealer tables so stop procrastinating and make your plans soon to reserve a spot.

Here is Mikes design of our Show Contract (click for contract) and a few of his wonderful pictures. Peachridge Glass has seven index pages of his work in previous posts! He also oversees a great web site called BottleShow.com.

One of my favorite pictures that Mike has posted. Janet looks so comfortable in this Zen-like setting.

Gorgeous group of Blown 3-Mold Decanters – Michael George

Nice NH whimsey piece made from a large utility bottle! – Michael George

Here is why I needed to keep the little yellow amber jug… As a collector, some items are just too difficult to sell!! – Michael George

Puce Glass Trio – photo Michael George

Three Amber Bitters Bottles – photo Michael George

Here is a small group of snuffs… mostly NH stuff. – Michael George

With all of this “gutsy” glass from Hartford County… Here is a picture that shows the “lighter” side of Pitkin glass! – Michael George

All 3 of these pieces came from New England. Two of them had attribution to Germantown or Temple by Boo Morcom. I can’t say with any certainty where they are from… just that I like em! I can post base shots if anyone want to compare. – Michael George

Although the winter was mild, I was thinking about Spring while taking this photo in February! Most of this glass is mid-late 18th century in my opinion, one or two may be early 19th century. Some of the pieces are possibly from the Wistar factory. – Michael George

Wonderful color run of Townsend’s Sarsaparillas – Michael George

A nice New England demijohn…with a little character!! – Michael George (around 1840). It looks like NH glass to me, but can’t say if it is earlier or later than 1840… a pivotal date for trying to determine local origin. My guess is Stoddard.

Couple o’ jars… nice range of New England color. – Michael George

Rick Ciralli I think this is like your deep dish bowl with the rolled lip. The shard (which matches the lip identical) was excavated at the location of the Granite Glass Co in Stoddard. I am not 100% on it, but is fairly conclusive. This glass is also a little later (1860s) and much cleaner than the earlier Stoddard glass. Although, this one has a huge potstone in the rim… quality control was still an issue! – Michael George

SUFFOLK BITTERS | PHILBROOK & TUCKER BOSTON, bright orange amber, bordering a yellow amber through the base and mouth area. This one has the rare squared collar “medicine type” top. – BottleShow.com

Three New Hampshire Sunburst Flasks – Michael George

Early blown three molds – Michael George

Eclectic group of New England glass – Michael George

Posted in Advice, Bitters, Blown Glass, Bottle Shows, Collectors & Collections, Color Runs, Decanter, Demijohns, Early American Glass, Flasks, FOHBC News, Freeblown Glass, Historical Flasks, News, Peachridge Glass, Photography, Sarsaparilla, Snuff, Utility Bottles, Whimsies | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How to make an EXTRACT OF SMART WEED bottle look enticing

Every once in a while I notice a style of photographing bottles and glass that prompts closer review. In this case the body of work is from Peter Marston from Plymouth, New Hampshire. These pictures speak volumes. They are crisp, detailed and use the mirror to maximum advantage. You are drawn into the picture. It is actually really challenging to photograph aqua and capture the character of the bottle. Very nice Peter.

I was really interested in finding out a little more on the DR. PIERCE’S EXTRACT OF SMART WEED bottle. I bet Elizabeth would say I could really use some of that stuff sometimes. Peter actually has it on eBay now. Description: Here for your consideration we have a beautiful CITRON colored 1880s ” Dr. Pierce Extract Of Smart Weed, Buffalo, N.Y. R V Pierce MD ”

Smartweed – In combination with tonics and gum myrrh, it is said to have cured epilepsy – probably dependent on some uterine derangement. The infusion in cold water, which may be readily prepared from the fluid extract, has been found serviceable in gravel, dysentery, gout, sore mouths, colds and coughs, and mixed with wheat bran, in bowel complaints. Antiseptic and desiccant virtues are also claimed for it. The fresh leaves, bruised with those of the Mayweed (Anthemis Cotula), and moistened with a few drops of oil of turpentine, make a speedy vesicant. – Botanical.com

Dr Ray Vaughn Pierce (pictured, courtesy of Project Gutenberg) was an über-quack whose laboratory in Buffalo, NY, produced millions of dollars worth of patent remedies. As well as the Pleasant Pellets, there were Dr Pierce’s Anuric Tablets, Dr Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, Dr Pierce’s Vaginal Tablets, Dr Pierce’s Extract of Smart-Weed and Dr Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery – a licorice-flavoured tonic that reportedly contained quinine, opium and alcohol and was advertised as giving men “an appetite like a cow-boy’s and the digestion of an ostrich.” Pierce ran an opulent hotel for invalids, the first incarnation of which burnt down in 1881. The rebuilt hotel is said to have included among its guests the Sundance Kid and Etta Place in 1901. His company, the World’s Dispensary Medical Association, gave away freebies such as calendars and notebooks to advertise the products, and Pierce’s own book, The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English, was a vehicle for recommending his own medicines. As well as the laboratory in Buffalo, the company had a British branch at Great Russell Street, London. – The Quack Doctor

“I usually do the mirror thing with my eBay listings. I should get a new mirror or setup though. It is getting stale I think… have used that one mirror for a whole year”

Peter Marston

Posted in Advice, Collectors & Collections, Druggist & Drugstore, eBay, History, Humor - Lighter Side, Medicines & Cures, Photography | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Post Office against Diggers? Hmmmm

Incoming email from James Campaglia. See Outhouse Patrol

On Friday Aug 24th, a friend and I went to the state run historical society (McFarland Curatorial Center) in Virginia City, Montana to see what they could show us that had been dug in Virginia City. And to see what knowledge they had on the artifacts found in outhouses and in general to say hi and explain that we have like interests. I later learned we do not have the same interest! The archaeology woman was gone to a seminar. There was a small box of relics on a table so I asked questions about these items that I associated with being found in an outhouse. The guy we met with did have some info and was able to tell us that some bones in the box were of an ox (I knew that). I told him about bottles and by the second sentence I felt that I had him lost. We were not to touch these artifacts (perhaps the DNA would of been ruined) but I touched anyways. He was cordial and gave me some area info. I am told by locals that the archaeology woman does not like us, yet has never met us or has not taken it upon herself to come see us which is an open invitation I gave to others in this state run center. We dug all day Friday and continued that weekend but no state workers stopped by.

Those that I invited, once in an outhouse I am sure would not be able to climb back out. Perhaps that is why they didn’t stop by after I let them know I would loan them a shovel so they could show us their skills. I feel the shovel might of been a threat since they use tweezers, toothpicks, and toothbrushes to excavate old excrement.

I still am in disbelief about this story that was told to me by one of the state guys” “we get calls when the water company hits some artifacts or when a wall is being shored up. We then go out and dig 1 by 1 foot squares a few inches at a time until we find the needed artifacts. One hole we feel was an outhouse had a burlap bag with something hard like metal in it. So I asked, “what was in the bag?”, “I don’t know we were done with the project at the 3 foot level so buried the hole!”, “We had dug all we needed by that time”. He also said they dig seeds on the top soils of the outhouse and can tell what local foods were eaten by this. Seeds float to the bottom not the top! The depth or other important artifacts will never be known now that they completed what they needed to do. (Or the budget permitted).

Take a look at the attached poster (see above) which is now hanging in the local post office (and maybe other places) behind glass after having been approved to be hung. I am still trying to find out who hung this. This nonsense just makes me work harder to find bottles on private land in and around Virginia City. Where we are currently digging in a field is outside city limits and I wish they had spent a week or so digging and finding the small amount we did after a lot of effort. Apparently they feel we charge money to dig outhouses which I don’t know of anyone being able to pull that off!

I would sure like to see them go find some of the outhouses in fields we search! Big nasty trash dumps with bones, tin, etc. and a chance of a rattlesnake is all we have found lately. The one outhouse last Monday had some common bottles and Chinese relics. I offered to donate anything they might want to display but learned there is no display or way of educating the public as to what they have found. I asked where the items are and got the same darn answer I get from any state run organization or museum in regards to bottles “In boxes in a room not accessible!!!!!!!!!!”


Update from James Campiglia 02 September 2012:

HI Ferd,

Thanks for posting that for me. Others might as well know how we are not liked by the states.


Tried to meet with the archaeology mgr. girl. Doors all locked at state building, but people inside doing something. Sign says make an appointment. I still need a phone number to do this. After talking to others they agree we have done nothing wrong, they love us in Virginia City (talked to other business owners, etc) and its very childish whoever put this sign up there and allows it to hang. Last week I went and tore their sign down. Put up a bunch of my business cards in place. Its just a bulletin board not the locked one I thought, but still inside the post office. I saw more of these posters around town too! My friend, not Reggie with OuthousePatrol but a younger friend and I who enjoys the bars and drinks ventured up to the other bar. Out on the bench is where people hang out to smoke and we stopped to say hi to a few we have seen around town before. When they asked “what are you here doing again” and Gabe said “digging for bottles in outhouses” a lady got up and left. We didn’t think much of it but a little while later found out she is Kate the state archaeologist! She will not talk to us we were told. She went in to hang with a rough looking man and I decided to leave it alone but Gabe was enjoying the strong rum and cokes more than I so went to try to talk to her. He let her know we have the same interests and just want to learn more of what they do. The male friend told him to get lost- but in not such nice words and we had better get out of town we are not wanted. Ok this is too much! I wanted to then go over but I hadn’t been in a bar room brawl in years, or I guess never, but it sounded like maybe it would make the papers “Outhouse Diggers don’t just kick cans…or OuthouseDiggers don’t take no S**t!????”
Well Gabe tried to talk to her once again and invite her to come dig but I see this will never happen. The state will remain separated from other humans not on their level. A lady friend wants me to call her friend, the lieutenant Governor. Perhaps he can do an investigation as to what is going on. All that we talked to in town basically has had their business harassed and any progress stopped for years due to this state funded deal not allowing anyone to do anything. In Virginia City many buildings have old time displays showing life in the stores in the 1800’s. One building is in shambles. The lady has waited 3 years for the state to set up a display that she is more than capable of doing as runs a very fine gift and book store there. The large crane, one of 5 known in the World, was cut up and salvaged and still everyone is amazed the state workers took that upon themselves to do, with or without approval on a higher level. The crane was an amazing focal point by old mining equiptment in Nevada City (the other state run old town outside of Virginia City).

We will move on but not after letting others know that we tread light on land, fix it better than when we started when we can, and we are not paid to dig outhouses. I have called the local paper for an interview so other can learn more about us and the historic research that we do. If the local paper does a story on us i will send it in here! I am running nice big display ads to buy bottles and that we will pay to dig your outhouse. The many donations from OuthousePatrol.com that we gave to the Firemans Ball for this next weekend, Sept 8th, will also put our name out there even more. Nearly everything we dug is being dontated for the silent auction.
We have made display with old horseshoes, miners shovels, etc. that we found in holes and at a blacksmith shop. We must of found 200 horseshoes now from the 1870’s to 90’s period we figure, although no expert on these shoes.
Pics of our digs, the town, and some historical info. will get posted on our OuthousePatrol.com probably next week as soon as I get some time.

Heres’s a couple pics for you, or the site. The big bone pit was a pain. Full of rocks and tin and broken bottles, but not many broken but we all agreed the toughest dig we had ever had.

Posted in Digging and Finding, History, News | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How we Transported our Goods, Beer and Liquor Back Then

BigWagonHow we Transported our Goods, Beer and Liquor Back Then

30 August 2012 (R•040915) (R•041815) (R•061617) (R•102618) (R•040119 – Moxie Wagon)

Apple-Touch-IconAAs you may have noticed of late, I have been developing a number of posts dealing with historical photographs. It started earlier this year with glass houses and factories, boys that worked in glass houses and then moved on to a series of historical drinking photographs. I really enjoy looking and studying all of these old pictures. Today I posted some great photographs of primarily transport wagons.


I am sitting in the building in the next three pictures below, typing this post now. These are my design offices in downtown Houston in the historic Wagon Works building.

Read More: Glass Works and Glass Factories – Hell on Earth?

Read More: Boys in Glass Houses – Taking on the Mannerisms of Men

Read More: Photographs of People Drinking

Read More: Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part II

Read More: Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part III

Read More: Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part IV (Brewing)

Read More: United States in the 1800′s and early 1900′s

Texas Wagon Works before becoming Eller Wagon Works (see below). My design offices for FMG Design are located within this building. The train tracks are beneath the paved street now.

Eller Wagon Works building – Circa 1910. My design offices for FMG Design are located within this building. You can still see the faded graphics on the facade of the building. So cool. I’m sitting the first floor corner in between the two white wagons. – photo FMG

Eller Wagon Works is actual FMG studio space – Circa 1910. My design offices for FMG Design are located within this EXACT space. I am looking at those same steel columns and windows now as I write. No dirt floors though. – photo FMG

Galveston Brewing Company and Bottling Works, unknown date.

The famous Watkins Man makes his pitch. Notice the bottles in both hands. – photo Steve Ketcham

Bower & Company General Store – In 1914 the Bower & Company General Store was located at 2643 North High Street, Clintonville, Ohio. This is their delivery wagon around 1914.

Historic photo of  a wagon of Green Brewer’s Hops at a Newberg, Oregon, Willamette River Valley farm in 1939 – photo by Al Monner

Beer delivery wagon for Louis Gluntz. Notice the Schlitz graphics on the side of the wagon. – photo Steve Ketcham

Kentucky Wagon Manufacturing Company (Old Hickory Wagon vignette). From a beautifully engraved certificate from the Kentucky Wagon Manufacturing Company issued in 1914.

A pro-prohibition horse-drawn wagon in a parade in Phoenix – circa 1916. Bootlegger’s Take Warning, Arizona’s Dry.

Budweiser Clydesdales in D.C. after the repeal of Prohibition.

Wagons and early automobiles share the street in downtown Joplin, Missouri. Date unknown.

A Minneapolis or St. Paul delivery wagon – photo Steve Ketcham

A Minneapolis dairy – photo Steve Ketcham

A bit blurry since the photo subject was moving in a parade. We have no idea where this one was taken. – photo Steve Ketcham

Washington, D.C. 1922. “J.C.L. Ritter – Polli Food Products truck.” – National Photo Company Collection glass negative

Morning rounds – Dairy delivery truck

Fred D. Follet, the milk man.

This photograph was taken in the latter part of the 1800’s, and shows the market square in Cleburne, Texas.


The original Mayer Bottling Plant. Charles Mayer is standing in front of wagon with hat and vest on. The wagon to the right appears to be driven by Joseph Drackert. He owned the Drackert delivery, hauling and storage company in Hammond and delivered the bottles for Charles. The two young boys are probably Charles’ sons. ** (Hammond Brewing Co. Indiana)


P Stumpf & Co Wagon


Billson’s Brewery


Irish Travellers also called pavees, tinkers or gypsies, are a traditionally itinerant ethnic group who maintain a set of traditions. Although predominantly English speaking, some also use Shelta and other similar cants. They live mostly in Ireland as well as having large numbers in the United Kingdom and in the United States. Their origin is disputed. Around 10,000 people in the United States are descendants of Travellers who left Ireland, mostly during the period between 1845 and 1860 during the Great Famine. About 2,500 of them live in Murphy Village, a community outside North Augusta, South Carolina. [Wikipedia]


Vaseline Hair Tonic wagon


Early oil transportation wagons.


Local Fire Department wagon


Saw your updated wagon post and thought of this “real photo” postcard. Let us not forget that bitters too, were delivered by horse and cart. This is the S 134 Smyrna Bitters. The post card is undated. – Joe Gourd

Horse pulled wagon for the Philadelphia Circus.

Overloaded Wells Fargo Express wagon

Moxie marketing wagon. Dr. Augustin Thompson set up practice in Lowell, MA, which was home to many patent medicines. He wanted to make a cure-all which did not contain harmful ingredients like cocaine and alcohol.

Posted in Ales & Ciders, Bottling Works, Breweriana, Ephemera, History, Milk & Creamers, Photography, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Mike AKA Chinchillaman1 AKA Mike’s Bottle Room

I received this response on facebook to my recent post Cool Embossings 2:

Those are all cool!!! but I’m saddened by the fact that you didn’t mention any NYC stuff, there are some amazing embossing on blobs, Olbermeyer and Liebmann, Easter Brewing Co, John Kress Brewing Co, Defender Bottling Co, Jos. Strohmenger / Fred Opperman Jr. Turtle Bay Brewery Lagar Beer. and an NJ, Feigenspan Brewing Co. I though for sure one of them would be on the list, the Olbermeyer usually is. Michael Urbanski

My response:

Don’t be sad. Just send me pictures like most are doing. Agree for sure that I am weak in beers unless Rick DeMarsh or others jump in. These posts are numbered so let’s do beers next. Tks


They are all here on my website:  Mike’s Bottle Room

I got to looking at Michael’s web site and realized that this guy is a pretty talented digger who seems really ahead of the curve regarding finding, collecting, photographing and posting about primarily New York blob top beers. His web site is organized, visually attractive and covers historically the areas of New York City such as Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Coney Island etc. Michael’s home page reads as follows:


For those of you who don’t know who I am, my name is Mike AKA Chinchillaman1. I’m a Youtube Bottle Digger so to speak which means that I collect bottles and post the videos of various digs or elements of my collection onto Youtube. This site is for those who want to get into the hobby of bottle hunting, metal detecting or any treasure hunting hobby in general, or for those who want to find out about the history of bottles that they might already own. Ive been a collector for two years and my goal is to find out about the histories of all of the bottles that I have, local especially. If you’d like to view my bottle digging channel here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/chinchillaman1

If You Have Any Information On The Bottles Marked, No Info, Please Send Me An Email. I Am Looking For The History Of The Companies Specifically. Thank You!

A few of my favorite bottles after perusing his site, which he says he has more bottles to add:

COLONIAL BOTTLING CO. / COLONIAL BREWING, NY Blob, Address: 267-269 W. 17th St., This is one of the rarest bottles in my collection. Not only is it extremely scarce, it is also a prototype with multiple mistakes. This will get a little complicated: The Colonial Brewery opened in 1897, successors to the Bavarian Star Brewing Co of 1891-1897, at 240 W. 18th st. It closed in 1899, and the brewery was sold to the Eastern Brewing Co. as the Colonial Branch. The Eastern Brewing Co. was based in Brooklyn and this Manhattan branch was only in operation from 1901-1902. This bottle however, is a prototype, it says Colonial Bottling Co. instead of Colonial Brewery, and the address is incorrect as well, probably because the building for the company wasnt purchased yet. There is no record of the prototype anywhere. The design around the Indian trademark is also incorrect. – Urbanski Collection

THE JOHN KRESS BREWING CO. BOTTLING DEPARTMENT, Manhattan Blob Top, Address: 207 E. 54th St., The company opened in 1863 and closed in 1904. The founders applied for bankruptcy after mounting debt, liabilities, and fines due to hazardous working conditions. – Urbanski Collection

CARL H. SCHULTZ, NEW YORK, NY Vichy Water, Address: 430-444 1st Ave., In 1862, young German Carl Schultz was reselling mineral water in New York City which was being imported from France, more specifically Vichy water from a special area. By 1868 he was sued by the French over copyrights on label titles using the word Vichy in it and for reselling their spring water. He then decided to make his own Vichy water and the company was born the same year. By the late 1890s millions of bottles and siphons were being produced and distributed. By that time he began to lose money as it cost more to make the bottles and siphons then he had earned selling the drink. He died on May 29 1897 from Pneumonia, leaving his family in debt to pay back for the bottles. The company immediately closed that same year. – Urbanski Collection

JOS. STROHMENGER / FRED OPPERMAN JR. TURTLE BAY BREWERY LAGAR BEER, Address: 322 E. 45th St. & 785 1st Ave. E. 44th St. This bottle is from Oceanic NJ, but was brewed and made in Manhattan. The company started in 1850. Its first official address was at 320 E. 46th St. under the name J.G. Gillig and Fred Oppermann. In 1876 the name changed to Oppermann & Mueller. The address changed as well to 44th & 45th St., Between 1st & 2nd Ave. In 1878 the company changed its name again to Frederick Oppermann Jr. Brewing Co. in 1892 the company was bough tout by the Conville Brewing Co. until it closed in 1911. It is unclear how or when the company moved to N.J., nor were any dates recorded associated with the move. – Urbanski Collection

OBERMEYER & LIEBMANN, BROOKLYN Blob Top, Address: 59 & 71 Bremen St. & Noll St. On November 27th 1854, a German immigrant named Samuel Liebmann purchased a brewery in Williamsburg which would become the greatest brewery in New York over the course of the next 100 years. In 1868 he retired, and in 1872 he passed away, leaving the business to his three sons, Joseph, Henry, and Charles. It is unclear which of the sons branched off to create the S. Liebmann’s Sons Brewing Co. The company was successful until 1905, when it was passed down to their grandsons. To this day, no one is sure where the name Obermeyer comes from in the companie’s history. – Urbanski Collection

HENRY SIERICHS & CO. / Queens, Small Blob Top, Address: 159 Elizabeth St., The company opened in 1875 in Manhattan and close in 1917 in Queens. This bottler was a member of the Rockaway Bottlers Protective Association of Rockaway Beach, NY. – Urbanski Collection

J. H. CURRIE SARSAPARILLA / NEW YORK, Address: Unknown, No info on this bottle. – Urbanski Collection

Posted in Advice, Ales & Ciders, Collectors & Collections, Digging and Finding, Facebook, Glass Makers, History, Sarsaparilla, Water | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part IV (Brewing)

Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part IV (Brewing)

29 August 2012

Ketcham | Brewing Gallery

Steve Ketcham
Early American Bottles, Advertising, and Stoneware

Apple-Touch-IconAPresenting the fourth gallery of vintage pictures from up North as new material has come in from Steve Ketcham. If you have any candidates for inclusion in future galleries, please forward. Thanks.

The reverse of this photo says it was taken at one of the Minneapolis Brewing Company sites, but we cannot confirm it. Note the fellows holding tools of their trade (especially the maltsters with their shovels) as well as the fruits of their labors. – Steve Ketcham

Though unconfirmed, we believe this is an image of the Joseph Schmucker Brewery of New Ulm, Minnesota. The name on the wagon seems to read “Schmucker.” – Steve Ketcham

One of our all-time favorite images shows employees of the Milwaukee Waukesha Brewing Company of Waukesha, Wisconsin. They produced Fox Head Beer. Note the fox on a leash at the front of the group. Here again, many of the fellows are holding either tools of the trade or a glass, stein, or bottle of brew. – Steve Ketcham

Another one of our favorites. This photo captures the crew at the St. Paul, Minnesota, bottling plant of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Company. It is dated 1909 on the reverse, and the location is listed as being at the foot of Chestnut Street. – Steve Ketcham

Edward Drewry bought the Redwood Brewery in 1877. The company eventually brewed in Indiana for the American market. Edward Drewry is said to be related to the Drewry brewing and bottling family of St. Paul, Minnesota. Look for the tools of the various brewery trades these boys are holding. – Steve Ketcham

Louis Sadar, my wife’s grandfather, is shown here driving the Fitger Beer wagon in the Iron Range town of Eveleth, Minnesota. This photo was taken prior to 1917, the year Louis died. – Steve Ketcham

Minneapolis United Brewery Workmen sit proudly for a Labor Day, 1901, group photo. – Steve Ketcham

Originally owned by the Heinrich Brewing Association, this facility became a part of the Minneapolis Brewing Company in 1890 when it merged with three other breweries. Nearly everyone is enjoying a cold one, and these fellows chose to exaggerate the foam atop their steins just a bit. Maybe some crumpled paper? – Steve Ketcham

According to writing found on the reverse, this photo was taken at the cooperage of the Lauritzen Malt Company of Minneapolis. – Steve Ketcham

Because this image was taken in Watertown, South Dakota, we believe this elevator was used to store South Dakota grain prior to shipping it to the Gund Brewing Company in La Crosse. – Steve Ketcham

Filling kegs in an unidentified brewery. – Steve Ketcham

(Left Picture – see below) This pre-Prohibition photo of the crew at the Hamm’s Brewing Co. Bottling Department is over 24 inches long. We had to take two shots to get it all. Sorry, but we have no photo stitch software. – Steve Ketcham

(Right Picture – see above) This pre-Prohibition photo of the crew at the Hamm’s Brewing Co. Bottling Department is over 24 inches long. We had to take two shots to get it all. Sorry, but we have no photo stitch software. – Steve Ketcham

Photographs of People Drinking – Part I

Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part II

Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part III

Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part IV (Brewing)

Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part V

Photographs and Images of People Drinking – Part VI

Possibly the Earliest Photograph of People Drinking Beer – Part VII

Posted in Ales & Ciders, Breweriana, Ephemera, History, Photography | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Cool Embossings 2

Cool Embossings 2

28 August 2012

Apple-Touch-IconAThis is the second post in the series titled “Cool Embossings”. See Cool Bottle Embossings 1. As a designer, I just love seeing these images on bottles. So cool. This is a living and breathing post, meaning I would like to collect and add other examples. Thanks!

“COLUMBUS” / (motif of Columbus in a barrel) / “ON A BARREL” – (motif of a rooster), American, ca. 1890 – 1900, yellow amber pint, smooth base, tooled mouth. A tiny 1/4” long in manufacturing stress crack is located in the area where the neck and body meet, otherwise perfect. Ex. Judge Blaske Collection.

Moore / Moore’s / Registered / (Rampant Lion) / Trade Mark / Newcastle // and / Maitland Aerated Codd Bottle – ABCR Auctions

PACIFIC CONGRESS WATER SPRINGS SARATOGA CALIFORNIA / PACIFIC CONGRESS SPRINGS on reverse with embossed running deer. Of all the jumping deer Congress Waters we’ve ever sold or have seen for that matter, this one certainly stands out as possibly the best. In fact, we sold this bottle in a 2007 auction from the Grapentine collection, and all we remember is the outrageous sum of money the buyer paid for it. Somehow we now have it safely back on our shelves and on the auction block. What makes this bottle so terrific is the fact that it lacks the often seen lip chip usually the result of an ice pick and overall is about perfect. In addition it is the only example we’ve seen in this rare olive green color. Experts will tell you lime green is the most common and so on. These have always been very popular because of the California designation clearly pointed out and all the amazing embossing and in this case, beautiful and almost impossible to find color. Grades a 9.5 with a scratch here or there, really just call it – American Bottle Auctions

Embossed rooster on Pennsauken Bottling

Embossed cod on mans back – SCOTT’S EMULSION – COD LIVER OIL – Meyer Collection

A. Rosel / Trade (Aboriginal Man holding shield and throwing Boomerang with trees, tent and woman in background) Mark / Echuca // – ABCR Auctions Aerated Water Codd Bottle

Amber NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THIS TRADEMARK, dug by Michael Dolcini in Sacramento (see aqua example below)

Embossed Greyhound: T. O. Hunter / Trade Mark / (Greyhound) / Bendigo // This bottle is the property / of T. O. Hunter Bendigo / & cannot be legally used / by others. Base Mark: M112 / M / AGM. – ABCR Auctions

PAGEMATIC FOR THE RHEUMATIC embossing of walking man – Brad Seigler

Embossed “Standing Man Gin” – Brian Shultis

Embossed Moonface: Aerated Water. G. C. Meader Prop. Ltd / Proprietors of / Franklin & Co. / Trade (Moon Face holding glass) Mark / Carbonated / Waters / Works, Balaclava. – ABCR Auctions

Bottle embossed with a sphinx, DR. MILLER’S RATAFIA DAMIANA. This is one of the few western bitters in the
shape of a whiskey bottle, a sixth to be exact. There are so few of these, they are believed to have been made in only 1879-80. – photo Ferdinand Meyer

A great embossing on a SINGLE STROKE ANTISEPTIC – Brad Seigler

Aqua NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THIS TRADEMARK – Michael Dolcini (see amber example above)

“LIQUORE DEL DIAVOLO / (motif of a devil) / E. CIABURRI E. FIGLI / NAPOLI”, Italian, ca. 1890 – 1900, red amber barrel, 9 3/4”h, smooth base, tooled mouth. The English translation is ‘Liquor of the Naples Devil’! – Glass Works Auctions

H. Tetlow / Trade (Kangaroo) Mark / Launceston – ABCR Auctions – Aerated Water Codd

Vintage PLUTO WATER Bottle, America’s Physic, Devil symbol embossed on bottom – eBay

Embossed woman on “LADIES FAVORITE” fruit jar. What is amazing with this photograph is the color of the bottle in the ladies hand. – North American Glass

Embossed sun on OBERMEYER & LIEBMANN – On November 27th 1854, a German immigrant named Samuel Liebmann purchased a brewery in Williamsburg which would become the greatest brewery in New York over the course of the next 100 years. In 1868 he retired, and in 1872 he passed away, leaving the business to his three sons, Joseph, Henry, and Charles. It is unclear which of the sons branched off to create the S. Liebmann’s Sons Brewing Co. The company was successful until 1905, when it was passed down to their grandsons. To this day, no one is sure where the name Obermeyer comes from in the companies history. – Mikes Bottle Room

Embossed motif oval with cabin in woods (Sutters Mill) CHALMER’S CATAWBA WINE BITTERS, Chalmers bought the Alhoff Vineyard. Spruance & Stanley were proprietors of the bitters 1872-1873 when vineyard discontinued growing Catawba grapes. – Forbes Collection

The codd in the middle is a Redfearn Bros manufactured bottle and the difference in the quality of the embossing compared to the other two ‘Kiner Bros’ bottles is very evident, the Redfearn bottle having a lion with a full detailed mane whilst the others just have a crude circle for it’s head! – Francis Romanowski

Embossed Indian on Antique Coppahaunk Ginger Ale Embossed Soda Bottle from Waverly, Virginia.- eBay

Posted in Spirits, Water, Whiskey | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

JD Willoughby NY Fruit Jar, Bottle “The Ladies Favorite”

JD Willoughby NY Fruit Jar, Bottle “The Ladies Favorite”

27 August 2012

Apple-Touch-IconADid anyone happen to see the “The Ladies Favorite” fruit jar that closed on eBay today? I love that name. Reminds me of the People’s Favorite Bitters (Read: Barrel Series – Favorite Bitters & Peoples Favorite Bitters. The pictures on eBay were rather poor. Last time I looked it was around $3,500. Description as follows:

Hello All, Here we have the rarest of Fruit Jars, I have not been able to find even ONE example of this jar. This is not the more common WM. Haller variety. Perhaps it was the one used to display JD Willoughby’s invention the patented stopple they designed. It is in great condition with lots of whittling and a dark aqua color it is 6 & 5/8ths inches tall with a 2 inch opening it appears to be a pontil top with very thin glass where it was blown into a mold 2 very small chips less than 1/16 of an inch in the very top of the jar which is in a part that is taller than the the rest of the top “see picture”. Great rare find I am sure this is a record breaker. No cracks. Two small white spots inside the glass one in the bottom the other above the L in Willoughby. Do not miss this one it is great!!!!!!!!!!!!! putnamantiquesexchange

(eBay pictures below)

(Below) Did see that Greg Spurgeon with North American Glass had sold a killer similar example in the past. The description and pictures are below.

A fine example in shiny mint condition. Comes with the rare original cast iron 2-inch Willoughby stopple. This quart is one of the most appealing fruit jars created in the 19th century. The best possible example. – North American Glass

This jar has a repair to the mouth, but what a wonderful & appealing rarity! There is nothing else wrong with the jar….has good embossing, and shiny, whittly, crude glass. This unique example was apparently made for a cork closure, an unlisted closure variant. As opposed to the usual Willoughby stopple finish, the jar was finished with a thin-walled mouth. The repair takes in about 1/3 of the mouth finish. With the lip repair, you can own this example for a fraction of the usual cost. – North American Glass


“THE LADIES FAVORITE” / (woman in full dress holding a jar) – “WM. L. HALLER / CARLISLE / PA.”, (SFJR #511), Pennsylvania, ca. 1860 – 1870, bluish aqua quart, smooth base, applied mouth, original ‘J.D. Willoughby Patented January 4, 1859’ two piece iron disk closure and wing nut

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Rick Ciralli – Comedic Genius Bottle Guy

Jerry Lewis

Rick Ciralli – Comedic Genius Bottle Guy

26 August 2012

Apple-Touch-IconAThe Urban Dictionary describes Comedic Genius as “the most intensely, legit, bad-ass on the planet; a comedic genius misunderstood in his era”. In the antique bottle and glass world, where our passion rules, there are numerous characters that I have had the pleasure of meeting. This is without a doubt. It is when you mentally line up the bottle people you know, what they collect and how the interact with others, that you start noticing that some people, more than others, really jump out.

In 2003, my first year with tables at the great Baltimore Antique Bottle Show, there was this fellow behind Elizabeth and myself that chattered, smiled, joked, knew every body and was wheeling and dealing more than anything we had ever seen at any type of show. I even bought a yellow Halls Bitters that was really nice from the ‘talkin and jokin salesman’.

Hey…I got my table back….

Well next year he was not at the table. Turns out that he didn’t send his renewing contract in on time and with the Baltimore Club, you do that, you lose your spot, and boy was his table in a premier location near the entry doors to the massive show. My wife said to me, where is that real talkative guy? We actually missed him! We found him later in a back area of the cavernous room wheeling and dealing and cavorting around as usual. It was then, that we realized that this guy was a player. He somehow got another table though he could have gone to the back of the waiting list for dealers to get tables at the sold out show. Of course by now, you know I am talking about the good looking, charming, humorous, wheeler and dealer, family man and authority of early American glass, Rick Ciralli from Bristol, Connecticut.

My facebook post asking “is this a Colombian importer and his Chica Bonita?”. Rick followed up with the Chippendale jab prompting this post.

I pick on Rick here because of his recent comment to an earlier picture of us (see above) on facebook where he said something about a Chippendale Dancer which made me smile; but…..I thought, how can I get him back….

Mugging for the camera. Interesting that he usually has this face when pondering a question about Connecticut glass.

Here are some fun pictures of Rick. It should remind us that it is not only the great bottles and glass, the history and the stories that we cherish, this is also about the people that populate our wonderful glass world. We all know this. Make no mistake, Rick is a great guy. You will not meet a finer comedic dude that can switch hats at a moments notice to be one of the most knowledgeable glass guys I know.

Rather normal attire when Rick gives a Connecticut glass talk

“Who believes in this reincarnation junk anyway?” – Brian Wolff

Rick says…My wife caught me kissing a sunburst flask…That’s me sleeping under the tarp.

Not too many people can still look good eating.

Daughter mimicking father or father mimicking daughter?

Ricks cultured side. Unfortunately he was the only person at this ‘tasting’ event which does present another question.

A friend of everyone, Rick with Charles Flint

Rick’s response when we were looking for some ways to stop eBay fraud. Rick wanting to put one of his New Jersey contacts on the job.

awwl….Rick & Vicki

Hangin with my baby

Some time ago, topless juggling 2 eggs at once…amazing even to this day

Posted in Bottle Shows, Collectors & Collections, Early American Glass, Facebook, Humor - Lighter Side | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

FOHBC Bottles and Extras in the mailbox Monday!

With record speed and great teamwork from the Bottles and Extras Editorial Team,(Martin Van Zant, Bill Baab, Alan DeMaison, Randy Selenak, Dave Maryo, Gene Bradberry & Ferdinand Meyer V) I am pleased to announce that we were able to assemble a great September | October 2012 issue that is being finished and bound at the printer this weekend. This was a challenge based on the Reno Expo date and an impending publishing deadline. We did not want the Reno Expo articles in the November | December issue. Here are a few teaser opening spreads to get you fired up!

The FOHBC membership is up dramatically of late with close to 100 new members signed up at Reno and since. PLEASE become a member of the FOHBC. We are stronger as a group.

Bottles and Extras

Vol. 23 No. 5 | September – October 2012 | No. 203

Features: The California Perfume Company – Part 1 Russell L. Mills 10 Feature: Reno Expo 2012 Ferdinand Meyer V 18 Recent Auction Results Norman Heckler & Co. 36 Reno: The FOHBC Banquet Ferdinand Meyer V 38 Reno: The Shootout Pam Selenak 42 Reno: The Expo Displays and Displayers Bob Ferraro 48 Henry’s Bottling Works in What Cheer, Iowa Bill Baab 57 Reno: By Rail or Bust Alan DeMaison 58

Vignettes: Shards of Wisdom 4 In Remembrance 6

Departments: FOHBC Business & News | FOHBC Officer Listing 2012-2014 2 President’s Message Classified Ads & Ad Rate Info 64 FOHBC Show-Biz, Show Calendar Listings 66 Membership Directory 70 Membership Application 72

Just a few of the great articles you will see in the next issue of Bottles and Extras!

Reno Expo Feature Article

The FOHBC Banquet Article

Displays and Displayers Article

Shootout Article

Reno by Rail or Bust Article

The California Perfume Company – Part 1

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